wife's secret

Chapter 243 Burial place

Chapter 243 Burial place

I was taken aback.

The situation Xiaofang narrated was too unexpected.It is exactly the same as the scene in many TV dramas.

"It turns out that Jiang Haiyang is the modern version of Chen Shimei, so you are Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter!"

"Yes, I am Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter." Xiaofang said to me seriously, "Actually, I asked Xiaoxie to accompany me to the city to find Jiang Haiyang."

"To meet relatives?"


"what's the result?"

"After Xiaoxie and I arrived at the gate of Ninghua Real Estate, the security staff stopped us. Asked who we were looking for, I said, I'm looking for Chairman Jiang Haiyang..."

Next, Xiaofang told me how she found Jiang Haiyang.It turned out that when the security guard asked her what she wanted to do with Jiang Haiyang, Xiaofang said that she was Jiang Haiyang's daughter.The security guard immediately sent them away.He also threatened that a country bumpkin would dare to pretend to be Jiang Haiyang's daughter and not leave, and let the police arrest you two.

At this moment, a luxurious red car stopped at the door.A luxuriously dressed lady got out of the car and asked what was going on.The security guard reported what had happened to the lady respectfully.After the other party heard this, he politely said to Xiaofang, I am Chairman Jiang's wife, you two follow me and come to my office.

After arriving at the other party's office, the woman poured tea for Xiao Huang and Xiao Xie, and enthusiastically gave them some snacks.Then ask what happened.Seeing that the woman was very kind and kind, Xiaofang didn't think much about it, and told her about her mother and Jiang Haiyang when they were young.

After the woman finished listening, she said to Xiaofang, thank you for your trust in me, and I will tell Jiang Haiyang what you said.It's just that Jiang Haiyang is not in the company now, he has gone abroad to see a doctor.How about this, since you two are here, don't go back to the countryside.I will arrange a job for the two of you, do it first, and I will tell Jiang Haiyang after he returns from overseas medical treatment, and he will see you.

Then the woman found Gu Rushui.Xiaofang and Xiaoxie were very surprised when they saw it. Isn't this the eggplant from childhood? Why is he here?Of course, Xiaofang didn't call the other party eggplant in front of the woman, that was a nickname, which was not pleasant, but called him Big Brother Gu very politely.After Gu Rushui saw the two of them, she was also very surprised, so she asked them what they were doing here.

The woman told Gu Rushui what happened.After Gu listened, his mouth grew very big. He obviously didn't expect that his father-in-law had such a romantic history when he was young, and that Xiaofang was the father-in-law's illegitimate daughter.The woman asked Gu Rushui how to deal with this matter, and Gu said, Ma'am, please don't worry, I will handle it well.

Gu Rushui took Xiaofang and Xiaoxie to his office, and he said to Xiaofang very seriously, it is very important that you are the illegitimate daughter of Chairman Jiang Haiyang, and it must be kept strictly confidential. From now on, you should not tell anyone people.In this way, I will arrange work for the two of you first. There is no rush to see Jiang Haiyang. He has not returned from medical treatment abroad. I will tell him when he comes back.

Therefore, Gu Rushui arranged Xiaofang to work in Xu Yanyan's advertising company, and Xiao Xie to Yan Hao's sunflower auction house.

I asked Xiaofang: "What happened later, did you see Jiang Haiyang later?"

"Later, I went to see Gu Rushui. I asked Jiang Haiyang if he had returned from medical treatment abroad, and if I could see him. Gu Rushui told me, it's dangerous for you to see Jiang Haiyang now, so I'll see you at the right time. I asked why, and he said that my wife Jiang Man is narrow-minded, after you meet Jiang Haiyang, she will definitely know about it, and she will kill you."

"That means, until now, you haven't seen Jiang Haiyang, right?"

"Yes. Gu Rushui asked me to wait. When the opportunity is right, he will take me to see Jiang Haiyang."

I nodded and didn't speak again.

Jiang Haiyang has an illegitimate daughter. Looking at it now, only Jiang Haiyang's wife Tang Xuelan and Gu Rushui know about it.At the cutting ceremony at the sales office that day, I met Tang Xuelan, a very kind woman.She should take pity on Xiaofang's background and won't do anything to her.As for Gu Rushui, it's hard to say. On the one hand, he arranged for Xiaofang to work with Xu Yanyan, on the other hand, he didn't let her see Jiang Haiyang, and deliberately concealed this secret from Jiang Haiyang.I don't know what calculations he has in mind.

Anyway, Xiaofang is one of Jiang Haiyang's legitimate heirs.A country girl who is about to become a rich lady.This is an unalterable fact.

I asked Xiaofang: "Did your mother give you any agreement? Or something like a guarantee?"


I shook my head.No, Jiang Haiyang once told me personally that he would fulfill the agreement.There should be something like an agreement or a letter of guarantee.

One possibility occurred to me.My grandfather is a very traditional and serious veteran. When he was hunting through the woods, he saw Jiang Haiyang and Xingfang doing that. By chance, a hungry wolf pounced on him.In desperation, my grandfather killed the hungry wolf with a gun, and after saving Jiang Haiyang and Xingfang, he asked Jiang Haiyang to write a letter of guarantee to marry Xingfang as his wife in the future.

It must be so.

Rural people have a natural rejection of city people, and Xingfang is a well-known village flower.My grandfather will never allow Jiang Haiyang to take advantage of the village flowers.I can even imagine that my grandfather might threaten Jiang Haiyang with a gun. If you fail Xingfang in the future, I will smash your balls with a shotgun.

Jiang Haiyang must have repeatedly agreed, even saying that there is no problem, he will definitely not let Xingfang down.However, there is no evidence for words.My grandfather must have asked him to write a letter of guarantee or something, which is the agreement Jiang Haiyang mentioned.

There is not only one copy of the agreement, one is in Jiang Haiyang's hands, and there should be another one, which is not with my grandfather. Xiaofang said that her mother didn't leave it to her either.This makes it strange, which protocol is where exactly?
A breeze blew over, and the woods rustled.The paper money that had just been burned was blown up by the wind, with a little spark.

I looked around and found a large rock not far away, covered with moss.On the front of the rock, there is a small hole.I walked over, took a look at the small hole, took out my phone, turned on the flashlight, and took a photo inside.I found that the hole was about a foot deep, and there were a few grains of rusty iron sand in it.

Immediately, I understood.These grains of iron sand should come from a shotgun.One can imagine that the hungry wolf should have been squatting on this rock at that time. When it saw Jiang Haiyang and Xingfang doing good deeds, it couldn't help but growl and rushed towards Jiang Haiyang.

It should be at this critical moment that my grandfather shot the hungry wolf in time.

It must be so.

It's just that I don't understand why Xiaofang chose this place as the burial place after Xiaofang's mother passed away.Is it really to commemorate the relationship with Jiang Haiyang?

No, Xiaofang's mother died of grief when she learned that Jiang Haiyang had failed her.So, here is her sad place.How can a person take the place of sadness as the place of burial?
(End of this chapter)

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