Chapter 818
The afternoon board meeting was very successful, and Mu Zhen was successfully elected as the chairman of Dazhi Group. The news spread to Xiaowangzhuang Village like a gust of wind, and became the hottest topic on the dining table of Dazhi Group employees and Xiaowangzhuang Villagers.

Those who are worried think that Mu Zhen is too young, Tian Cheng has not managed the group well for so many years, can Mu Zhen manage it well now?What's more, what's more, it's a hot potato?
Some are worried, thinking that when Mu Zhen is the leader of the group, it will affect his income.

It's more about trust and hope. Mu Zhen's dedication to the group over the past few years is obvious to all. These people know that without Mu Zhen's painstaking efforts, perhaps the Dazhi Group would have been difficult to maintain when the price of pigs fell a year ago. , It was Mu Zhen who guided the research, overcame difficulties, took over the provincial urban greening project, and won funds and time to solve problems for the development of the group.

Mu Zhen has no time to care about other people's interpretations. He must first solve the biggest problem he faces - the problem of personnel.

In just a few years since the establishment of Dazhi Group, the swollen administrative staff has formed a bad atmosphere of leisure and laziness, which has formed a serious obstacle to the healthy development of the group. Mu Zhen also knows that most of these people are behind the scenes. There are dense interpersonal relationships, and it may affect the whole body if it is affected.

Previously, I thought about separating these personnel to several subordinate companies, but then I thought that if they were distributed to various companies, the bad atmosphere brought by these people would affect a group of people in the subordinate companies, and it would be even worse at that time. In the end, Mu Zhen must solve this problem first.

On her first day in office, Mu Zhen called Li Xianling, Minister of Human Resources, and asked him to come to her office.

This Li Xianling still has a certain background. It is said that his uncle is a leader in the county. When he was assigned to the group at the beginning of the year, he was just an ordinary employee in the feed factory. But within two months, the leader invited Tiancheng Drinking, said that Li Xianling had done human resources work in another company, and was a bit of a talent in the feed factory. Tian Cheng followed suit, so he was transferred to the group as the deputy director of the human resources department. After less than a year, the human resources minister Wang passed the examination as a civil servant, and this Li Xianling was successfully promoted to the Minister of Human Resources.

Originally, this was a seat for someone to know and recommend, but this Li Xianling took such an important seat only by relying on his relationship, which made many people below feel a little chilled. It would be understandable if this Li Xianling was competent, but this With this position, Minister Li has become a platform for him to build his own gang in the group.

The employee evaluation system formulated by Li Xianling allows employees to evaluate each other, and then he organizes people to summarize the results of the mutual evaluation, and the summarized results are used as the basis for paying performance wages.

This kind of system will soon be understood by people with discerning eyes.Those employees who saw the way of doing things turned their heads. They took the gift box to sit at Li Xianling's house before the review, and the performance of this period will naturally become excellent. Those who are unknown and hardworking can only stand aside. Mu Zhen once raised this point Li Xianling also said eloquently, "We are not creating this kind of assessment system, and everyone is using it, which shows that it is scientific and reasonable." Mu Zhen knew that it was boring, so she could only let it go. Evaluation, let him go to toss.

Now that I have to face such a eloquent minister who does not kill others for himself, what will be the result if I ask him again?

Mu Zhen, who was in deep thought, heard a knock on the door and immediately called out "Come in!"

"Chairman, are you looking for me?" Li Xianling who came in seemed to be a different person, and greeted Mu Zhen very politely.

"Sit down!" Mu Zhen waved her hand, motioning for Li Xianling to sit down.

After Li Xianling sat down, Mu Zhen asked straight to the point: "Our group frequently enters and exits, how many people are still on duty now?"

"This, this, I really can't tell, I'll ask them to count the number for you later!" Li Xianling was a little puzzled, why the general manager who had been working for several years asked herself the number of employees on the first day.

"Then how many people got excellent performance this time?" Mu Zhen continued to ask.

"About 57 people!" Li Xianling frowned and said.

"57, according to what percentage are they identified?"

"Ten percent!"

"With this percentage, is the number of our employees still unclear?"

"Clear, clear!" Li Xianling replied.

"It should be 570 people!"

"Go back and make it more specific. I want an actual number!" Mu Zhen said very seriously.

Li Xianling agreed, then stood up, took two steps backwards, turned and went out the door.

Mu Zhen looked at Li Xianling's closed door, and immediately felt extremely unhappy in her heart, but the unhappiness disappeared in an instant. It's not the time to deal with people at this time, so let's find out the situation of the personnel first.

Mu Zhen thought in her mind that the Human Resources Department was established back then to recruit talents for the group. She never thought that in the past few years, except for Xiao Wang who recruited a few college students and master students, and this Minister Li, there will be no more What remarkable talent has been recruited, even though Mu Zhen knows the small twists and turns inside, it is inconvenient to expose it. Now that the burden is on her own shoulders, there is no reason to let this kind of person who destroys the interests of the collective for personal gain occupy the latrine. Shit stuff exists!

The knock on the door interrupted Mu Zhen's further thinking. Mu Zhen thought Li Xianling, but she didn't expect that it was her old friend Hu Guoqing who hadn't seen him for several years who opened the door.

"Ouch! What a rare visitor!" Mu Zhen greeted excitedly.

"I heard that you became the chairman of the board today, how can my old friend from the past not come to congratulate me?" Hu Guoqing replied.

"Aren't you in the south? When did you come back?"

"This time you really came back. I reported to our county hospital today, and I came back to work. I met Xiaojuan in the hospital just now, and I didn't know that you were promoted today, so I came to congratulate you!"

"Hey! No matter how happy you are, no matter how happy you are, it's better to be happy to see you!" Mu Zhen held Hu Guoqing's hand tightly and said.

"Tell me what is your plan when you come back?" Mu Zhen felt very surprised. During the years when she came back, she had made several phone calls, but it was difficult to see each other. Now that she suddenly appeared in front of her, her little heart was so excited that she wanted to jump out. .

"When I come back, I go to work. At the same time, I discussed with my wife to set up a logistics company in the county. She does online shopping logistics. I'd better go back to work in my county hospital, or stay at home!" Hu Guoqing replied.

"I have a sense of belonging when I go home, and I can see old friends when I go home!" Mu Zhen said.

Hu Guoqing and Mu Zhen were talking when Li Xianling walked in with a piece of paper and handed it to Mu Zhen.

Mu Zhen glanced at it, and it actually said "the group has a total of 457 employees". Mu Zhen was shocked, but said calmly, "I see, let's put it here first!"

At this time, Li Xianling looked like a child who had made a mistake, his face froze a little, and he finally recovered his composure and replied, "That's good!" After speaking, he turned and fled.

Hu Guoqing knew that Mu Zhen was on business, so he listened to the conversation between the two without making a sound. Seeing Li Xianling walking out, he asked, "Who was that just now...?"

"Our Human Resources Minister here!"

"Your minister?" Hu Guoqing's somewhat surprised eyes made Mu Zhen see something tricky.

"What's the matter, if you have something to say, talk about it, we brothers are not allowed to say half and keep the other half!"

"I look familiar, so I used to work as a waiter in our hospital restaurant!"

"Hospital attendant?" Mu Zhen stared wide-eyed. It was really hard for her to understand that the head of human resources of her group was actually a waiter in the restaurant. No wonder something outrageous happened!

"Don't talk about him, don't talk about him, those are old things, let's talk about something serious!" Hu Guoqing suggested.

"Speak the business, talk the business!" Mu Zhen couldn't help wondering, what kind of business did Hu Guoqing ask her to talk about?

(End of this chapter)

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