Chapter 624
The north wind outside the window seems to be much stronger than before, and I don't know which narrow place it blows, making a whimpering sound.

Mu Zhen murmured silently: "Let this cold wind come more violently, and blow away your worries with the wind!"

Mu Zhen knew that this kind of thinking could only be a fantasy, and the vicious words of Manager Bu, who looked kind and ruthless just now, came back to her ears, and Mu Zhen not only asked herself: "Can I stay here any longer? Is it still necessary to stay here? If I don’t stay here, where else can I go? Can I show my registration card from last time?”

In the five months since she came here, Mu Zhen has never been so desperate. This incident finally completely shattered her dream of staying in this city.

I have been studying and progressing for many years, is it just to go from one village to another, not to mention that I have no relatives here, when I am in a whole world, all I encounter are the cold eyes of those ignorant onlookers!
Really had enough here and couldn't stay another day.

Mu Zhen was thinking about her past, and a voice rang in her ears again: "If you fail the exam, you will die or I will die!"

When I was admitted to high school and technical secondary school, although there was a huge gap in my heart, my father did not agree with my determination to repeat the study, just like what my mother said to me: "Your father didn't know that there was something wrong in the year you took the exam. How many times did you suffer from insomnia, often because you were worried that you would not pass the exam, and sat in the middle of the night, you passed the exam anyway, let your father have a heart attack, no matter what school it is, you can jump out of our eight-tenths of an acre of land, and let your father Take it easy too!"

At the end of the summer vacation of the first year after entering school, my father was sad because of the technical secondary school he was studying. On the night before returning to school, he even said "I won't come back if I can".It is precisely this sentence that made me come to work in this small factory that I don't even know what kind of factory it is in the first month after graduation. Now how can it make him sleepless day and night?
At this time, Mu Zhen really couldn't find a more suitable solution, and suddenly a terrible thought flashed through her. Yigulu jumped off the bed, and in the dark, she took out the plastic thread that was used to hang the quilt outside to dry. Pulling the rope, it was still strong. Mu Zhen opened the door, and the violent north wind rushed towards her face, causing Mu Zhen's head to constrict suddenly, as if awakened from sleep: "Mu Zhen, you Is that a coward?"

Mu Zhen threw the rope on the ground, jumped onto the bed, hugged the pillow and slammed her head wildly: "Is this the purpose of reading to commit suicide like this? Isn't there a better solution?" After falling, Mu Zhen became quiet again.

At some point, Mu Zhen had already cried her tears dry. No matter what kind of predicament she encountered, she never shed tears, and it is the same now. Even after suffering such a great humiliation just now, Mu Zhen's eyes did not feel moist at all!Mu Zhen understands that crying is the most incompetent expression for a man, but death is a manifestation of a man's weakness.

Live strong!My mother said to herself more than once that "it is better to die than to live". A person's life is to go through this world, and this journey is not just to spend in the comfort zone, but to solve all kinds of problems Yes, my mother's words are a summary of her life experience, but for me, after reading books for so many years, don't I understand this simple truth?In this world, people live not only the body, but more importantly, the soul. I can’t just go to God like this. Wouldn’t I be a laughing stock in front of God?

Mu Zhen searched for her traces again. In the year when she entered Gucheng No. [-] Middle School from elementary school, she walked through the depression. When she escaped from Binhu Middle School, she was reminded by the twinkling stars. Can't find a way out of the predicament?
Over the years, Mu Zhen, who has long been used to thinking and dealing with problems by herself, calmed down once again: "36 plans, it's best to take action. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I will go to the planning committee to find the tall and thin deputy director and ask for my registration card. Go back to Gucheng County to report, no matter what abyss is ahead, it will never be worse than here!"

 When a student reaches such a desperate situation, he really feels that life is worse than death, but Mu Zhen stepped out, and he finally defeated himself again!

(End of this chapter)

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