wife's secret

Chapter 252 A Cousin Appeared

Chapter 252 A Cousin Appeared

"I'm at the airport"

"How did you get there?"

"Come to send a friend to the plane. Why don't you rest at this late hour?"

"Gao Shan came to look for me today. This guy is very annoying, and he is still harassing me downstairs."

"Gaoshan? Don't be afraid, I'm here."

"Can you come here and drive him away? I just bought a building today, with the 100 million you gave me, with an area of ​​[-] square meters. For some reason, Gao Shan found out just after I bought the house. He came to pester me .I'll send you a location, come here quickly."

Immediately, the other party sent me a location.I called right away, and 10 minutes later, I showed up in Tong Mengna's new apartment complex.After arriving at her downstairs, I took a deep breath and clenched my fists. I knew that Gao Shan was hovering at her door, and I wanted to teach him a lesson.

Arriving at the door of Tong Mengna's new house, she saw Gao Shan smoking on the steps of the door.When he saw me coming, there was a trace of panic in his eyes, but he calmed down immediately. Before I could speak, he said, "Congratulations, I finally made my wife your wife. I don't know if Yan Hao knows this matter?"

"Is it related to Yan Hao?"

"As far as I know, Yan Hao fell in love with my wife at first sight, and he fell in love with her very much. He tried every means to bet and won my wife. Now you are secretly married to Tong Mengna. If Yan Hao knew, he would definitely fight you desperately of."

There is no doubt that when Gao Shan came to pester Tong Mengna, Tong Mengna lied to him that she was married to me.

"Of course Yan Hao knows about this. I might as well tell you that Yan Hao and I are now colleagues and work in Ninghua Real Estate. We are currently a strong alliance. If you don't believe me, you can ask him. Don't take Yan Hao Hao threatened me. I advise you not to pester Tong Mengna again in the future. Because she is already my wife. Believe it or not, I will break your leg."

A trace of panic flashed in Gao Shan's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said, "You're cruel. I don't have to come here in the future. However, in order to see a doctor for Tong Mengna's father, I spent all my family property. Now I have nothing. I want I want 50 back, which is my future pension money.”

"I can give you 50. However, there is one condition."

"What conditions?"

"I arranged you to work in Ninghua Real Estate Company. What do you think?"

Gao Shan had a look of disbelief, "This is a good thing, you have this ability?"

"Don't be too happy. After you go to work in Ninghua Real Estate, you only do one thing, and that is to monitor Yan Hao and Yan Chengsen. I will not only give you 50, but also according to the information you provided me, according to the value, I Here's your money. What do you think?"

Gao Shan slapped his thigh excitedly, "Great, you think highly of me. From now on, I will be your man, and you will be my boss, and I will serve you well."

I nodded and smiled slightly.

I know that the other party will be very interested in the condition I proposed, and will readily agree.I know that Gao Shan hates Yan Hao terribly. It was Yan Hao who won his wife away through despicable means.The condition I offered him was equivalent to providing him with a chance to take revenge on Yan Hao.A fool wouldn't do it.

I immediately picked up my mobile phone and called Xiao Zihang, and I said, "I have a friend who majors in computer science, and his level is very good. Help me transfer him to work in Ninghua Real Estate."

"As long as you put the poison into Gu Rushui's teacup as soon as possible, you can ask for any conditions. Let your friend come to me tomorrow, and you can go to work from tomorrow. You are a computer student, right? Go to the Information Department."

"Don't go to the information department. Go to Yan Hao's branch and let him work with Yan Hao."

After finishing speaking, I gave Gao Shan Xiao Zihang's mobile phone number, "Tomorrow you go to Ninghua Real Estate to find this person. If you have anything to do, call me directly. Remember, it will be beneficial to hang out with me in the future."

Gao Shan left happily.

I knocked on the door, and when I entered, my eyes lit up. It was a renovated house with all kinds of furniture fairly complete.Tong Mengna said: "It cost 90 yuan to buy a house. The remaining [-] yuan, I bought some furniture and some electrical appliances. In addition, my cousin has seen it, and she brought me good news. She said she would find a way to make it I worked in Ningnianhua Real Estate."

"What did you say? Your cousin? Who is she?"

"Her name is Bai Jie. She was hired to join Ninghua Real Estate just after graduating from a prestigious university this year, and now she works with Lin Fengqian, the secretary of Chairman Jiang Haiyang. I heard that she is very appreciated by Jiang Haiyang, and she will be promoted to be a manager of the marketing department recently. Woolen cloth."

"Oh, so that's the case. So you've got everything with Bai Jie. But this time, you have to be careful not to be used by Gu Rushui again like last time."

"You said this again, you are really bad." Tong Mengna blushed, obviously, she remembered the miniature video recorder hidden on the windowsill when he and I did that.

I picked her up unceremoniously and went straight to the bedroom.During the interaction, I suddenly felt something was wrong. With the final outburst, I suddenly felt very tired, my back felt cold, and my forehead was sweating.

What's going on here?Never felt this way before.

Suddenly a possibility occurred to me.I was so scared that I almost rolled out of bed to the ground.It turned out that I remembered what Brother Pao told me about the intercourse between yin and yang.Niu Lili has made me eat three Datura pills in a row, and has repeatedly emphasized to me that within a month, I can't casually tell me that I must complete the task with Meng Xue as soon as possible, otherwise it will be very dangerous.

This is how to do?I suddenly tensed up.It seems that I have to find Meng Xue right away, and have a showdown with her on this matter. My life is in danger, and I can no longer hide it from her.

Seeing that I was not in the right state, Tong Mengna asked me what was wrong.I vaguely responded casually, "Reporter Hu did a big thing today, which made me very nervous. My heart is still pounding until now."

"Is the reporter surnamed Hu you mentioned a reporter from Ningzhou Evening News? Nicknamed Hu Handlei?"

"Yeah, that's him. He wrote stories that had the effect of exploding grenades, hence the nickname."

"This man is very interesting. He has been courting my cousin and sending flowers almost every day. My cousin is quite moved."

I was taken aback, "Hu Shurenei pursues Bai Jie?"


"Doesn't Hu Shunlei have a wife?"

"There used to be, and he was also a famous college student in Ninghua Real Estate. It's just that his wife was taken over by a department supervisor, and Hu Handlei divorced his wife. He's still single now."

My heart skipped a beat.Hu Shoulei clearly said that he asked Dunzi to avenge the green hat for him, obviously not the supervisor.I always thought that Hu Handlei found another wife after his divorce, and that Jiang Haiyang was having an affair with his current wife, and that he was planning to make a man with his current wife.

Looking at it now, that doesn't seem to be the case.

Things are a little messed up.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. I have to figure this out.I immediately called Ma Dapao, "Dapao, let your team members know what's going on with Jiang Haiyang right away. Is he alive or dead? Or injured? To what extent?"

(End of this chapter)

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