Happy life of fishing youth

Chapter 60 Hu's Invitation

Chapter 60 Hu's Invitation

In Li Yuenan's office, Li Yuenan, Chen Changyu and Lin Jiaojiao met.Li Yuenan was listening to Lin Jiaojiao's story about the ins and outs of this project, and also studied the issues that Chen Changyu and Lin Jiaojiao had discussed before.

After listening to Lin Jiaojiao's narration, Li Yuenan really felt that the colleagues in the company were really hardworking. This project was able to win this time, and everyone really put in [-]% of their efforts.

Regarding the opinion put forward by Mr. Wang of Shining Star Group, Li Yuenan and Lin Jiaojiao had the same idea and reworked the material to finalize the effect.If the effect is really better than the original one, then we need to send a letter to the client, and strive to provide the best work results to the client.At the same time, I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Wang Xin.

Until then, Chen Changyu really understood the relationship between the President Wang mentioned by Lin Jiaojiao and the President Wang mentioned by Li Yuenan before.To blame can only be blamed on his own preconceived thinking, and did not seriously question Lin Jiaojiao.It's just that when he heard Mr. Wang called Wang Xin, he felt a little familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

The small meeting of the three of them was over, Lin Jiaojiao walked out of Li Yuenan's office, and finally burst out laughing uncontrollably.

There is no other reason, Li Yuenan's eyes are black, like a panda.One was that he was too tired, and the other was that he was accidentally beaten by Chen Changyu just now.

Listening to Lin Jiaojiao's laughter outside, Li Yuenan pointed at Chen Changyu bitterly, Chen Changyu shrugged and left.Li Yuenan touched his eyes, looked at Chen Changyu who had already left the office, he really wanted to beat Chen Changyu into a panda!
Li Yuenan decided to have dinner at another famous scenic spot along the river in Y City - Fengqiao Old Street. There is a Cantonese restaurant here, which was opened by a friend of his.Cantonese cuisine is not particularly popular in the south of the Yangtze River like City Y, so it seems less popular.However, this Cantonese restaurant is not bad, it is said that it has been listed in the "Top Ten Gourmets in Y City", ranking third.According to the reports of gluttonous masters, the taste of the dishes in this restaurant is completely comparable to the taste of the birthplace of Cantonese cuisine.

When the people in the company heard that they were going to have dinner at the "It's You from Guangdong" restaurant in the evening, everyone's mouths became "O" in surprise.

This time Boss Li is really bleeding, he is no longer that stingy Grandet.

In fact, it can't be blamed that the employees have a bad impression of him. The main reason is that Li Yuenan likes to find faults too much, and if he finds faults, he will deduct money.Every day when he has nothing to do in the company, he plays the live-action version of the "Let's find fault" game by himself, and everyone really annoys him.The deduction is not much each time, at most ten yuan, but he can't stop his eyes from rolling around people!
He also said that everyone can find fault with each other, and even find fault with him, but who has nothing to do to find fault with the boss.Therefore, the employees generally have a bad opinion of him, which is why everyone reacted coldly to him after he came back after being absent for so many days.

After get off work, Li Yuenan and Chen Changyu took their staff and went straight to the "It's You from Guangdong" restaurant in a lively manner!

Fengqiao Street is an old street.It is completely different from the "First Street of Water Town". The First Street of Water Town is a newly built scenic spot, and Fengqiao Street has existed since ancient times.This place has been a prosperous wharf and ferry since ancient times. Later, many folk buildings were built along the coast, and it has always been the city card of Y City.

However, with the development of society, it once fell here.After being repaired by the government, it was revived again.Now this is the best place to appreciate the customs of Y City, and it is also the location of one of the top ten scenic spots in Y City, "Maple Bridge at Night".

When Chen Changyu and the others arrived at the restaurant, it was the time to receive guests. The restaurant was full of guests and it was very lively.

Li Yuenan's friends received Li Yuenan's call and arranged for a waiter to meet them at the door, and the waiter led them to the box upstairs.The side of the box on the second floor facing the river is all floor-to-ceiling windows, so you can enjoy the beautiful scenery outside without getting up, which is perfect and beautiful.

Everyone looked at the beauty outside the window and couldn't help being intoxicated by it.

The bright moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight poured down, illuminating the Fenghe River like a silver belt.The cruise ship is walking on the river, and the colorful lights on the boat are reflected on the river, which is full of brilliance and wonderful.

Soon the dishes were served, Li Yuenan stood up and made a toast.

"Thank you for your hard work and everyone in the company for their hard work and dedication. Cheers to the complete success of our project this time!"



Everyone cheered loudly and raised their glasses to celebrate.

After dinner, everyone was impressed with the restaurant's cuisine, and it certainly lived up to its reputation.The restaurant owner also thoughtfully presented everyone with consumption coupons, and welcomes them to come again.

After arranging all the employees to go home, Li Yuenan, Chen Changyu and Lin Jiaojiao decided to take a walk by the Fenghe River.He had something to say to Chen Changyu, but it was difficult for everyone to say to him just now.

"Xiaoyu, why do you think Su Mei didn't see me?"

Li Yuenan looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and asked Chen Changyu in a low voice.

"You are really interesting. Why do people have to see you?"

Chen Changyu asked back without hesitation.

"I, I like her, she knows it."

"You like her? You like her, and she is going to see you?"

"You know what I mean."

Li Yuenan turned to look at Chen Changyu.

"Do you understand respect? If you disrespect people like this, no one would see you. We were originally friends, but you don't even have to be friends."

After listening to Chen Changyu's words, Li Yuenan bowed her head and remained silent.

"so what should I do?"

"Learn to respect her and understand her. The feelings in this world cannot be forced. If you like her, that's your business. Only when she likes you too, will it be your business."

Chen Changyu said to him seriously, and Lin Jiaojiao on the side also nodded in approval.

"But what should I do?"

"I don't know. I haven't fallen in love with my senior sister. I don't know how to help you. You can figure out a way for yourself. In short, there is one thing you must remember: love in words is not love, love in your heart is love."

Chen Changyu looked up at the sky, the moon and stars are scarce tonight, tomorrow must be a good weather.

After breaking up with Li Yuenan, Chen Changyu drove Lin Jiaojiao home.Lin Jiaojiao couldn't be bothered, there was a little black dog at home, and he hadn't seen each other for a day, Lin Jiaojiao couldn't think about it.

When they got home, Chen Changyu almost fainted from anger.The little black dog "Hei Zai" has officially become the captain of the demolition brigade!
The first thing to be dismantled was the sofa, which was bitten badly, and the materials inside were bitten everywhere.The second thing that was seriously damaged was Chen Changyu's fishing gear. Because there was no suitable place to put it, he kept putting his fishing gear in a corner of the living room.Two fishing rods were bitten off, the sub-line box was damaged, and the float in the float box was dismembered to pieces, which was horrible.

Chen Changyu yelled loudly that he wanted to arrest the little black dog for questioning, while Lin Jiaojiao desperately exonerated the little black dog and dragged him tightly.The little black dog also sensed that the situation was not good, slipped into Lin Jiaojiao's room, hid under the closet and dared not come out.

Chen Changyu strongly asked Lin Jiaojiao to send it away again, and it only took one day to keep it, and it was destroyed like this.If you grow up, get it!

Lin Jiaojiao disagreed again, and kept begging not to send him away. Seeing Chen Changyu's firm attitude, he resorted to another trick.

"Hei Zai can go, then I will go too."

"Why are you doing this again!"

Chen Changyu's nose was almost crooked.

"If something is broken, I will compensate you. I will buy a new sofa later, and I will accompany you to buy fishing rods. I can buy double, okay?"

Lin Jiaojiao pretended to look at Chen Changyu pitifully.

"Oh, I don't want you to pay for it. Look at it, I said a long time ago that there is no dog that doesn't tear down the house! How about it? I'm right. Let's not keep it anymore, okay?"

"No! Hei Zi is destined to be with me, I want to keep him and prevent him from living on the streets."

Lin Jiaojiao straightened her body and stood in front of Chen Changyu with her hips akimbo.

have to!This is meeting the protector god Athena!
"Success! Then you must train it well, and don't let it bite bad things again! The sofa will not be changed for the time being, and it might bite again. My fishing gear, you said, buy me a new one, both portion!"

"Well, I will definitely raise him into an obedient and good boy!" Lin Jiaojiao said seriously.

"You can pull it down!"

While the two were fighting back and forth, Chen Changyu's cell phone rang, and Lin Jiaojiao took the opportunity to run back to his room and close the door, for fear that Chen Changyu would rush in and beat up the little black dog.

Chen Changyu picked up his mobile phone and looked, it was Lao Hu, a fishing friend who went fishing together last night.

Last time, the two of them had a "wonderful night" during night fishing, and Chen Changyu still has the urge to laugh when he thinks about it.The process is full of different joys.

Chen Changyu saw that it was his call, so he quickly connected it.

"Hey, Brother Hu. It's so late, what's the matter?"

"Haha, it's okay. Besides, you can't call if you're okay?"

Lao Hu joked on the other end of the phone.

"That's not true. I think it's so late, you call, I'm afraid you need help, such as which police station to rescue you or something. Hahahaha"

"Fuck you! I'm such an unreliable person, the young man dares to tease your brother like this. I'm so brave!"

"Haha, just kidding. Brother Hu, what's the situation, please give instructions."

"Light fishing together on weekends. It's still the same place as last time. We had so much fun last time, didn't we? Let's revisit it again. What do you think?"

Old Hu's playful laughter came from the other end of the phone.

"Hahaha, it seems that you still can't forget the night fishing last time."

"Pay attention to your wording! It's not that you can't forget it, it's because you think it's more fun to go fishing with your boy. Give me a quick word, do you have time?"

"It's okay this weekend. It just so happens that I finally signed a contract for a project at hand, so I can take a break from work. Then let's meet on the weekend. You decide the time, and I'll wait for your notice."

"Okay, I'll call you ahead of time."

"Okay, go to bed early. Don't call so late in the future, or I really think I'm going to the police station to catch you. Hahahahahaha"

"Fuck off!"

(End of this chapter)

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