wife's secret

Chapter 2 Who is he?

Chapter 2 Who is he?
"Chen Yang, are you crazy?"

Huang Yijia in the living room was startled by my sudden voice. As soon as she walked into the bedroom, I grabbed her arm, "Huang Yijia, tell me! What are you doing behind my back?!"

At this moment, I was furious and my head was buzzing.

For a long time, I thought that the greening of a man's head was something that happened to someone else's family, and it would never have anything to do with me.But, I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me.

It is difficult to describe my mood at this time in words.

"Being behind your back?"

Huang Yijia was taken aback by my ferocious expression. She was taken aback for a moment, and then she yelled, "Chen Yang, what do you mean by that? What are you doing behind your back? Why do you doubt me?"

She was full of confidence in the first half of the sentence, but the second half of the sentence seemed a little like 300 taels of silver here.

I didn't talk nonsense to her, and pointed to the condom in the trash can, "You won't say that I left it?"

Huang Yijia, who was very imposing, suddenly looked like a balloon withered, her face turned pale, and her tone suddenly softened, "Honey, you... misunderstood."

"Misunderstanding?" I laughed angrily, "You slept with another man behind my back, is this a misunderstanding?"

"No, I, I didn't mean that..." Huang Yijia spoke incoherently, put her arms around my waist, and said in a flattering tone, "Honey, listen to my explanation..."

"Explanation? What the hell is there to explain this kind of thing?"

I roared angrily, threw Huang Yijia away, and then slapped her across the face.


With a crisp slap, half of Huang Yijia's face turned red immediately, and the slap print was clearly visible under the light.

"Chen Yang, you, you hit me?!"

Huang Yijia covered her face with her hands and stared at me incredulously.She has never been beaten since she was a child, and her father-in-law and mother-in-law dote on this precious daughter very much. Before and after marriage, I held her in the palm of my hand.It is conceivable how unbearable this slap was for her.

"What's wrong with hitting you? Not only will I hit you, I'll kill you!"

I yelled and ran to the kitchen.

When people get angry to the extreme, they lose their minds.At this moment, there was only one thought in my mind, go to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife, and force this slut to tell who that guy is.Next, what I have to do is very simple: kill this bitch first, and then go to settle accounts with that man.

Mom, as a man, the most intolerable thing is getting green on the head.


Huang Yijia screamed, and while I was running towards the kitchen, she rushed out of the bedroom, rushed out of the house, and ran down the stairs quickly.

In the middle of the night, the crisp sound of women's high-heeled leather shoes sounded in the corridor.

Soon, the sound became weaker and weaker from near to far.

"Want to run?"

I grinned grimly, grabbed a kitchen knife, and followed out.

However, just as I was about to take a step, there was a sudden cry of "Wow!" from the small room.

The son woke up, startled by the noise.

The sound of my son's cries was so enlightening that I instantly calmed down from my madness.

I killed a pair of dogs and men one by one, and I was very happy, but what about my son?He is only three years old and will lose his mother from now on. As for me, I will go to prison for intentional murder, and I may be sentenced to ten or twenty years or even no term.

From now on, who will take care of the son?

The son walked out of his small room and came to the living room. He was crying loudly with his two little feet bare.

I hurriedly put away the kitchen knife, walked over, and said to my son, "Chen Pengcheng, you are a man, don't cry."

When I said this, I had a sore nose.Since my son was sensible, I have taught him that a man should not shed tears lightly, no matter how difficult he encounters, he must face it bravely.At this moment, I feel that these words are for myself.

The son stopped crying and wiped away his tears with his little hands, his eyes were red, "Mom, I want mom..."

"Peng Peng,"

I squatted down, grabbed my son's little hand, and tried to speak softly, "Dad asked you, when Dad was not at home, did any strange uncles come to our house?"

The son was stunned.

"Tell Dad, what kind of uncle is he?"

The son shook his head blankly.

"Okay, Dad won't ask you anymore." I led my son into his own small room, "Mom has something to go out, be obedient, go to bed quickly."

The son is still young, and nothing can be asked from his mouth.Besides, as a mother, Huang Yijia would not let her son see the process of having an affair. She must have notified her lover to come home while her son was asleep.

In bed, I tossed and turned.

Why did Huang Yijia cheat?As soon as this question popped into my mind, a voice came out of my heart: Do I still need to ask?Of course, because you are now a pauper with nothing.

Sadness enveloped my heart in an instant.

After chasing Huang Yijia, in order to satisfy the vanity unique to men, I took her back to the neighbors of my hometown in the countryside to show off.Everyone in the village said that Chen Yang was lucky for me, but my mother pulled me aside and whispered to me that a girl is beautiful because she is beautiful, but she is not the kind who lives a down-to-earth life.I couldn't listen to it, thinking that my mother was used to staying in the countryside, her ideas were too conservative, and she felt repulsive to urban girls.

If you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes. This old saying has been verified by me.

After tossing and turning on the bed for a long time, I turned over and sat up, lit a cigarette, and in the smoke, I thought about the second question: Who is that man?
Huang Yijia's old lover from the past?Or a big money you just met?
I thought about the sentence that Aunt Liu said to the door, "Your brother-in-law is so handsome."... It can be concluded that the other party is a young man, and he is handsome.This is not the point, the point is that the other party must be very rich.

I know Huang Yijia too well. She is a woman who is good at calculating and putting money first. She will never sleep with other men easily if she is not driven by profit.

This man is probably a rich second generation.

What should I do next?
After smoking half a pack of cigarettes, I made up my mind.My marriage with Huang Yijia has come to an end since today. The marriage is divorced. It is hard to imagine that I will share the same bed with a woman who gave me a cuckold in the future.Although the marriage is about to divorce, but now is not the time. Huang Yijia must have prepared a way out for herself before she cheated. It is very likely that the man promised something for her. If I take the initiative to propose divorce now, I may fall into the hands of a couple.

The most important thing is that I can't just get a divorce like this. Before the divorce, I have to find out the truth of the matter. I have to know who that man is.

I want to vent my anger!I want revenge!
I want Huang Yijia and that man to pay for their immoral behavior!

After making up my mind, I calmed down, stubbed out the cigarette butt and threw it into the trash can, my gaze inadvertently fell on the condom caught in the crumpled toilet paper again, and a word flashed in my mind: evidence.

I turned over and got out of bed, found an unused white plastic bag from the drawer, put the crumpled toilet paper together with the safety suit into the bag, tied the mouth tightly, then went into the study, and locked the bag in the cupboard.

The next morning, after breakfast, instead of sending my son to kindergarten as usual, I drove my Xiali car to my hometown in the countryside.In the future, the family atmosphere is destined to be no longer harmonious. I don't want to leave a shadow on my son's young heart, so I can only let him go to the countryside for a while to be taken care of by his grandparents.

The name of the village in my hometown in the countryside is Yesongyu. From the name, you can tell that it is a remote mountain village in the mountains, one and a half hours away from the city.The car drove out of the urban area. After nearly an hour, the next mountain road was bumpy, and my son cried out loudly from time to time when he was bumped in the car.

After the accident at Hejude Auction House, in order to pay off the debt, I sold the Land Rover and bought a second-hand Xiali for 2000 yuan.This kind of model has been eliminated long ago, and it is no longer seen on the road. For the sake of convenience, I can only make do with it.Even so, in order to save fuel, I generally don't drive when I go out, but ride a bicycle.

After meeting my parents, I lied that I was too busy with business recently to take care of the children, so I asked the children to go back to their hometown for a while.

My mother looked at me and asked worriedly, "Yang'er, did you have a fight with Pengpeng's mother?"

Knowing a child is like a mother, my nose was sour, and my throat suddenly became a little choked.I took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Mom, where are you going, Yijia and I are on good terms."

After speaking, I wanted to leave as soon as possible.My parents don't know about the closure of the auction house. I'm afraid that if I stay for a long time, the two old people will worry about me if they find out.

"Yang'er, don't rush to leave," my father stopped me. "Your uncle's cousin came back from the south the day before yesterday. He heard that you opened an auction house in the city. He was going to look for you. It happened that you Come back this time, just in time for him to meet you."

"Dunzi is back?" I was taken aback.

Dunzi is the son of my second uncle's family. His real name is Chen Dadun. When I was an intern in college, he went to the south to work. There was no news of him for six years.

"Who else could it be if it wasn't Dunzi? Your two brothers were the best friends when you were young. You haven't seen him since you went to college. When he comes back this time, you two brothers can have a good time."

As soon as my father finished speaking, a voice came in from outside the door, "Brother Yang, you miss me so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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