wife's secret

Chapter 246

Chapter 246

I shook my head again and again, "Dunzi, what you said sounds very professional, where did you learn it from?"

"Of course I followed coach Niu Lili."

Then, Dunzi explained.It turns out that during these more than 20 days of training, Dunzi had some understanding of Niu Li's past.It turned out that the opponent once won the wrestling championship in the Intercontinental Games, which is the highest honor for an athlete.Niu Li was still very young at the time, he could have continued to work, there was no need to choose to retire.The reason for retiring is because Niu Li turned his coach into a half-eunuch.

Niu Li's coach imposes unspoken rules on a female wrestler. This female wrestler is young and beautiful. Niu Li is very interested in her, and the other party also has feelings for him.Originally, the two of them developed towards a better side.But at this moment, Niu Li's coach hid his girlfriend.Niu Li was furious, and practiced hard on the stunt of carrying the bird's nest, and finally turned his coach into a half-eunuch in the middle of the night.

Therefore, Niu Li was fired and retired.

I said, "That's not right. Niu Li told me that the reason for his retirement is that he was expelled because he fought with an Angle boxer and had a bad influence internationally."

he didn't tell you the truth
Next, Dunzi explained again, which made me suddenly realize.It turned out that the reason why Hu Handlei asked Dunzi to study at the Niu Erbi wrestling training hall was because he knew that Niu Li would be able to hold the bird's nest.

A terrible truth suddenly occurred to me.Hu Handlei's enemy is definitely not an ordinary person, he is very likely to be a kung fu expert.Just imagine, if he was an ordinary person, Hu Handlei didn't need to spend 10 yuan to send Dunzi to intensive training, and he didn't even need to find Dunzi, just find an ordinary person to solve the opponent.

From this point of view, Dunzi's actions tonight are very risky.

After I expressed my thoughts, Dunzi nodded repeatedly, "Brother, you are right, you are right in reminding me. There will be no pies in the sky. Reporter Hu gave me 500 million, which is not easy to take. But, I have already reached This step is over, and there is no possibility of turning back. Tonight, I must do it."

Then, Dunzi explained one more thing to me.He said: "The bowl I bought for 120 million is in my hometown. If you have a chance in the future, you can help me dispose of it. The money from the sale will be given to my parents, so that the elderly can enjoy their old age. I can count on No more."

"Don't talk nonsense, you will definitely succeed. Although we don't know who the other party is, Reporter Hu should be very aware of the other party's strength. Since he has great confidence in you, then there must be no problem."

After encouraging Dunzi, I urged Dunzi to go to bed and rest quickly, and then set off when Hu Handlei came to call.

After Dunzi rested, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that something was wrong.I have a hunch that Dunzi's actions tonight will be very risky, no, I have to find a way to protect him.

I thought of Xiao Zihang, this guy now believes that he and I have the same goal, which is to deal with Gu Rushui.He is Jiang Haiyang's nephew, the housekeeper, and Jiang Haiyang's assistant. If I ask him to help, he will not refuse.

After calling the other party, the other party directly asked: "Did you succeed today?"

One sentence stunned me, "What did you do?"

"Didn't the medicine powder be given to you? When did you pour it into Gu Rushui's tea?"

"So you said this, don't rush, you need to find an opportunity, take your time."

"Brother, don't be confused. Now it's time for the fish to die. If you don't kill him, he will kill you."

"Okay, I get it. I'll kill Gu Rushui as soon as possible." I secretly scolded the other party for being crazy and even more impatient than me, and quickly changed the subject, "Boss, you know Chairman Jiang and Mrs. Who is eating?"

"Of course I know, why are you asking this?"

"Oh. Nothing. I was just asking."

"A casual question? Hehe, actually, if you don't tell me, I know what you mean."

I was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"You care about your wife, don't you?"

I was even more confused. Before I could ask, the other party continued: "Tonight, your wife Huang Yijia will accompany a high-ranking official from the island to meet the chairman. We will have dinner at the most exclusive hotel in the city. After the meal, the chairman will arrange for Huang Yijia and The official went to the hot spring to take a bath. That’s it. You already have a green one on your head, and you’re afraid of getting another one, right?”

I made a "scratch" in my heart, and Hu Shoulei and others were right in their analysis, this Xiao Zihang is really a psychopath.I said: "I heard that the chairman invited a heavyweight to dinner tonight, who is it?"

"Didn't you just say that you are inviting the high-ranking official from the island to dinner?"

I was taken aback.According to the information disclosed by Hu Handlei, the guest that Jiang Haiyang invited tonight is Hu Handlei's enemy. He is from the island, so of course it is Yuan Shaolin. So, Yuan Shaolin is Hu Handlei's enemy?
Simply impossible!

Yuan Shaolin is on the island, probably in his [-]s or [-]s, and he will definitely not have any contact with Hu Handlei's wife.

"So, tonight, only Mr. Jiang Haiyang, my wife, and the island official?"

"Of course, there seems to be another person, and he is Asyang. However, it is not sure whether he will participate or not."

After Xiao Zihang finished speaking, the next sentence surprised me, "Tomorrow, I will go to the Sakura Country, and I will make arrangements in advance. The main purpose is to handle the transfer of assets. After you kill Gu Rushui, when you arrive in the Sakura Country, I will ensure that the branch company three The [-] million assets are yours."

The other party's tone was very serious, and it sounded normal, which really made people have to believe it.However, I don't care if it's true or not.I have to make sure that Dunzi's actions tonight are not in danger.

When I was about to hang up the phone, the other party reminded me, "Assistant Chen, aren't you good at dressing up as a woman? Tonight you can dress up as a waitress and get in. That way, you can know what your wife is going to do." .”

"Thank you for your reminder." I immediately walked out of the hotel and called a taxi.I went to the beauty shop where I had plastic surgery as quickly as possible.When I saw the boss, without further ado, I went up and slapped him across the face, "Why did you leak the matter of my disguise as a woman last time? Do you know how much trouble it caused me? I almost lost my life." ,Do you understand?"

The other party turned pale with shock, and quickly apologized: "It was really not intentional. It was Yan Chengsen who sent someone to follow you and found that you had entered a beauty shop. It was only later that I found out that you had undergone plastic surgery and turned into a woman."

I said: "Since what happened in the past, no matter what you said is true or not, I don't care about you anymore. I still want to be a man disguised as a woman, so quickly turn me into a woman, the more like the better. Remember , must not disclose the information again.”

At seven o'clock in the evening, I showed up in a room in an upscale hotel.As for how I got in, I won't go into details.I am a waiter, and Jiang Haiyang, Huang Yijia and Yuan Shaolin are eating in this room.

I finally met Yuan Shaolin.

(End of this chapter)

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