wife's secret

Chapter 223 Talent

Chapter 223 Talent
"I'll drink first." Brother Pao picked up the glass and drank it down.

"I'll drink again." Xia Mingguang also did it.

After the two finished drinking, they looked at me expectantly.No way, I had to drink it.

Brother Pao looked at the time displayed on his phone, "It's 12:10 noon. Meng Xue has a habit of taking a lunch break. She just lay down for 2 minutes and hasn't slept yet. Yan Hao is not at home at this time. He usually Go home every now and then, but you won’t stay too long, about 20 minutes. It’s just right for you to go now. Just take advantage of Yan Hao’s absence and cooperate with Meng Xue to detoxify.”

I have run out of excuses.

I originally wanted to tell Brother Pao, don't listen to Xia Mingguang's words. Although I am Meng Xue's senior brother, I have never been in love with her, let alone communicated in depth.But Brother Pao is too infatuated with Meng Xue, if I say so, he may think about Meng Xue again.

"Fine. I'll go now."

I turned and walked out of the living room and came to the courtyard of the villa.The tunnel entrance was opened, and I got in.

I have already made up my mind, I will not have sex with Meng Xue, I am dubious about Brother Pao's words, I think Brother Pao's words are exaggerated, the poison of the hallucinogen should not be so powerful.Going to the hospital to find a specialist should be able to handle it.Now that medicine is very advanced, it should be able to solve it.Also, I suspect Brother Pao is not telling the truth.He was the one who got the hallucinogen. Would he have no antidote?impossible.

Of course, as a man with normal functions, I yearn for and look forward to intercourse with Meng Xue.However, that must be based on the willingness of the other party.As brother Pao said just now, while Yan Hao is not at home, he hurried to get things done, isn't this just nonsense?

While drilling the tunnel, I made sure to pay attention.This time, I sneaked into Yan Hao's house and had to find the USB drive.

According to the information we have so far, the real culprits of Hejude Auction House are Yan Hao, Gu Rushui and Zhao Yushan.The evidence is the recording, which has been recorded by Xu Yanyan into two USB flash drives. I already have one of the USB flash drives, and I have analyzed the other USB flash drive. Yan Hao’s office, home, and carry-on are the only three possibilities.I have searched Yan Hao's office, but I can't find it. There are two other possibilities.At present, it is difficult for me to get close to Yan Hao, so I can't search him. I will go to his house to search first.

The process of drilling the tunnel went smoothly, and soon, I went back the same way and touched under the bed in Meng Xue and Yan Hao's bedroom.

I didn't remove the lid in a hurry, I hid in the cellar, pricked up my ears, and listened for a full 5 minutes.After feeling nothing unusual, I carefully and carefully removed the cover.Cautiously, I came out of the cellar. I lay motionless under the bed. After making sure that there was no movement in the bedroom, I slowly crawled out from under the bed.

Standing up very carefully, I saw that there was no one on the bed.Going out quietly from the bedroom, I found that there was no one in the living room.Walking to the balcony and looking down, I was startled.I saw more than a dozen big men in black standing around the villa, all armed, holding weapons such as sticks and short knives in their hands.

To be on the safe side, I checked every room, and after making sure no one was there, I was relieved.

Quickly find a U disk!

Hurry up while Meng Xue and Yan Hao are not at home!
Start with the library first.

The study room is the most likely place to hide the U disk.

In Yan Hao's study, there is only a bookcase and a writing desk.When I opened the bookcase, I was a little surprised. I saw a lot of books on finance and economics neatly arranged in the bookcase. Yan Hao’s signature was on the cover of each book.There is no doubt that these books are his.

Out of curiosity, I opened a book at random, and found that the content in it was relatively esoteric, with a lot of technical terms.In the blank space of the book pages, there are annotations and annotations made by Yan Hao in pencil.It can be seen that Yan Hao is very serious when reading these books.

I can't help feeling.

To be honest, Yan Hao studied hard in high school, got good grades, and was smart.Yan Hao was originally a very motivated young man.

From this we can see that the moral character of a person is too important.Once the thinking is deviant, the action will be deviant, and it will soon be incurable.Yan Hao is a standard negative teaching material.

Put the book back where it was, and I continued to search the USB drive.Who knows, but did not find it.However, several commendation documents and several academic papers were found, all related to Yan Hao.One of the commendation documents comes from the International Association for Endocrinology Research, and there is a paragraph on it: "... In recognition of Yan Hao's contribution to male endocrine research, after research by the association, it was decided to award Yan Hao a "male male male enhancement" meritorious medal... "

The papers were all written by Yan Hao, and the content was all about men.There is a passage in it that is very familiar, "Short time, intermittent weakness, etc., for men, life is like death. Based on years of experience, after in-depth exploration and research, I think it is not so easy to change this situation. First of all, we must calm down. , we must be mentally prepared to fight a protracted war..."

I sigh again.I have to say that Yan Hao is indeed smart.A student who studies international finance has even published papers on medical research, and has been commended by the International Research Society.Yan Hao is simply a rare talent.

such a pity.

Such a talent, because of his obsession with beauty, narrow-mindedness and strong desire for revenge, has fallen into a place of eternal doom.

In the words of Brother Pao, Yan Hao has been poisoned by the hallucinogen, and the next step is to become a neuropathy, and then become a neuropathy, and the final result is to go crazy.

I'm depreesed.

Leaving the bookcase, I next check the desk.There are three drawers in the desk, all of which are locked.I didn't care about it, I pried open all the drawers.

The U disk was not found, but there was a pistol in the bottom drawer.It was exactly the same as the pistol I found in the drawer of Yan Hao’s office. I took a closer look and saw a few words engraved on the handle of the gun: “Commemoration of Bandit Suppression in Wulong Mountain.”

I see.There are two pistols in total, one is collected by Yan Hao, this one should belong to Meng Xue.The two pistols should be exchanged between Grandpa Yan Hao and Grandpa Meng Xue, and they were used as gifts for Yan Hao and Meng Xue's engagement.

For some reason, looking at the pistol, I suddenly had a very evil thought in my heart.Since you Yan Hao slept with my wife, I had no choice but to sleep with your wife.In this way, everyone will be evened out.

Besides, for the need of detoxification, I have to have intercourse with Meng Xue.

Ok, deal.

After making up my mind, I continued to look for a USB flash drive.Nothing was found in the study.I go back to the bedroom.

If the USB flash drive is hidden in the bedroom by Yan Hao, it will definitely be locked in a drawer.

On the drawer, there is a big brass lock.

After finally opening the drawer, I didn't find the USB flash drive, but found a letter.A few words were written on the cover of the letter, "Received by Meng Xue." On the signature, it said "A Siyang."

I was taken aback.It was actually Asyang's letter to Meng Xue.

(End of this chapter)

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