Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 621 Suffering Experience

Chapter 621 Suffering Experience
Although the conversation between Tian Cheng and Lao Mu was a bit harsh, it pointed out a relatively bright path for Mu Zhen's future, and Lao Mu thanked this little girl from the bottom of his heart.

When Lao Mu sent Tian Cheng to the door, Tian Cheng asked Lao Mu: "When you transfer away, let me know. Then I will invite everyone to have a meal together. Don't let everyone feel cold when you leave!"

Old Mu nodded: "Don't worry, the candidate has been decided, and the newcomer will be in place before I leave!"

After Tian Cheng left, Old Mu was in a bit of a lost mood. Just now when Tian Cheng mentioned Mu Zhen, Old Mu really felt a little ashamed. Now that Tian Cheng was gone, his thoughts returned to Mu Zhen and Mu Bao brothers.

Mu Bao’s results in the college entrance examination last year can be passed by Wei Peisheng. According to my own thinking, it is the same as Mu Zhen’s situation back then. I did not agree with Mu Bao’s re-study, but Mu Bao’s persistence still defeated his own thinking. Like Mu Zhen, because of her low education, she can only find a unit with a low income.

In two more months, it will be the annual college entrance examination. When Lao Mu thinks of the college entrance examination, he always feels a dull pain in his heart. After putting in so much energy, I always wanted to pin my unfulfilled long-cherished wish on Mu Zhen, but now I am completely hopeless.

Sitting alone in the office smoking a cigarette, the scene of Mu Zhen's job hunting three years ago flashed through his mind again.

It was a world like a steamer. Riding a bicycle on the road felt like being squeezed into cotton. Lao Mu went to the Ji City Public Security Bureau to find Daan, who was already the deputy section chief.

"Brother, in such a hot day, you must have something urgent to come to me?" Da'an asked when he saw Lao Mu whose vest was washed like water.

"I told you a few days ago that Mu Zhen was assigned after graduation this year. What happened to the unit I asked you to contact?" Seeing that there was no outsider in the office, Lao Mu asked in a low voice.

"I asked. It's just that it's a bit difficult to do with this degree. Those units that can be justified now want college students. If he graduates from college, it will be easier. You know, students with a technical secondary school degree are now There is very little space left in the big city. Except for the students in this city, it is very difficult for students from other places to stay. I found a classmate from the winery and asked him to help contact a company. Wait a minute, I will call now Ask on the phone!" Da'an picked up the phone on his desk and called.

Lao Mu was disappointed by what Daan said, but there was no other way. The acquaintances and relationships he could find in Jishi were the most reliable, and his old cousin was the most reliable. Do you know how Mu Zhen can stay and work in Jishi?

Old Mu listened intently to Da'an's phone call, and then said to Da'an: "It is because Mu Zhen graduated from technical secondary school that I beg you to find a job for him. If he graduated from a famous university, we don't need to find someone to do it." Staying in a big city, with this education, returning to the local area, I can’t bear face, I only have one sentence, even if I stay in the city to dig toilets, I can’t go back to work in our county!”

Da'an said with some embarrassment: "Brother, you are speaking too seriously. Gold will shine even if it is buried in ashes. It is difficult to find a job here, and it is not necessary to dig toilets. It may be better to return to our county to participate in the distribution than to stay here. !"

"I still say the same thing, I would rather dig toilets here than go back to the county no matter what kind of work I have!" Old Mu's attitude made Da'an feel a little helpless.

What happened later was much lower than what Lao Mu had casually stated. Mu Zhen entered a small business run by a village in the city of Jishi.

When Lao Mu heard about the company that Mu Zhen joined, he was very disappointed, but he had no choice but to smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

When Mu Zhen went to work in the small flour company that Daan helped find, her heart suddenly became freezing cold. In the small yard, except for a production workshop, there were two rows of dilapidated houses that seemed to be filled with vicissitudes. They arranged for Mu Zhen to live in a warehouse. On the second day after arriving, those temporary workers from all over the world stared at Mu Zhen as if they were watching a rare bird in a zoo, making Mu Zhen feel a chill on her back in the hot summer.

"Since it's here, it's safe." Mu Zhen, who had settled down, bought some necessary daily necessities on the first day. The city's classmates in the public security system persuaded him to stick to the words "there is no turning back when you shoot the bow".

Three months later, Mu Zhen found that there was no student here except him, a student who came out of a regular school. The farmers in the ditch will never find another person with such quality as you!"

When she didn't receive a penny of wages for three months, Mu Zhen asked a worker, and the worker said, "It's been eight months since I've been paid!" With the living expenses, I bought two boxes of gifts and went to the factory manager’s house. When the factory manager heard about Mu Zhen’s difficulties, the factory manager looked at the gift box brought by Mu Zhen and said, “You can temporarily borrow living expenses from the finance department. When you get paid, it will be deducted from your salary!" Mu Zhen returned to the dark dormitory with a top-heavy head and a weak foot.

Even though the classmate in the public security system came to work late, the night after receiving his first month's salary, he happily invited Mu Zhen to dinner and asked how much salary Mu Zhen received.Mu Zhen's answer made the classmate change his tone at the beginning: "Without salary, what do you eat? You can't ask your family for money after work. When will you be tall?"

Mu Zhen, who returned to work, was seriously ill. The illness was so strange that she couldn't eat. Mu Zhen went to the clinic to get medicine and took it, but it didn't work at all. Mu Zhen could only suffer silently. He knows his "difficulty" here, and he doesn't want his family to know the "difficulty" here, so he can only endure it helplessly. There is only one wish in his heart-life will gradually get better.In desperation, Mu Zhen stopped the medicine privately, intending to rely on her young body to fight against the strange disease entangled in her upper body. She never thought that after a few days, her body would gradually get better.

Mu Zhen began to think about the cause of the disease in her heart. It couldn't be that there was something wrong with the meal that her classmates ate that night, right?So I called and asked my classmates if they had any physical problems after eating?The classmate's answer denied his first guess.The problem lies with me, and I can't help but think of the big rats I saw in the room when I first came here, of the fluffy nocturnal creatures that climbed up my face in my sleep and let myself slap them away, and of the night to catch rats During sleepless nights, Mu Zhen concluded that her illness must have been caused by eating the food spoiled by rats. The more Mu Zhen thought about it, the more afraid she became, and her perseverance began to waver.

It’s okay not to pay wages on time, low wages can be tolerated, and colleagues’ strange eyes can be ignored, but this environment is the rhythm that makes me mentally collapse!Mu Zhen began to despair!

One night five months later, Mu Zhen couldn't sleep again, staring at the dim light in the room in a daze, thinking about the wind and rain she had experienced in these years, the journey of life she had traveled, and her hard work over the years was in vain. Years of studies are not as comfortable as a migrant worker. Is the struggle for so many years in exchange for such an environment that is worse than death?Mu Zhen's heart was really cold, like the howling north wind in this cold night, making him shiver...

Suddenly, there was a hasty knock on the door, causing Mu Zhen to jump off the bed...

(End of this chapter)

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