Ordinary people's rice bowl

Chapter 90 Closer Relationships

Chapter 90 Closer Relationships
Tian Cheng didn't dare to delay the registration in the county for a day. It was like a year's crops that missed the cropping season and would be wasted for another year. So he made plans at night to meet Yu Guangzhou in the county tomorrow. .

Early the next morning, Tian Cheng drove to the photo studio in the town. The door of the photo studio was not open yet. Tian Cheng went up and knocked on the door, but there was no movement inside. After locking the car, I lifted my feet onto the embankment, and took this opportunity to breathe the humid air on the river.

There are two administrative villages in Qingcheng Town, East Qingcheng Village on the east side of the street, and West Qingcheng Village on the west side of the street. The population of the two villages is about the same, with a total of 1000 people. These two villages are also the largest in Qingcheng Township. Village, the Qinghe River in the south of the village is like a long arm tightly hugging the two villages. In the early years, a Fengshui master had seen the Fengshui of these two villages and said that in the bay of this river, the gathering is Qi. , Popularity, wealth, both, this is definitely a top-notch feng shui, living here will not only make people and wealth prosperous, but also live a long and healthy life.This was what Tian Cheng heard from the village secretary of Dongqingcheng Village at a meeting in the town. Feng Shui was a deceptive thing, but what Feng Shui said first was really fulfilled. A small village with 3000 people has developed into a large village with [-] people. Especially after the town government is located here, it has become a well-known big market, driving the economy of the two villages, and becoming the most economically developed market in the town. In a good village, as for the longevity of the people in the village, the proportion is also ranked among the highest in the whole town. Not to mention, the oldest person has lived to be [-] years old. I have to say that Feng Shui is a good thing.The road between the two villages is the main traffic road connecting the two provinces, so this river-crossing bridge was built on the river, plus the extension of the bridge, the total is more than one kilometer, because the Qinghe River also has shipping functions, so The bridge is built in an arched shape, and at the top of the arch, if there are no trees and houses on the river bank as barriers, it can basically achieve the effect of overlooking the whole town.Standing on the arch of the bridge and looking southwest, you will see several rows of tile-roofed houses with red bricks and blue tiles hidden in the tall poplar forest. There is a regiment's army farm stationed there.

Tian Cheng was a little emotional, time had changed, when he was in junior high school, this place was still a low bridge, now not only a big bridge has been built, but it has also become an important traffic line.Tian Cheng noticed that the summer heat had receded in the morning after the Bailu Festival, and there was still a faint band of white mist covering the water, like a fairyland floating on the river.Looking north along the bridge, there are almost no pedestrians on the road between the two villages except for a few green Jiefang cars passing by occasionally, and the street is a bit deserted.Maybe it was because the bazaar was just established yesterday, and everyone bought a lot. Today, there are very few people on the street. Looking at the smoke from the cooking in the village, it is enough to prove that Tian Cheng came a little early today. business.

Tian Cheng stood on the bridge for a while, even though there was a beautiful mist on the river, even though he heard the chants from the army farm from time to time, because he hadn't finished his work, he felt a little restless and asked someone to Doing things is different from doing things by yourself. Doing things by yourself can determine the speed and success of doing things. It is difficult to control when you find someone else to do things. Maybe it is because of other people’s things that delay your own efficiency. Just like this photo, if the photo studio is not open, it will be If you can't get a photo, you can only wait for the next thing, and you have no way to control it.Tian Cheng shook his head helplessly, walked down the bridge slowly, his eyes naturally turned to the photo studio, the door opened, Tian Cheng was overjoyed, took a few steps, and soon stood outside the gate of the photo studio.

"Brother Yu, good morning!" Seeing the figure in the door, Tian Cheng guessed that it was Yu who took a picture of himself yesterday.

Big Da turned around and replied: "You came so early, I noticed a motorcycle there when I arrived, but I looked around, but I didn't see anyone. I thought someone parked the motorcycle here on purpose. !"

"I also just came here for a while, seeing that you weren't here, I stood on the bridge to catch some air." Tian Cheng said with a smile.

"I asked about your registration last night on the phone. My brother said that as long as I recommend it, there will be no outsiders. I will let you go in person and just register!" Da Da felt that Tian Cheng in front of him was a very good person. A person who is very humane and good at handling things. Although he didn't mention many things yesterday, he would feel sorry if he didn't do the things he entrusted, so he sold his own goodness in the words.

Tiancheng understood: "Thank you very much. Now that I have taken the photo, I will go to the county town to find him!"

This sentence immediately reminded Da Da, he walked into the inner room, took out the photos hanging in the film processing room to dry in a short while, walked into the financial room, and took out a small guillotine for cutting photos from under the table With just a few clicks, he easily cut several photos together according to the size of each photo, and quickly put them into a small photo bag, and handed them to Tian Cheng.

Tian Cheng took the photo and said to Da Da: "If I successfully register, I will invite you to drink at home when I come back!"

"Look at how polite you are, our relationship is still long!" Da Da waved his hand in response.

"I won't stop. There are plenty of opportunities for us to talk. I'll go to the county first." After Tian Cheng finished speaking, he left the gate of the photo studio, unlocked the motorcycle, and stomped on it twice. Two crisp flute sounds, and when I came out to look again, the motorcycle had already boarded the road and was heading directly towards the county.

The county seat is more than 40 miles away from Qingcheng Town, Tian Cheng didn't spend half an hour, but he saw the tallest building in the county seat, the communication building of the Post Office.That is the symbol of the county seat, and it is also the center of the county seat. The Agricultural Bureau is 50 meters west of him.

What Tian Cheng had in mind would never be delayed until tomorrow, this was his usual style of doing things, for signing up today, he felt that there would be no problem if there was a big introduction, plus the curator Yu's recommendation.

Just as he was thinking, the motorcycle had entered the compound of the Agricultural Bureau, and he parked the car directly in front of the office building. The office building of the Agricultural Bureau is a small building with three floors. In the middle of the door, there are seven or eight doors on each side.Which room is Yu Guangzhou in?Tian Cheng asked himself, and at the same time blamed himself why he didn't ask Da Da clearly at that time?

Tian Cheng saw that the first door on the right hand side of the hall was open, so he walked forward. There was a middle-aged man inside, who was packing up the documents on the table. Tian Cheng knocked on the door, but the middle-aged man didn't turn his head back. : "Please come in!"

Tian Cheng took two steps forward, and asked softly, "I'm asking about someone!"

The middle-aged man stopped what he was doing, looked up at Tian Cheng: "Please tell me."

"Which office does Yu Guangzhou work in?" Tian Cheng asked.

"You don't know him?" the middle-aged man asked back.

"I don't know him! I came to ask him to enroll in the Agricultural Broadcasting School." Tian Cheng replied.

"Your name is Wang Tiancheng." The middle-aged man immediately said Tian Cheng's name, which surprised Tian Cheng a little.

"Well, it's me!" Tian Cheng's affirmative answer made the middle-aged man couldn't help but look at Tian Cheng a few more times.

"I'm the one you're looking for. My brother mentioned you to me last night and even praised you on the phone!" Yu Guangzhou said.

Hearing that Yu Guangzhou mentioned boasting himself, Tian Cheng became a little shy.

"I found two watches as soon as I got to work, did you bring your photos?" Yu Guangzhou didn't continue to say more, and got straight to the point.

"Bring it, bring it!" Tian Cheng said repeatedly, took out the photo from his jacket pocket and handed it over.

"Sit there and fill out these two forms first!" Yu Guangzhou handed Tian Cheng two forms, and then handed him a pen, pointing to a table next to the sofa and said.

Tian Cheng understood that this desk might be specially prepared for filling in the form. The desk is not big, but it is very suitable for filling in the form on it. Tian Cheng lay there, filled it out quickly, stood up and handed it to Yu Guangzhou.

Yu Guangzhou took the form, put down the things in his hand, checked it carefully, and said, "It's well filled out."

Then he looked up at Tian Cheng: "My work here is over, this Friday you go to the County Agricultural Broadcasting School to pay the study fee and receive the book to start studying."

Tian Cheng nodded and said, "There is still something to do."

"What's the matter?" Yu Guangzhou looked at Tian Cheng with some doubts.

"We still have to inquire about someone." Tian Cheng said.

"Let's talk!" Yu Guangzhou looked at Tian Cheng as if he was a bit restrained, and said very kindly.

"Liang Sihua, do you have this person here?" Tian Cheng asked.

"You know him? What's your relationship with him?" Yu Guangzhou's eyes widened in shock.

"I don't know him, but I really have something to do with him." Tian Cheng was no longer restrained, because he felt that Liang was always the leader, and he had something to do with the leader, so he naturally felt that he had elevated himself.

"He is my old father-in-law, and also the old leader of our place!" Yu Guangzhou's words made Tian Cheng feel that it was a coincidence, so it's no wonder that storytelling and opera are all about coincidences?
"Oh! What a coincidence, Mr. Liang is my father-in-law's classmate. I heard him mentioned by my father-in-law in the early years, but I didn't have the opportunity to meet him. I didn't come here to sign up. I thought I would take this opportunity to visit him. I never thought about it. It's the root of the question." Tian Cheng said in surprise.

"We became real acquaintances, but he went to Uncle BJ's place last week, and he won't be back until a few days later." Yu Guangzhou said politely.

"Anyway, we also know each other. When Mr. Liang comes back, I will make a special trip to see him!" Tian Cheng responded straightforwardly.

"Well, then you come to me directly, and I will take you to him!" Yu Guangzhou became happy.

"Definitely, I will definitely come! Then I'll go back first!" Tian Cheng said, waving his hands towards Guangzhou and retreating towards the door.

"Okay, I'll see you off." As he spoke, he followed Tian Cheng out, Tian Cheng didn't let someone see him off, he stood at the door, held Yu Guangzhou's hand and said repeatedly: "Stop, stop, you are busy, I will make a special trip later Come again."

Yu Guangzhou didn't see him off anymore, he stopped at the door, Tian Cheng walked to the lobby, and when he looked back, Yu Guangzhou was still standing at the door, watching him off, he couldn't help but waved his hands at Yu Guangzhou again, then walked out of the building, and went straight home.

(End of this chapter)

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