Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 824 Epilogue

Chapter 824 Epilogue

The question of life is like the love between men and women, it is an eternal topic.

Everyone who comes to this stage is destined to play a different role. This role is fleeting, as if placed in the long river of history, or even worse than a shooting star across the sky.

In the rush of life, I have gone through my childhood, my youth, my youth, and my middle age. I suddenly found that everything is like a passing cloud. I can’t remember much. It’s just the trivial things left in my mind. Little things don't seem to be worth mentioning, so I thought about digging out the dusty memories, combined those hearsay stories, mixed with my own perception of life, and recorded them loosely, so I left them on the online novel platform. I wrote a novel of 140 million words like "The Rice Bowl of Ordinary People".

During the writing period, many readers who knew and didn’t know asked me, is the protagonist you write about yourself?Obviously not, but I haven't got rid of some of my life experience. The ordinary life is calm, and it is happening every day among each of us. It can be seen everywhere. Therefore, at the beginning of the creation, I didn't write any clear outline. Hiding the outline in my heart, when recording, it is inevitable to trust the horse freely, and people read it with a large span and not enough detail, which is also the lack of work.

However, the days of creation are happy days.

It is inevitable that there will be many unsatisfactory things in the work, but those unsatisfactory things are diluted by the creation, and the life, the life, and the joys and sorrows in the world are even more downplayed.There will inevitably be difficulties in life, which are resolved by the impulse to create.

I firmly believe: Difficulties, difficulties, and desolation are all external things. Only by smiling at life is the greatness of ordinary people.

Creation brought me a new understanding of life—learning to change my destiny. I began to look through the collection of books I had read at home to find the knowledge I needed from another angle. In order to gain more nutrition, every weekend, I read I took my lover to the library frequently to look up materials and borrow books until now.

I firmly believe that people should learn to be old when they live to be old. Just like Lao Zhao in the novel, he is a staunch man with aspirations for thousands of miles.
What creation brings to the family is unremitting efforts and struggle.His nearly 80-year-old father, who has been teaching for more than [-] years, was also infected. He picked up the brush again after he was able to write well. Now he has made great progress; his son, who has been employed for more than a year, picks up his books and starts a new learning journey; his retired lover sits in front of the computer and practices typing every day, recovering the lost time.I am delighted to see these changes: creation has changed me, and changed the whole family!
Finally, I would like to thank all the friends who support me and help me. Every time they like me, it becomes a little encouragement for me; Here, no matter how vicious, no matter what the purpose is, I will turn it into motivation, spur and inspire me from time to time, and I must write it down. I always firmly believe that if I have ten years of hard work, I will definitely write Create a different self!

Just when I finished writing, the hotel where I stayed held a special annual meeting. I took this annual meeting as a celebration of my completion of the book. Everyone’s frequent toasts were regarded as kindness to me. Blessings, but also as a prelude to my new starting point - set sail again and set sail with singing.

The realistic novel "Ordinary People's Rice Bowl" is not finished, but the meaning is still there. Once there is new content, it will continue...

As the bell rings on New Year's Day in 2022, I will restart my first science fiction novel - "The Balance of Human Nature", so stay tuned...

(End of this chapter)

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