Chapter 65
On the second day of the conversation with the bearded Zhang, Mu Zhen did not go to Binhu Middle School again.

Mu Zhen, who had eaten breakfast, felt that she should communicate with Lao Mu about studying in this township, so she said to Lao Mu in a negotiating tone: "Big, I'm going to study in our town's middle school next year. Not as good as before!"

"I've seen it too, but I haven't made up my mind yet. If you want to go, I'll contact you to see if I can take the exam there." After Lao Mu finished speaking, he began to think that he should find the director of the school, Zhang Changkui, because In the same township, and I have been in the school for so many years, and I know a lot of people, so it is much more convenient to transfer schools.

"There is no need to contact me. Director Liu of the school has already contacted me, and I will go there to take the upgrade exam tomorrow." Mu Zhen said it very easily and naturally, and Lao Mu didn't look at all strange.

However, Lao Mu was very surprised when he heard the news. Could it be that the dean of the school also felt that his school was not good? Everyone knows the truth that water flows downhill when people walk up and down, and he agrees with his son's idea of ​​choosing a school, so he doesn't have too much suspicion.

Lao Mu went to school, and Mu Zhen went to Qingcheng Middle School by bicycle alone to see the examination room, and at the same time familiarize herself with the environment. She will have an exam there tomorrow, and she has to study and live in the new environment. Taste, is it because he is attached to Binhu Middle School or feels that leaving is the best choice. In less than two years in Binhu Middle School, his excellent performance has been recognized by teachers and students, but the last misunderstanding, It made him fall into a dilemma. From the bottom of his heart, he thanked the teachers and classmates who helped him, and he did not resent those who framed him. Without these people's frame, he would not know so many things, nor Knowing how to understand so many people, it was the existence of these people that made me understand a lot of truths when I left that night, and at the same time cultivated my courage.

From Xiaowangzhuang to Qingcheng Middle School, it was about [-] miles away. Although Mu Zhen had just learned to ride a bicycle, she was quite proficient in riding a bicycle. In less than half an hour, he had already seen the school building of Qingcheng Middle School in the field. This is not the first time he came to this middle school. The last time he came to this middle school was three years ago when he was promoted from elementary school to junior high school. He followed his father to this middle school. Come, just visited this middle school, did not take the exam, he went around the school a few times, and now re-entered the campus, three years, there is no major change in the campus, still There are several rows of classrooms, several rows of student dormitories, several rows of faculty dormitories, and a row of canteens.The school is so simple that it doesn't even have a courtyard wall, and only ditches have been dug around to separate it from the surrounding rice fields.

Turn right about 100 meters away from the school gate, and there is a Qingshui River. The Qingshui River is more than [-] meters wide. Standing on the embankment, looking at the dense pagoda trees on the slope of the river embankment, and faintly smelling the faint fragrance of pagoda trees, now that he has returned to this campus, he naturally cannot forget to go to the embankment to take another look at the dense pagoda trees. flower tree.

Mu Zhen pushed the bicycle out of the school gate and onto the river embankment. The pagoda tree grew a lot taller and denser than before. He immediately forgot about his tomorrow's exam and was overwhelmed by the large pagoda tree in front of him. Attracted, he looked for a downhill road along the embankment, trying to push the cart down to the second beach of the river, to feel the rolling waves of the river again.

Mu Zhen, who was pushing the cart to search, finally found a path trampled on. The path was trampled under the pagoda trees, and the branches of pagoda trees on both sides were also neatly folded. Mu Zhen did not hesitate. Pushing the cart down along the path, I don't know whether it was a person pushing the cart or a cart pulling people. He went down to the second bank of the river bank without any effort. There were no trees below the river bank, just shiny green grass. Mu Zhen pushed the bicycle casually, and the bicycle fell into the green grass. She also jumped forward and lay down in the grass nest. It was soft, like a thick cotton cushion, and the unique grass fragrance was refreshing. At this time, Mu Zhen has completely forgotten the unhappiness of Binhu Middle School, and is enjoying the enjoyment brought by the green grass on the river embankment.

Suddenly, a melodious flute sound came from far and near. Mu Zhen leaned her face against the grass blades and tilted her head to look at the sound of the flute. A figure jumped into her eyes and was driving a group of sheep to his direction. When he came, he was holding a flute in his hand and sticking it to his mouth, and he was blowing vigorously.Mu Zhen stood up, as if seeing a painting, the person playing the flute was not a dynamic person, but a static person in the painting, clear river, green grass, flocks, shepherd's flute, and a flute playing The young man admiring the sound of the flute looked at the shepherd quietly from a distance, and Mu Zhen looked at the river again. The sun reflected in the breeze, sparkling, and it was even more beautiful.

The sheep had already come to Mu Zhen, and the shepherd got closer. He could see the face of Mu Zhen clearly. It was slightly dark, but very handsome. Seeing Mu Zhen, the shepherd was a little dazed. It was not easy to meet a young man here and now, so he took the flute away from his lips and smiled friendlyly at Mu Zhen.Mu Zhen also responded with a friendly smile. The two strangers did not shake hands, but they used smiles to convey their friendship and recognition to each other.

"How long have you been playing the flute?" Mu Zhen asked the shepherd a few steps closer.

"Just started to practice! Will you do it too?" Shepherd asked Mu Zhen in a friendly manner while answering.

Mu Zhen shook her head, then asked, "Who did you learn from?"

"My uncle, he is the one who plays the sound, and the song he plays is so beautiful!" the shepherd said proudly.

"Aren't you going to school?" Mu Zhen felt that at his age, he should be in school.

"It's late, my father is sick, and my mother can't do the farm work alone. I will help my mother with the farm work after school." When he said this, the shepherd looked at Mu Zhen and "giggled".

Mu Zhen also laughed, not knowing what to respond to.

"Why are you asking this? In fact, when I was in school, I was always No.1 in my studies. When I left school, the teacher came to my house to persuade my mother to let me go back to school!" Shepherd continued.

"Then why don't you want to go to school?" Mu Zhen was puzzled. It would be a pity for such an excellent student to leave school.

"I think so too, but it's not allowed at home. In addition to herding sheep, I also practice musical instruments with my second uncle at home. My second uncle told me, 360 lines, you can be the best in everything, as long as you work hard, you will be successful!" The shepherd often mentioned When I arrived at my second uncle, I was very excited.

"My name is Mu Zhen, Mu Guiying's Mu, precious Zhen, how about you?" Mu Zhen felt that the person standing in front of her who was almost the same age as her must have had the same extraordinary experience, so she got closer and introduced herself stand up.

"My name is Hu Guoqing, Gu Yuehu. I was born on National Day, so I named it National Day!" Hu Guoqing talked about his birthday with great spirit.

"I'm a pig. I'm 15 years old. How old are you?" Mu Zhen said and stretched out five fingers.

"I'm 14 years old, you're my elder brother! My brother is the only one in my family, and I have two younger sisters, both of whom are still young. One is in elementary school, and the other hasn't gone to school yet!" Hu Guoqing said as he wiped the flute.

Mu Zhen noticed Hu Guoqing's movements, and wanted to borrow his flute to try playing, but she was too embarrassed to open her mouth, looking at his hands, not knowing what to say.

Hu Guoqing also noticed Mu Zhen's eyes staring at the flute in his hand, and said proactively, "Are you interested in this?"

Mu Zhen nodded.

"I can teach you, and you can teach me the knowledge in the textbook in turn, isn't it good?" Hu Guoqing mentioned the knowledge in the textbook with a flash of hope in his eyes.

"Okay!" Mu Zhen nodded happily. He stepped forward, took the flute from Hu Guoqing, and tried to play it a few times, but there was almost no sound.Hu Guoqing looked at Mu Zhen's blushing, and laughed again.

"Are you studying in this school?" Hu Guoqing pointed in the direction of the school.

"Yes, I will be in this school after school starts, can we meet often?" Mu Zhen asked.

"Of course, as long as you want, I can come to see you anytime!" Hu Guoqing said happily.

Speaking of which, the two, like old friends who have not reunited for a long time, each stretched out their little fingers, pulled the hook together, and said to each other: "If you hang yourself by pulling the hook, it will remain unchanged for 100 years!"

At this time, Mu Zhen really put all his troubles out of the blue. He had already regarded the shepherd boy in front of him as a new heart-to-heart friend, and Hu Guoqing was the same. He forgot the days when he had left school, as if he met him again The new classmates are equally kind, and they instantly form an inseparable friendship with each other.

When they broke up, the two agreed that as long as they wanted to meet, they would be on this embankment or at this place.Mu Zhen didn't expect that before she entered this school, she would have such a close friend who is not a classmate but a classmate.

(End of this chapter)

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