Chapter 820
Hu Yufen used to be a department manager in a large company engaged in online sales. She knows the sales skills of online platforms by heart and uses them with ease. It's like a fish in water. After a year, it's relatively easy to earn hundreds of thousands of net income.

Hu Yufen is sincere in helping Mu Zhen. As for the remuneration, Hu Yufen does not accept a single cent. It is enough for Mu Zhen to provide her with an office in the group office building. This request is a bit unexpected for Mu Zhen. Hu Yufen is here Office is equivalent to having an extra senior technical talent by your side, which is a good thing even if you want to hire a high salary.

According to Hu Yufen's thinking, Mu Zhen quickly changed the human resources department into a network training center, and brought all the people in the human resources department into the network training center. The director of the training center is still Li Xianling, but at present, he is only responsible for the training organization of personnel. Work, assist Hu Yufen to carry out training work, all training courses are determined by Hu Yufen.

The responsibilities of the human resources department are all included in the management of the group office. This arrangement is considered by Mu Zhen. The director of the group office is her classmate Liu Xuchang. Liu Xuchang has always been her follower, and Liu Xuchang's honesty and reliability not only won Gaining Mu Zhen's high trust and unanimous praise from all over the group, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is to avoid people like Li Xianling who have ulterior motives from controlling the group's connections.

The group's departments were withdrawn and all the redundant department staff entered the training center and became the first batch of trainees of the group.Because this group of students were all surplus personnel in the department, they had relatively developed lazy habits, not to mention the need to completely get rid of them, and they had to sit down and study, which was as uncomfortable as being in prison.

At the beginning, everyone complained in private, thinking that it was Mu Zhen who was messing with them, but when they heard Hu Yufen giving the first class, everyone was stunned, and they couldn't believe that the middle-aged man on the podium A young woman, a woman without a junior high school education, can rely on online marketing to earn a salary that she can only earn in ten years.

After everyone was surprised, admiration arose spontaneously, as Hu Yufen said: "If you think you don't have much education, then you have a higher education than me who didn't finish junior high school. If you think you don't know much about computers, Then as long as you know how to use a mobile phone and learn how to surf the Internet, it is not difficult to do online marketing!"

After hearing Hu Yufen's lecture, everyone almost dispelled their fear of difficulties, and the course went smoothly.

When it comes to choosing products to sell, Hu Yufen’s products are performance costumes, which are a bit unfamiliar to everyone, so Hu Yufen starts with fruits and vegetables that everyone is familiar with and cannot do without daily, and begins to guide everyone on the journey of online sales.

Hu Yufen knows that what this group of people value is profit. If they are allowed to earn the first pot of gold from online sales, they will be tightly bound to online sales. From then on, just like herself, it will be difficult to separate them.

Hu Yufen helped Dazhi Group to open online sales stores successively, and at the same time set up a packaging and delivery center and after-sales service center. The nearby prefecture-level cities that were not originally developed have also been involved.

After all the people engaged in online sales have tasted the sweetness, Hu Yufen put forward a new suggestion to Mu Zhen, to establish a physical warehouse and distribution center in Jishi City. Only in this way can the fresh food be delivered as quickly as possible. in the hands of customers.Mu Zhen obeyed and did not hesitate to transfer some relatively idle personnel from subordinate enterprises to organize the establishment of a distribution center and set up fresh food warehouses in Jishi and surrounding prefecture-level cities.In this way, the green vegetables in Xiaowangzhuang Village seem to have grown wings, and directly enter the tables of those keen online shoppers without going through intermediate sellers, and have won numerous praises from online shoppers for their reliable fruit and vegetable quality.

(End of this chapter)

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