Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 699 Why Check Out

Chapter 699 Why Check Out

When Tian Cheng returned to the construction site, he found that the workers were all on their positions and busy with the work in hand, as if by magic, Tian Cheng didn't understand what kind of rules the construction company used so that those workers who lived scattered could work together Gathered here in such a short time.Those workers saw the ancient times when they came back, as if nothing happened at all, everyone was busy with the work at hand, and everything was so peaceful.

Tian Cheng did not follow Gu Gu to the construction site, but got into Old Li's janitor's room.

"Old Uncle Li, what wind brought the workers here today?" Tian Cheng asked with a smile.

"I don't know, how long after you left, everyone came one after another. At that time, I happily thought that my nephew would have nothing to do. You see, the workers are going to work, and you will arrive soon! I think My nephew is an honest person, how could he do anything wrong?" Old Li said so much in one breath.

"You're right. Brother Gu was just going to be a witness for others, so as to help people get rid of his guilt. He didn't have anything wrong with him. It was just a misunderstanding. Our workers may also know in their hearts how brother Gu is. How could the law wrongly wrong a good person like that!" Tian Cheng replied.

"It's good to be back. Wouldn't it be better to have nothing to do? During the days I've been working here, I haven't heard anyone say 'no' in ancient times!" Old Li said with a smile.

Just as Tian Cheng was chatting and laughing with Old Li, Tian Cheng's cell phone rang with melodious music.Tian Cheng hurriedly opened it to see that the call was from Tianshun. To Tian Cheng, Tianshun called him the most. Whether it was work or life matters, Tianshun would always discuss with Tian Cheng, as if he would not report to Tian Cheng. It's like I don't have the confidence to do it.

"Say, what's the matter?" Tian Cheng asked.

"There is a problem with the building here, you must come back, this is not a trivial matter!" Tianshun's urgent voice came from the phone.

"There's a problem with the building. I'm on the building site right now, how could there be a problem?" Tian Cheng inevitably had doubts in his heart.

"Hey! You are needed to solve this problem precisely because you are at the scene, otherwise I really don't know how to explain it?" Tian Shun's words made Tian Cheng puzzled even more.

"You can briefly talk about the situation on the phone now!" Tian Cheng comforted.

"Briefly, it's because of the problem of the building, and now several house buyers from the neighboring villages have come to ask me to check out!"

"Check out? Is there anyone from our village who checked out?" Tian Cheng's head buzzed a little.

"Not for the time being, it's just a few neighboring villages. At that time, they were not determined to buy a house!" Tian Cheng did not agree with Tian Shun's explanation. After all, this house is not for making money, and the low price is still very tempting. of.

Up to now, the building is the most expensive time. If someone checks out now, it will be like pulling out the bottom line, and there will be problems with the capital chain of the building. This is not a joke for me. After so many years, although the feed The factory, the pig breeding farm, and the transportation team have all made a lot of money, but they are all distributed to the villagers in the form of dividends, and the proportion of development funds left over every year is getting smaller and smaller.If it really caused everyone to check out, it would really be no small matter!

Thinking of this, Tian Cheng walked to his car while talking on the phone, got into the car quietly, turned around and drove towards the village in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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