Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 615 Lease Focus

Chapter 615 Lease Focus
After having breakfast, Tian Cheng asked Chang Sheng to drive to the feed factory to pick up Tian Shun.

When meeting Tianshun, Tiancheng said: "Today we went to the county seat to find the director of the bureau. He called me last night and said that the feed factory under the grain bureau is going to be restructured. See if we are interested?"

"Restructuring? How to change the law?" Tianshun asked.

"It is said that it will be leased to us for operation. As for the method of lease, we will know after meeting Director Guan!" Tian Cheng responded.

"Didn't you say yesterday that Chief Yu is coming to our village?" Tianshun continued to ask.

"Director Yu originally came to our place to investigate the development of the rural economy. It may be that Director Guan discussed with him, so he canceled the inspection. This time, I will go to the county town and report to him about the economy of our village. Development status!" Tian Cheng replied.

"Are you ready?" Tianshun continued to ask.

"Then what are you going to do? In the past six months, I've said it no less than ten times, and I can recite it by heart. It's just that the numbers involved are added according to our average daily increase. Where is it?" Does it still need to be prepared all the time?" Tian Cheng replied confidently.

"It seems that there is no need to prepare for the report. The key is the matter of the feed factory! Director Guan is also an old acquaintance. He is now the head of the Grain Bureau. This time, he came to us probably to help their company complete the restructuring. We want Fight for the most basic interests!" Tianshun reminded.

"That's why I brought you here. As you know, Director Guan used to be in the Animal Husbandry Bureau. He helped me a lot at that time, and I also supported his work very much. Otherwise, our pig farm would not have developed. The current scale is exactly the benchmark he has set up here, so the leaders paid attention to him, promoted him, and let him go to the township for three years to train. After three years, he was promoted to the position of the mayor of the town. Last year, I was transferred to the Director of the Grain Bureau. I won’t talk about how familiar I am with Director Guan. The key is that the more familiar I am, the less convenient I am to talk about conditions. I also have what you just said. Whatever you think about, just do what you say, and the specifics are up to you!"

Tianshun stopped talking, and sat on the back seat of the car thinking about the possible problems that might arise in this meeting.

When the car turned into the compound of the County Grain Bureau, Tianshun didn't seem to have figured out any countermeasures. After all, this was the first time for such a thing, and it was still talking with an old friend of Tiancheng. It was really hard to imagine what might happen.

Tianshun followed Tian Cheng to the office building of the Grain Bureau.

In the past year, Tiancheng has frequently visited the Food Bureau due to business matters, so the office staff facing the stairs on the second floor are no strangers to Tiancheng. As soon as Tiancheng's car stopped in front of the office building, Xiao Lu, the sharp-eyed correspondent in the office, He stood on the stairs on the second floor and greeted him.

"Director Guan had something to do when he went out just now. Before he left, he told you to talk to Director Kang first!" Xiao Lu greeted.

Director Kang actually came to the Food Bureau as a deputy only a month ago. It is said that the organization department of the county party committee took care of him. He has worked as a deputy at the grassroots level in townships for more than ten years. Because of his full-time job, the year is the age to know the destiny, so the organization department of the county party committee promoted him from the position of deputy secretary of the township party committee to the deputy director of the county grain bureau.This Deputy Director Kang is no stranger to Tian Cheng. When he was the deputy secretary of the township party committee, he often brought those village cadres to Xiaowangzhuang Village for study and inspection. When they came to the County Grain Bureau to find Director Guan, Tian Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to set up a table of welcome wine for Deputy Director Kang. He did not expect that this wine would really deepen the relationship between each other. Every time he saw Tian Cheng, he would always have a chat with him , Director Kang's enthusiasm expressed his support for Xiaowangzhuang's work.

"You really deserve to be the top leader of Bianjia Village! As soon as the chief of the bureau left, you followed him! Doesn't this efficiency mean that the company can't do it?" Director Kang smiled when he saw Tian Cheng standing behind Xiaolu.

"Director Kang is really good at joking. Without your support, no matter how efficient I am, it would be impossible for me to be effective!"

Deputy Director Kang smiled and motioned for Tian Cheng to sit down, Xiao Lu poured two glasses of water and placed them in front of Tian Cheng and Tian Shun and retreated.

"Let's get straight to the point, and we don't need to go around the bush. Let me introduce the situation of our feed factory. Generally speaking, the feed factory is not a loss-making enterprise. However, if compared with previous years, the profitability has declined. There are many reasons. You also know that before When animal husbandry was good for a few years, the number of feed factories was small. Now that animal husbandry has stabilized, large and small feed factories have increased a lot, and their competitiveness is naturally high. When it comes to this, you may be more professional than me, and I am also The class is messed up! I won't go into details about the plot, you'll understand after reading this material!" After speaking, Deputy Director Kang handed Tian Cheng a printed material.

Tian Cheng took it over and glanced at the title "Report on the Operation of the County Feed Factory". Tian Cheng didn't pay attention, but scanned it at a glance, then handed the materials to Tianshun who was sitting next to him and said, "You should study it carefully. !"

Tianshun took the materials and looked at them carefully.

"Director Guan just invited me to come here yesterday. He said that our feed factory was leased and restructured. The specific details were not mentioned on the phone, how to lease it, and are there any preferential policies?" Tian Cheng turned his head and asked.

"Actually, in the final analysis, our restructuring this time is in response to the call of our superiors. As for the problems in the operation of state-owned enterprises, you can find them in the village materials you just read. The restructuring is to get rid of these ills and introduce fresh blood. Please come!"

"See what you said is too polite. Even if you don't invite me, I still want to come here to communicate with you. That will let me learn a lot!" Tian Cheng replied.

Deputy Director Kang was about to answer the conversation, when he saw Xiaolu standing at the door, he couldn't help asking in surprise, "Is Director Guan back?"

"Director Guan asked me to invite you to the small meeting room!" Xiaolu replied.

Deputy Director Kang turned to Tian Cheng and said: "Then let's go to the meeting room and listen to Director Guan's opinion!"

The three stood up and came to the small conference room on the third floor. Director Guan who was waiting there greeted him: "Secretary Wang, I have to explain that because of the bankruptcy of our food factory, the county leader asked me to report the situation. , I’ll be back in a hurry before the report is over, how is your talk going?”

"Just now I said part of what you meant, and I also showed the materials to Secretary Wang, but I haven't had time to talk about the specific issues about leasing operations!" Deputy Director Kang replied.

"This is the most important issue. We want you to operate the lease, so we have to accept the existing employees. Otherwise, we won't be able to accommodate these people!" Director Guan hit the nail on the head. It was not a day for him to deal with Tian Cheng in front of him. , and going around in circles with it is a waste of time.

"We still seek Tianshun's opinion on this issue. He is the soil expert in our village for the matter of the feed factory. Let him express his opinion!" Tian Cheng was a little confused when he heard this question, and he knew very well what Director Guan meant. Unable to refuse, he threw it to Tianshun as if going downstairs by a ladder.

"I've seen it just now. The situation of our feed factory really doesn't require so many people. If we rent and operate, so many people are also a burden. If we are burdened by it, we might as well think of a part of it. Otherwise, who will let the company It’s a hassle to run the business!” Tianshun’s words made Guan Shengli’s face a little uneasy, and the muscles on his face that had been smiling just now seemed to be frozen there.

"We have thought about this matter, why did you think of you first? The most important thing is that your industry is not only a feed factory, but you also have such a huge transportation team, you can divert and place some employees. We employees, excellent talents are not enough. At least, if it can be placed in the right position, it will definitely do a great job!" Deputy Director Kang quickly made a relief.

Tianshun still persisted and said: "We also understand, but our current position is a radish and a pit. If the radish comes and there is no pit, we will not be able to support it!"

Tianshun's words were at an impasse in the meeting room, Tiancheng took the opportunity to cough and said: "I understand what the two leaders mean, look at this, let's go back and study it, the human problem is solved first, and then we will enter the real leasing stage Otherwise, it will be difficult to continue like this!"

Hearing what Tian Cheng said, Guan Shengli immediately laughed and said: "Okay, things that were difficult to explain clearly on the phone are now difficult to put on the table, but what you said is fine, but don't delay too long. Otherwise, the county will be in a hurry, this time we didn’t invite people from the feed factory to meet, wait for you to discuss the issue of good people, next time we will invite the person in charge of the feed factory to meet with you, so as to avoid embarrassment!”

"Okay, we must find a way to solve people's problems as soon as possible when we go back, otherwise how can we call it sharing the government's worries!" As soon as Tian Cheng said the words, Sheng Shengli and Deputy Director Kang laughed.

Tiancheng and Tianshun came out from the Grain Bureau, it was still early, so they went to the Agriculture Bureau to find Yu Guangzhou.

Unlike Guan Shengli in Guangzhou, Guan Shengli relied on setting a benchmark to attract the attention of the county leaders, but in Guangzhou, there are other channels.

Relying on his own pen, Yu Guangzhou first went to the county people's congress office to help write materials, which was highly valued by the leaders. After writing materials there for less than a year, he was promoted to deputy director of the people's congress office. With his uncle's contacts in it, the deputy director of the office worked for less than three years, and was transferred to the county party committee office as the deputy director and director of the statistics bureau. Anyone with a discerning eye understands his adjustment. This part-time job is just a springboard. After working in the government office for less than two years, he was transferred to the director of the Agriculture Bureau. His journey in Guangzhou has been smooth sailing, thanks to his good social connections and the full-time undergraduate degree he held in his hand.

Tiancheng and Tianshun saw Yu Guangzhou, so they told Yu Guangzhou about the situation of the county town and Guan Shengli's talks in the future. Tian Cheng had only one purpose in talking, and hoped that he could communicate with Guan Shengli to see if he could make a deal of it. The problem of personnel should be adjusted and distributed within the food system to reduce the pressure on the lease.

(End of this chapter)

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