wife's secret

Chapter 21 Who is he looking for?

Chapter 21 Who is he looking for?

"What do you mean?"

Seeing that I was puzzled, Dunzi said: "Aqiu has already seen it before you came here. The location of the Hejude Auction House is the best place in the city. Close your auction house quickly, and then this person will occupy this place..." He narrowed his eyes, "This matter is easy to handle, as long as you find out whether the masked person has anything to do with Ninghua Real Estate Sales Office, the truth will be revealed .”

After Dunzi finished speaking, he shook his head and said to himself, "No, that guy covered himself up, so he doesn't know who he is. This matter is really difficult."

I think Dunzi's words are a bit too mysterious.Because the location of Hejude Auction House has good geomantic omen, it was framed by someone to make it go bankrupt. Who could do such a thing? It's too exaggerated.

When I was about to say something to Dunzi, suddenly, a figure flashed at the door of the room where we were eating, as if someone passed by the door of the room quickly.It was nothing at first, but I think this figure looks familiar.

I immediately got up, walked to the door, and looked outside, and it turned out to be Zhao Yushan.

I saw Zhao Yushan hurriedly walking from one end of the corridor to the other.

"Zhao Yushan!" I shouted.

Hearing the shout, Zhao Yushan stopped, turned around and saw me, and said in surprise, "Brother Chen, why are you here?"

"A few friends and I came here for dinner. Zhao Yushan, are you coming here for dinner too?"

"Oh... I'm here to find someone." Zhao Yushan faltered, and Ma Shan said, "I have something urgent to find a friend. I heard that he was eating in this restaurant, so I came here. Brother Chen, you are busy, I Will not be disturbing."

After speaking, he left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, I couldn't help but feel very strange.Just now Zhao Yushan passed by my dining room, took a look in and hurried away.Is he really looking for someone?

Will not.

If he was really looking for someone, he would call him and the other party would tell him which room he was in. There was no need to look for each room.

Besides, he passed the room just now and saw me inside, so he wouldn't walk away indifferently, so he had to say hello.On the contrary, after seeing me, he walked away quickly as if he was afraid that I would find him.

It’s weird.

Can't help but remind me of the scene when I was about to leave.

When I heard that I wanted to see Xu Yanyan, the other party seemed worried and beat around the bush and didn't want me to see her.On the day of the class reunion, he also reminded me to be careful not to pull it out. Is it a joke?I'm afraid it's not that simple.

At this time, I suddenly remembered the last sentence Zhao Yushan said when I left the Sunflower Auction House~~ "If this is the case, then you go." When the other party said this, his tone seemed relaxed, but his eyes flickered Be alert.

No one knows what a person is thinking.However, eyes cannot deceive people.

After some thinking, I came to a preliminary conclusion: Zhao Yushan didn't want me to have contact with Xu Yanyan.

It was precisely because he was worried that I would get in touch with Xu Yanyan, so when I went out, he followed me quietly.

When I was talking with Dunzi and Aqiu at the old place of Hejude Auction House, Zhao Yushan must have been hiding in a corner far away, observing my every move.

When the three of us walked into this tavern, Zhao Yushan followed him in.He came here for only one purpose, and that was to see if I was with Xu Yanyan.In a word, Zhao Yushan suspected that we had an appointment with Xu Yanyan to meet at the tavern.However, just now he passed the door of the room and took a quick look inside, and left with peace of mind after finding that Xu Yanyan was not there.

"Brother, the food is cold, why are you standing outside?"

See Dunzi calling me, I went back to the room.

"Brother, what did you go out for just now?"

"An acquaintance passed by just now. I saw him glance at me. I thought something was wrong, so I went out to say hello to him."

"Why didn't I say hello to you when I saw you?" Dunzi said angrily, "People are too damn powerful now. If you were the big boss of the auction house before, this person would have to bow and come in to say hello to you after seeing you. Now you The auction house has fallen, and this person doesn't even care about you."

After finishing speaking, Dunzi added, "When you meet this person in the future, brother, you just treat him as a stranger. If he ignores you, why do you take care of him? Why are you looking for such a boring thing?"

"It's not what you said." I explained to Dunzi, "This man is called Zhao Yushan. I used to be an employee of my auction house. I treated him well. After the auction house closed, he remembered my kindness and gave me a gift a few days ago. 5000 yuan when I got home, and he introduced me to the current auction house on the day of the class reunion, this person is quite conscientious."

Dunzi said, "If that's the case, he saw you in the room when he passed by just now, why didn't he come in to say hello?"

"It should be because you and Aqiu are here, I don't want to disturb you."

"I think this guy is sneaky." Dunzi took a sip of beer, put a chopstick in his mouth, chewed a few mouthfuls, and said, "Send money to your door? It's interesting. WeChat transfer is so convenient, why take it off?" Pants fart."

"He probably thought it was sincere."

What Dunzi said makes sense, I have thought about this issue too.My analysis is that Zhao Yushan was afraid that I would not accept the money transferred by WeChat, so he went to the community to ask me to hand over the money to me.The other party couldn't help but say that turning around and leaving in a hurry after handing me the money is the best explanation.

The only thing I don't understand is why he went to the neighborhood where I live so late to find me. He can contact me during the day, for example, call me to ask where I am, and send the money there.

After dinner, I was going to work at the Sunflower Auction House. Dunzi said, "Brother, I think there are many doubts about the accident at the Hejude Auction House. This matter needs to be investigated. Don't rush to see Mr. Lu with Aqiu."

I asked Dunzi what he planned to do.

"I'll go to the landlord of the Hejude Auction House to find out if there is something tricky in it. Maybe the owner of the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate has colluded with the landlord. If so, I, Chen Dadun, can't spare them..."

Dunzi turned to look at Aqiu, "Aqiu, don't be in a hurry to take my brother to the south to meet Mr. Lu. There have been many famous people in Ningzhou City's history, and there are many historical sites. It is rare for you to come to the north once, so just stay for a few more days , wait until I figure out my brother's affairs before leaving. What do you think?"

"It's good, it's good." Aqiu readily agreed, and then made a request, "Mr. Chen has the picture and video of that Tang blue-and-white tower jar, I want to see it."

"No problem. I'll go home and get it for you right away." I reckoned that this man named Aqiu was not simple, and he might be able to see some clues from the audio-visual materials I saved.

(End of this chapter)

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