Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 664 The Perfect Deception

Chapter 664 The Perfect Deception
Seeing Hu Guoqing smiling happily, Mu Zhen laughed awkwardly.

Hu Guoqing stopped laughing and said, "Just like you, I am also a bachelor, but it is because I am a bachelor that I discuss this issue with you."

Mu Zhen immediately asked, "You mean you are going to get married?"

"Marry, with whom?" Hu Guoqing asked.

"Marrying your girlfriend, you know this in your heart better than me, how can you ask me?" Mu Zhen deliberately showed a look of surprise.

"Do you still remember the Hu Yufen I mentioned to you?" Hu Guoqing asked.

"Hu Yufen!" Mu Zhen repeated the name, and said slowly, "Hu Yufen, do you still have contact with her?"

"Of course, if there is no contact, nothing will happen. It is because of the contact that there are stories one after another!" Hu Guoqing said.

"Story? She seems to be several years older than you, so it shouldn't be a problem to be your sister!" Mu Zhen continued.

"I told you that she went to work in the south. During the summer vacation of my freshman year, I was invited by her to visit her in the south. At that time, as you said, I went to see her as a big sister. She was in My unit is already a department supervisor, and I got off the train and found that the southern city scenery is indeed charming, but behind the charming scenery, I fell into a trap unknowingly!" Hu Guoqing's eloquent words made Mu Zhen listen It seems to be wrapped in some mystery.

"Scam?" Mu Zhen inserted two words.

"I walked out of the train station and found a public phone booth on the side of the road to call her. A man answered the phone. I told him to call Hu Yufen and asked Hu Yufen to answer the phone. The man on the phone said that Hu Yufen was busy. , I can tell you something, I stopped for a while, and asked him how to take the bus from the train station to their work unit, the man on the phone told me the route and stop, and I hung up the phone!" Hu Guoqing said here, He motioned for Mu Zhen to pick up the wine glass and drink some wine, and put some vegetables in his mouth to chew.

"What did she lie to you?" Mu Zhen asked suspiciously.

"She didn't lie to me. The important thing is that as soon as the phone was hung up, a young man came and asked me if I was looking for sister Hu Yufen. I was taken aback by this question. How did this young man know the purpose of my visit? The man claimed Sister Hu sent him to pick me up!" Hu Guoqing said and looked at Mu Zhen.

"It seems that you, sister Hu, are really thoughtful!" Mu Zhen boasted.

"It's good to be thoughtful. I thought the same as you at the time, so I believed the young man's words, and followed him into a car parked on the side of the road. I didn't even think about where he was here to pick me up. I just took me away. I was dragged into a residential building and locked up. At this time, I realized that I had been deceived. It was obviously too late. There were also a few young people who were deceived. When they saw me coming in, they all looked at me strangely. The money bag was taken away by those young people, let alone that I was really calm at the time, thinking that if I don’t enter the tiger’s den, I will catch a tiger’s cub!”

"You are quite optimistic, think about how to get out!" Mu Zhen reminded. .

"If you go out and appoint, you can get out. The key is what is the purpose of their deceiving me? The subsequent brainwashing class made me understand that I was tricked into a pyramid scheme. Fortunately, after they gave me the brainwashing class, They asked me to call home, and I pretended that there was no one at home, only one sister was here, so they asked me to call Hu Yufen, and I called, saying that something happened to me, and asked her to send the money to me I really can’t remember the exact address now!” Hu Guoqing’s words made Mu Zhen not only suspicious.

"Aren't you trying to harm her?" Mu Zhen asked anxiously.

"You don't understand this. Not only did my words not deceive Hu Yufen, but it made her immediately think that something happened to me, so she calmly told me on the phone and asked me to wait patiently!" Hu Guoqing replied.

"What happened afterward was as simple as one sentence. She brought the police here, not only wiped out the den of thieves, but also successfully rescued those who were deceived!" Hu Guoqing finished speaking and looked directly at Mu Zhen.

"People say that a hero saves the beauty, here you come to a beauty who saves the hero!" Mu Zhen laughed.

"The most important thing is not that she saved me, more important things are coming later!" Hu Guoqing said this, and took another sip from his wine glass.

(End of this chapter)

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