wife's secret

Chapter 257 "You Are Really Stupid"

Chapter 257 "You Are Really Stupid"

"To put it simply, the man is poisoned by the yang, and the woman is poisoned by the yin. It needs to be neutralized, similar to a chemical reaction, and the poison will be resolved."

This is already very euphemistic.Unexpectedly, Meng Xue didn't react, "What a mess, malevolent, malevolent, and chemical reaction. Brother, what exactly are you trying to say?"

I was speechless.The other party was not enlightened.There are only two cases of not being enlightened: one case is that you really don’t understand, and if you really don’t understand, it means that the other party has never done that.The second situation is to clearly understand, but pretend not to understand.

I pay close attention to Meng Xue's tone and expression, and I can say responsibly that she belongs to the first category.

How could this be? Is the other party really that pure?

At this time, my mind flashed, and I suddenly remembered that the other party was a saint, and suddenly realized.That's right, the other party really didn't do it.

Brother Pao told me that when he lurked under Meng Xue's bed, he saw with his own eyes the scene where Yan Hao rolled under the bed as soon as he touched the other's skin when he climbed onto the bed and tried to make out with her.I couldn't help getting nervous, even if the other party agreed, I wouldn't dare.The saint has a magnetic field on her body, which has a strong sense of repulsion. I have to pass this level first.

Thinking of this, I immediately became curious about the other party. When I was thinking about it, Meng Xue said again, "Speak up, brother, what are you thinking. You haven't answered my question yet."

I put it all together, and I said, "Let me tell you this, the chemical reaction I'm talking about actually refers to a neutralization. Both men and women need that. The male and female poisons will be resolved in this way."

Meng Xue's face turned red immediately.She said it so bluntly, of course she understood what it meant.She glanced at me, "What are you thinking, you have a thick skin."

But I said very seriously, "It is true that there is no cure for this kind of psychedelic poison. Apart from this method, there is no other good method."

Meng Xue looked at me quietly, "Brother, you don't want to take advantage of me, do you?"

I quickly said, "Misunderstood. Junior sister, you really misunderstood. I have no other ideas. I am just telling you how to detoxify."

"Then let me ask you, brother, how does the poison spread?"

I was stunned by the question, and I didn't react, so I replied casually, "It should be through the blood."

"You are right, it does pass through blood. So what is the connotation of intercourse?"

I still didn't realize it, "Connotation? What connotation?"

Meng Xue's face turned red all of a sudden, "Don't you understand after thinking about it?"

The other party blushed.I suddenly understood what it meant.What the other party meant was that the way to detoxify is through the blood, so that the negative poison and the positive poison meet to produce a chemical reaction.And neutralization doesn't seem to have any connection with blood, it's contact between bodily fluids.

Thinking of this, my heart beat faster.It does make sense.If so, I would be too shameless.At this moment, I suspected that Brother Pao was fooling me.

Seeing the other party staring at me, I quickly and seriously said, "Your understanding is wrong. I have a basis for saying this, and I'm not talking nonsense. I don't want to take advantage of you. Well, didn't Yan Hao's father send someone to Have you gone abroad to find an expert? There should be news soon. After the expert comes, let the expert show you. If the effect is good, let me see it. If the effect is not good, we will use another method.”

Immediately after I came out of the hospital, I called Brother Pao, "Old Pao, where are you now?"

"I'm drinking coffee with Niu Lili and Angel. By the way, Angel is looking for you, so hurry up."

"Angel? Is that the special envoy of Dolly?"

"That's right. I'll send you a location, and you'll come over right now."

In a cafe, I finally met Angel, the boxer Niu Lili mentioned.Just like I imagined, the other party was black, shiny black, like a layer of shoe polish, with a strong body, bright eyes, and white teeth.

After I introduced myself, Anger greeted me very politely, "Gu Rushui has already arranged for you the cooperation, and he explained it clearly to me, you are his assistant, and now you are in charge of this matter. Now you need to go to Duoliguo to inspect the wood, and if it meets the decoration requirements, the base will produce it immediately."

Niu Lili asked what was going on, and I told her about Duoliguo's investment of [-] million yuan.After Niu Lili finished listening, she and Brother Pao glanced at each other, and they said in unison, "Gu Rushui probably didn't have any good intentions."

Next, Niu Lili and Brother Pao conducted an analysis.Similar to what I thought, it is very risky to go to the primeval forest of Duoliguo to investigate timber.Because there are boa constrictors in the primeval forest, once you encounter them, your life will be in danger.Gu Rushui was supposed to go to investigate in person, but he hid and let me go, clearly letting me take risks.

Angel said, "Chen Yang is a guest we invited, and we will do our best to protect him. He will not be in danger." Then, he introduced the situation of this kind of decorative wood.

It turned out that this kind of wood is the plant that grows Datura fruit. It grows in the virgin forest. It is relatively flexible, but the plastic is very strong.This wood is especially suitable for decoration.Residents of Dolly use this kind of wood to make their houses.

As soon as I heard what the other person said, I was very interested.At present, solid wood is the most lacking in domestic real estate decoration. Dolly owns a stretch of virgin forest with a lot of trees.If the plant Datura is really suitable for decoration, then the market prospect will be great.I immediately agreed to the other party, and I said to him, "Very good. I can go to Dolly with you for inspection now. But I have a worry. I have been poisoned in my body recently. I am afraid that after I go, if my body If you don't feel well, it will be troublesome."

Brother Pao shook his head, and said to me with an incredulous expression, "I have already provided you with the best channels and the best opportunities. You haven't completed the task, and you haven't taken Meng Xue down yet. You are really a What an idiot."

Angel was taken aback and asked what was going on.

Brother Pao told him about the yin and yang intercourse, and also about the situation of sneaking into the other party's house through the tunnel.After finishing speaking, Brother Pao looked at me sadly, "It's been several days, what are you waiting for?"

I smiled wryly, "This kind of thing must be done if both parties agree, how can it be forced?"

Angel understood, and he criticized Brother Pao, "Boss Chen is right, this kind of thing requires both parties to agree to achieve results. Take the people of our primitive tribes as an example, everyone lives in tents , next to each other, dare not mess around. A man has his eyes on a woman, and he absolutely dare not sneak in randomly. He must send a signal in advance, and wait for the woman to agree, and then the man will touch it in the middle of the night. "

Brother Pao explained, "Of course I know that this kind of thing can't be messed up. But brother Chen Yang's situation is very urgent, and Meng Xue's situation is also very urgent. Both of them have been poisoned. If they don't have intercourse right away, they will go to court." Just like Yan Hao, he became insane first, and then died of madness. So now we have to fight hard, this is the only way to save the two of you."

I said, "You are all to blame for this incident. If you hadn't put hallucinogens on the map of Taoyuan Wonderland, Meng Xue and I would not be poisoned now. I know your intention is to deal with Yan Hao, but it hurt others You hurt yourself too."

"Brother Chen, why are you ignorant of human feelings? If it were me, it would be too late to thank you. I gave you the opportunity to do something nice with a beautiful woman. You should treat me to dinner. After your good thing is done, the body The poison has been cured, and you want to invite me to eat the original way of eating in Inner Mongolia."

I was speechless.

At this time, Niu Lili opened the bag and took out something similar to a candle and handed it to me, "This is a special plant in the primeval forest of Duoli, which is like incense. You sneak into Meng Xue's bedroom tonight, first Light it, and after 2 minutes, Meng Xue will lose consciousness. Then you and her should quickly detoxify."

I called over, "Does this thing work?"

Brother Pao said, "Lily won't lie to you. She has personal experience. That's how she was taken down by Angel."

Angel quickly explained, "As I said just now, we have rules, as long as you like it. This thing is not used to deal with women, it is used to deal with boa constrictors."

Niu Lili said, "Old Pao, you can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth. Let me tell you, this thing was sent to me by Angel from Duoli when I was a freshman. He won the boxing prize in the Intercontinental Games. After the bronze medal, thanked me and sent me some of this."

Brother Pao and I were very surprised.Why did Angel send these things to Niu Lili.But one thing is certain, Niu Lili is very avant-garde and sexy, and Angel is a strong boxer.After Niu Lili got to know each other through doing business in that area, the two must have interacted in a timely manner.

I have a bold guess that Duoliguo invested [-] million yuan to cooperate with Ninghua Real Estate, which may be related to Niu Lili.

I was thinking about it, but Brother Pao pushed me away, "Time is running out, so hurry up and get this thing. You have two days to complete the task. Otherwise, you are not a man, and you are not worthy to be our boss."

Niu Lili said, "Chen Yang, before going to Duoliguo to investigate the Datura plant, I should listen to Brother Pao and detoxify it with Meng Xue first. This is a matter of life, and nothing is more important than this. Be brutal, be decisive."

Immediately afterwards, Brother Pao encouraged me, "The three of us will go to Xia Mingguang's house and wait for the news of your victory. Let's do this. You will sneak into Meng Xue's bedroom tonight and do the good work. Then take a flight tomorrow to visit Duoliguo wood."

(End of this chapter)

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