wife's secret

Chapter 238 Video

Chapter 238 Video
"Ancient tomb? What's the situation?"

"You'd better contact Zheng Liang, I still have a meeting, I'll go to it right away." Gu Rushui hurriedly left after speaking.

I had no choice but to call Zheng Liang.After the call was made, Zheng Liang said: "Add WeChat friends first, and I will send you a location, so hurry up."

After adding WeChat, the name of the other party's WeChat is Zheng Liang.I went to that place, on the outskirts of the city, a large open space, covering several hundred acres of land.The tower crane has been erected, but the construction team is idle on the construction site in twos and threes.

Zheng Liang said to me: "Unexpectedly, too unexpectedly. I just heard that you joined Ninghua Real Estate and became Gu Rushui's assistant. This news is very unexpected. It turns out that you, Chen Yang, have such great strength, and you unexpectedly Raised [-] million shares in Tianli. Few people in Ningzhou can compare with you in this courage."

"Don't flatter me first. Tell me, why did the construction site stop? What happened?"

"There was an accident when the construction started. When digging the foundation, I came across an ancient tomb. It was full of poisonous gas, and several workers had been poisoned and sent to the hospital. The ancient tomb was in a key part of the foundation, and construction had been delayed for three days. It's really frightening."

I was taken aback, "How could the ancient tomb release anger? What's going on?"

Zheng Liang took out two gas masks from the office, handed me one, and took the other with him, "Go! I'll take you to have a look."

Under the leadership of Zheng Liang, I saw the ancient tomb.The shape is rather strange, in fact, it is a coffin made of stones.I was suddenly curious.I have studied archeology, so I naturally understand that sarcophagi are rare, and once found, there must be strange things inside.

Even though I was wearing a mask, I could faintly smell a pungent odor.I asked Zheng Liang: "Have you reported it to the relevant department?"

"It has been reported, the experts have come, looked at it, and took some gas to test, but there is no result yet. Originally, Gu Rushui said that he would start work after the results and conclusions were obtained. Unexpectedly, he sent you here gone."

I frowned suddenly, I became Gu Rushui's assistant on the first day, and he gave me difficult questions, it was too straightforward.

Then, Zheng Liang asked: "Why did Gu Rushui send you here? Do you have a good idea?"

"No. I have nothing to do." I said angrily, "Gu Rushui wants to kill me, it's as simple as that."

Back in Zheng Liang's office, I said to Zheng Liang: "Do you still remember the last high school reunion when Gu Rushui heard that I was going, did he stop going? It's very simple, this guy has done something wrong to me. Zheng Liang, you are a good person, I believe in you."

Zheng Liang was very surprised: "It turns out that the two of you really have a festival. But, I don't understand. If this is the case, how did you become his assistant?"

"arranged by the old man"

Zheng Liang was even more surprised, "The old man has not been in good health these past few years, and he rarely sees outsiders. He never thought he would meet you. He even arranged you to be next to his son-in-law. I suspect that there is a story behind it."

The other person's words reminded me.When Jiang Haiyang met me, he mentioned an agreement.And to see what the other party meant, he didn't take the initiative to mention 50% of the shares, but asked me what I needed.

No, I have to go home and ask my family if I have time, did my grandfather leave any agreement or anything like that before he passed away.

I said to Zheng Liang: "Don't start work, wait until the results of the expert appraisal come out."

Before I finished speaking, my cell phone rang. After I connected, I was surprised, "Hello, is this Assistant Chen? I'm Xiao Zihang. I have something important to talk to you about."

After a hasty farewell to Zheng Liang, I met Xiao Zihang in an office on the eleventh floor of Ninghua Real Estate.As soon as the other party saw me, he greeted me very warmly, shook my hand, and introduced himself: "I am Xiao Zihang, the housekeeper of Ninghua Real Estate Company, and concurrently the assistant to Chairman Jiang."

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the sales office, I met Xiao Zihang.I know that this is an insidious guy. He once took out his pistol and wanted to shoot Gu Rushui in the back when the crowd was chaotic.

I have a hunch that the other party will not come to me for no reason, and must want to unite with me to deal with Gu Rushui.

Sure enough, my guess was confirmed.After Xiao Zihang greeted me enthusiastically, he closed the door immediately and said to me quietly: "Brother, when I saw you, I knew that you are a person who does great things. I have been looking forward to this day for a long time. I finally got it people who can work together."

I pretended to be confused, "What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't expect you to disguise yourself as a woman and sneak into the ribbon-cutting scene. If that old guy Yan Chengsen didn't find out in time, you should have succeeded."

"Success? What do you get?"

"Of course, get rid of Gu Rushui first, and then get his wife."

I was taken aback: "Why do you say that?"

"Don't think I don't know. Before you got married, Gu Rushui and your wife went to Chen Cang secretly, and they already had a son, who is now three years old. His name is Pengpeng and Chen Pengcheng, but his surname should not be Chen, but Gu. I said it, right?"

I was taken aback again.How did the other party know this?
Of course, I don't know what the other party means by saying this, in case they test me.I pretended to laugh, "Butler, how can you make such a joke?"

"I'm not joking, I'm telling the truth. Whether you admit it or not, it's all the truth."

After Xiao Zihang finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone, "Come on, I have a video here, you must be interested..." I took a closer look, my eyes suddenly widened, and my heart beat faster.

In the video, Huang Yijia and Gu Rushui were seen hugging each other tightly and kissing frantically.There are more than ten minutes.Then, Gu Rushui suddenly knelt down to Huang Yijia, with a begging expression on his face, and he couldn't understand what he said.After a while, Huang Yijia helped Gu Rushui up, and said something to him, but couldn't hear clearly.

Xiao Zihang put the phone back and said to me: "You want to hear their conversation very much, don't you? I can tell you. Listen to it, this is the original dialogue that I processed with a sound processor..."

Immediately, I heard the following voice:

"Yijia, Pengpeng is the flesh and blood of my Gu family and a descendant of my Gu family. Please, you must take good care of him. Now, I have arranged for him to go to school in the best full-time care in the city and give him the best Education. According to our original agreement, after Pengpeng reaches the age of fourteen, you can get 10% of the shares of Ninghua Real Estate. However, we must not let our affairs reach the ears of the old man, and that Jiang Man. Otherwise, everything will be over for me, and if I am over, our plan will be ruined."

"Rushui, stop kneeling and get up quickly. Of course I know the stakes of this matter. However, the fire cannot be contained in paper, and the old man and Jiangnan will know sooner or later. Therefore, we must take the initiative and not be passive..."

"How to take the initiative?"

"Get rid of the old man and Jiang Man as soon as possible, and you can sit on the chairman's throne as soon as possible. In this case, Ninghua Real Estate will be ours..."

(End of this chapter)

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