Chapter 70
Since Mu Zhen went to Tiancheng's breeding pig farm, every day, besides Lao Zhao's busy work teaching Lao Zhao to read, as long as there are no outsiders, she will read "Feng Shen Yan Yi" which he borrowed from Ma Sanye in the pigpen, When I read the happy part, I would run to Lao Zhao, who was busy, and tell a wonderful clip to Lao Zhao.As a result, Mu Zhen won the favor of Lao Zhao here.For Lao Zhao, it is very happy to be able to learn to read and write with this scholar in front of him. Lao Zhao has been accepted by Xiao Wangzhuang for so many years, and no one has chatted with him so happily. After her daughter, Ju Hua, got married to Xiajia Village, twenty miles away, she never met anyone with whom he had such close communication. Mu Zhen just made up for this shortcoming, which made Lao Zhao very happy.

In the past few days, Lao Mu has not been idle for a moment, he has become the financial accountant of Tiancheng Pig Farm, counting from the income and expenditure after the Spring Festival, every income and expenditure has been cleaned up.In fact, Tian Cheng had already calculated these accounts, but he was afraid that others would not believe him, so he invited Lao Mu, the most convincing notary in the village, to witness the operating income of the pig farm.

"Up to now, we have summed up all the accounts, and the income and expenditure have been evened out. You have earned a total of 15823.5 yuan in the past six months. In addition to the funds you have reserved for the next step, there is still 10823.5 yuan left to participate in dividends. I don't know how you want to share it with everyone?" Lao Mu also felt that Tian Cheng's income was inseparable from his early rise and late return and careful planning. Although the whole village actively took some money to help, the most important thing was Tian Cheng's. His hard work and the initial batch of money he invested played a decisive role. In Lao Mu's opinion, Tian Cheng's ability to share a very small part of it with the whole village already showed Tian Cheng's sincerity and made everyone appreciate his kindness. The pig farm is full of confidence.

"Look at this. I want to give everyone a reassurance this time. If it were you, what should I do to satisfy everyone?" Tian Cheng felt that Lao Mu should have more ideas than himself. It can make you more steadfast in your heart.

Seeing that Tian Cheng kicked the ball to him, Lao Mu seemed a bit embarrassed, smiled, pondered for a while, and then said: "I only talk about my personal thoughts, I cannot represent the whole village, it is just for your reference."

Tian Cheng waved his hand: "Don't be so formal, you just talk about your thoughts, let's discuss this matter first, how to use the best way to make the whole village trust me as a pig breeding farm, as long as we can If we do this, we will have more confidence to do this well in the next step.”

"I don't think it's better than this. At the beginning of the year, you invested a total of 12000 yuan in shares. Although your income has exceeded this amount this time, if you look at the proportion of funds for the development of this pig farm, you have invested more, so you take out the dividend amount. I believe that everyone can trust you and have full confidence in your career!" The thoughts expressed by Lao Mu have far exceeded his own expectations. Based on his own expectations, Tian Cheng only needs to Taking out no more than 3000 yuan and distributing it to everyone in proportion is enough to make everyone feel very satisfied. Since Tian Cheng mentioned the words of trusting the whole village just now, Lao Mu feels that it is less than half a year now, so naturally he will calculate everyone according to the time Dividends, in this case, by the end of the year, there is no problem for everyone’s investment to return the capital. After the funds are returned, everyone will have no worries. Now everyone can see half of the capital recovered, which is already quite content.

"It seems that I am a bit stingy, how about this, this time I will give the whole village people enough encouragement, and I will make everyone feel at ease when I do things in the future. I will reserve less funds, as long as I can turn around, I will Take out 12000 yuan, and distribute dividends to everyone at a ratio of 1:1. How much you invested at the time, you will get as much now. This solves everyone's worries, and everyone will give more support to whatever you do in the future!" Tian Cheng A little excited, because he feels that no matter what he does, no matter what he accomplishes, he cannot do without the support of the people around him. He will never forget that when he sells pork, the whole village comes to cheer him on. , not to mention not paying a penny, and they have to go home for dinner, and come to the pigsty on time the next day to help out. He can't forget the enthusiasm and expectant eyes of everyone when they bought shares. I have a better understanding of the national policy, and I have taken a bigger step than everyone else. If I leave the support of the whole village, how can my career be so smooth?
"In this way, don't you think you are at a disadvantage?" Tian Cheng's proposal has far exceeded Lao Mu's thoughts. Tian Cheng's actions made Lao Mu feel that Tian Cheng is someone who wants to do great things, is also a person who dares to do great things, and is even more capable of doing them. People who achieve great things, those who achieve great things must be courageous, selfless and selfless. Doesn't Tiancheng's approach reflect a kind of generosity, a kind of selfless and selfless spirit?
"What's wrong with me? Apart from these, haven't I already made money? I still have more than 3000 yuan from the whole village, and I still have the most. If there is no support from everyone, where will my money be?" ?" Tian Cheng looked at Lao Mu in surprise and said.

"Then do as you want, hold a small meeting for everyone, and announce it to everyone, and I will prove it." Lao Mu said a little excitedly, he can get 300 yuan from the share, and the shares he invested in at that time The money is refunded, and the corresponding dividends can be obtained in the future. Lao Mu is happy and happy for the whole village.

"A meeting is necessary. This meeting has to be handed over to our village secretary. It's more appropriate for him to explain to the villagers!" Tian Cheng said confidently.

Old Mu nodded: "It's no wonder that he is a person who does great things, and he is thoughtful when thinking about things!"

Tian Cheng couldn't stand it any longer, and said with a smile: "Look what the old classmate said, you know my little bit of ink the best!"

After Lao Mu left, Tiancheng went to Mu Xiangshu's house. Secretary Mu saw that Tiancheng came looking for him, and immediately thought that there must be something wrong, otherwise since Tiancheng's pig breeding farm opened, there would be nothing but that he would not be able to see this person in the village Busy people.

"Tell me, you must have something important to do here!" Mu Xiangshu saw Tian Cheng who entered the door, and said bluntly.

"Our concern has never been hidden from your discerning eye!" Tian Cheng interfaced to send a top hat to Mu Xiangshu, making Mu Xiangshu sound very useful.

Tian Cheng walked into the room, reported his business situation in the past few months in detail, and then asked for opinions and added: "Do you have any comments?"

"This is a good thing. If I have any opinion, I will do as you say!" Of course, Mu Xiangshu agreed with Tian Cheng's opinion. With the villagers' input, there was the village's guarantee at that time. If Tian Cheng did this, he would It means that the guarantee in the village has become a display, which is definitely a great thing for him as a secretary. Although Tian Cheng in front of him is much younger than himself, he is actually a person who can pretend to be big in his heart. He once sweated for Tian Cheng's pigsty, but he didn't expect that Tian Cheng didn't take this seriously, and instead wanted to honor everyone's dividends.He suddenly felt a kind of pressure welling up, the young man in front of him must be the one to succeed him in the future.

This time the meeting was not held at night. Mu Xiangshu felt that it was beneficial to everyone. Besides, everyone had just finished their work in the field and was resting. The meeting was held on the drying yard after breakfast.

The whole village came early, and two or three people guessed the content of the meeting together.

"What's the new policy of the country? I haven't heard anything good on the news!" A woman's voice shrilled.It was Ma Laosi's daughter-in-law, Yue'e, who was talking. Ma Laosi was not at home today. If Ma Laosi was at home, she would just sit at home and bask in the sun, and she would not come to the village meeting. A few years ago, because he talked quickly at the meeting Talkative, let Ma Laosi give him a severe criticism in public, and he no longer wants to make that ugly in public.

"The country doesn't have one, so what good policy does the place have?" A person with a loud voice took over and said.

"It's just that the country doesn't have it, but our locality has it. As long as it's a good policy, who among us doesn't support it?" As soon as the words fell, everyone booed: "Yes, yes."

Tian Cheng, who was standing under the tree, looked at everyone's happy faces, and thought in his heart that although what he brought to everyone today was not a good policy, it was still a good thing, and everyone would be very happy.

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and when they saw Mu Xiangshu coming from the village, everyone's eyes were focused. Mu Xiangshu felt that the protagonist of today's meeting was not Mu Xiangshu, but Wang Tiancheng, and he was the one to talk about it. That is the best way to explain the problem clearly.

When Mu Xiangshu stood in the crowd and everyone focused on him, Mu Xiangshu only said two sentences: "I will say two sentences, the first sentence is today is a happy day for everyone, and the second sentence follows The content will be told by Wang Tiancheng."

Everyone was a little surprised. Why did the village party secretary, who always liked to talk at the meeting, give up to the village accountant so briefly today?
When Wang Tiancheng heard that Mu Xiangshu asked him to speak, he also felt very sudden. He knew that it would be impossible not to speak at this time, so he stood up: "I won't say much, just a few words, one is to invite everyone to announce today. The first thing is the issue of the half-year dividend of our pig breeding farm, and the second is that after the meeting is over, please go to the village committee to receive the dividend.”

Tian Cheng paused: "I've finished speaking!"

Everyone was silent at first, but suddenly someone in the crowd took the lead in applauding, and the applause quickly spread among the crowd. Mu Xiangshu waved his hands: "Everyone be quiet, this is all for today's meeting, after the meeting is over, don't forget to go The village committee is fine." Everyone felt superfluous about Mu Xiangshu's words, but it also reminded everyone that a good thing happened in Xiaowangzhuang.

Everyone left with smiles on their faces. Mu Xiangshu looked at the backs of everyone leaving, nodded thoughtfully, and walked quietly towards the village.

Tian Cheng never used everyone's funds indiscriminately, and he always wanted to give the villagers an explanation as soon as possible.Since the fire in the pigsty, these days I have been thinking about how to stabilize the hearts of the villagers. This villager has a solid reassurance.

(End of this chapter)

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