wife's secret

Chapter 203 Life and Death Contract

Chapter 203 Life and Death Contract
Of course, someone else would not have noticed the panic that flashed across Gu Rushui's eyes.However, today's ribbon-cutting ceremony should and should not come, all came.Especially when Huang Yijia appeared, my eyes widened.I have a hunch that a series of good shows will be staged today.Let's talk about it now, can the panic in Gu Rushui's eyes hide from Jiang Man's eyes?probably not.As Gu Rushui's wife, Jiang Man knew her husband very well.With the unique sensitivity of a woman, perhaps she has realized that Huang Yijia and her husband may have a story.

However, no matter how confused Jiang Man was, he became jealous.Today's occasion is not the time for her to be jealous.

Jiang Man nodded politely to Huang Yijia, then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, pointed at Niu Lili, and said, "This is your best friend? Her name is Niu Lili?"


"But who will prove that your words are correct?"

"Boss Jiang, what do you mean?" Huang Yijia was a little confused.

"What I mean is very simple. Only one person can't prove it. Why should I believe you? If there is anyone present who can prove that her name is Niu Lili, not Chen Yang, then your words will be true." Jiang After Man finished speaking, he turned to look at Yan Chengsen, "Uncle Yan, are you right about me?"

"Yes!" Yan Chengsen nodded again and again, "Thank you Xiaoman for supporting me in my work." Then he gritted his teeth again, "If I don't find out Chen Yang who is a man disguised as a woman today, my surname will not be Yan!"

As soon as Yan Chengsen finished speaking, he saw Yan Hao covering his stomach with one hand, and took out a black pistol from his trouser pocket with the other hand, and said angrily: "After finding this kid, I will use the gun that my grandpa gave me. Take a pistol and beat him to death."

I can see clearly.What Yan Hao held in his hand was the pistol I saw in his drawer when I searched for the USB flash drive in his office.It turned out to be a gift from his grandfather.I, Ma Shan, remembered that Yan Hao's grandfather and Meng Xue's grandfather were soldiers together and participated in the suppression of bandits in Wulong Mountain. The pistol in Yan Hao's hand could not be seized by his grandfather from the bandits, right?
As I pondered, I quietly approached Brother Pao.

Again, the cantaloupe grenade in Brother Pao's pocket is the only life-saving straw for me.As long as you steal the grenade, everything will be OK.Am I still afraid of Yan Chengsen and Yan Hao?Mao, in the words of Brother Pao, the big deal is to go to see Hades together.The Hejude Auction House is gone, the wife belongs to someone else, the child belongs to someone else, and I, Chen Yang, have nothing.Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.

Huang Yijia's expression changed.

After all, she is now the image ambassador of Ninghua Real Estate Company, so she will testify for Niu Lili in person, so of course it will be fine.However, Jiang Man didn't believe her, and didn't give her face.

Niu Lili also changed her face.She had just slapped Yan Chengsen in public, and she was in the middle of her triumph.Unexpectedly, Jiang Man even questioned that she might be me in disguise.This is embarrassing.According to the procedure, it should be checked next.Niu Lili unbuttoned her belt just now to ridicule Yan Chengsen, of course it would be unbearable to be inspected by the other party in public.


At this moment, Brother Pao laughed out loud.He took a puff of his cigar without haste, and then walked straight out of the crowd.

Just at this time, my hand was about to reach into his pocket to steal the cantaloupe grenade. Seeing this, I quickly retracted my hand.

The appearance of Brother Pao stunned everyone.This guy was dressed too abruptly. All the guests who came were in suits and leather shoes, and they were very neatly dressed.As for Brother Pao, he actually wears a pair of floral underpants and a pair of flip-flops on his feet.Just walked out so boldly.

"Where did the hooligans come from? How did they get in?" Xiao Zihang frowned, and immediately ordered the bodyguards around him, "Get this guy out!"



The two bodyguards walked towards Brother Pao.

"Wait a minute." Brother Pao said to Xiao Zihang with a smile, "Brother, you are really dishonest. Obviously you let me in, but now you have someone throw me out. Don't bring someone who crosses the river and demolishes the bridge."

"You fart!" Xiao Zihang was furious, "I don't know you, when did I bring you in?"

"Just kidding, why are you in such a hurry. Are you in a hurry to get on the road? Well, I will help you." Brother Pao said, unhurriedly took out the grenade from his pocket, and raised it high , showing it to everyone, "Hey! Is there anyone who knows how to do this? Do you know what this is?"

"Grenade?" Suddenly, several people exclaimed.

"That's right. You're right." Brother Pao nodded and said proudly, "Let's just say it clearly. This is the most advanced cantaloupe grenade in the world. It's not just powerful, but quite powerful. Of course, it's just It is said that it has not been tested. You must be wondering how this thing in my hand came about, right? Let me tell you, I signed a contract with the manufacturer of the melon grenade to test the power of the grenade.”

As soon as Brother Pao finished speaking, someone shouted, "Don't believe what he said, this guy must be fooling around! The grenade in his hand must be fake."

As soon as the words fell, someone immediately echoed, "Yes, it's fake. The manufacturer produces such explosive and dangerous goods with strict confidentiality. How could he sign a contract with him? Don't believe his words."

"I already knew you didn't believe me. Come on, secretary..." He motioned to Niu Lili, "Take out the life-and-death contract and show it to these bird people."

Niu Lili took out a piece of paper from her bag as if conjuring, and showed it to everyone, "Did you see the handprint on it? That's not ink pad, it's blood, it's human blood."

I am less than 10 meters away from Niu Lili, so I can see clearly.I saw that the paper held by Niu Lili was densely packed with words.Can't see what's written.However, the signature at the bottom is very large and the characters are very chic, but the word "Brother Pao" is written in blood.

Everyone was puzzled.No one is sure whether this life-and-death contract is true or false.

Brother Pao said: "After the fourth wife ran away, I lost patience with life. I had enough to live, and I wanted to see the King of Hades. However, I felt lonely on the way to Xitian alone, and I really wanted to find a group of companions." .Today this opportunity finally came. Haha! I am so happy."

After Brother Pao finished speaking, he had to press the small yellow button on the grenade.

I was taken aback.Although I have only been in contact with the other party once, I know that the other party is a guy who can do whatever he wants without restraint.He can do anything.

"do not want!"

A scream came from the crowd.Then, a woman walked out.I saw that it was the woman who took the initiative to provoke Yan Chengsen.She looked terrified and said to Brother Pao, "This hero, don't mess around."

"What? You say I'm a hero?"

Brother Pao glanced at the other party, and actually raised his hand and slapped himself, "slap", the sound was clear and audible. "What the hell am I a hero? I'm just a dick. Back then I was doing well as a monk, but I couldn't bear the loneliness and fell for that foreign girl's tricks. Oh, I'm really hopeless. "

After speaking, he raised his hand again and slapped himself.

Everyone was dumbfounded.This is called Brother Pao, what is the way.

(End of this chapter)

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