wife's secret

Chapter 261 Must abide by local rules

Chapter 261 Must abide by local rules

I lay on the recliner and fell asleep in a daze.After an unknown amount of time, Angel woke me up and said that the plane was about to take off.I saw that he bought a lot of things with big bags and small bags, so I helped him carry these things and boarded the plane together.After I got on the plane and sat down, I asked Angel why he bought these things.

Angel said: "These are all commodities of modern civilization. We are very backward there, and the things we use are very primitive. Take this for example..." He took out a pack of panty liners for women, "Masks like this are not available in our There’s none there, I’ll take some back to let our women over there experience it.”

"What did you say? Is this a mask?"

"Yeah, look how good the design is. There are straps on both sides, and the thickened part in the middle is pasted on the mouth, which can prevent some poisonous gas in the virgin forest from being sucked into the mouth..."

I suppressed my laughter, and patiently explained to the other party that this is not a mask, but something for women, not on the mouth, but on the bottom.Angel felt unbelievable after hearing this. He touched his head and said in embarrassment, "Thanks for reminding you, otherwise it would be a big joke."

I can't help feeling that this little incident is enough to prove that Dollyland is very primitive.No wonder Gu Rushui didn't go to investigate by himself, let me go.It should not be a question of danger, but a question of incompatibility.

The plane flew through the night sky, and Angel and I chatted casually during this time.I pretended not to know about Angor and Niu Lili, and I asked him how he knew Niu Lili.Angle said, "The Intercontinental Games was held four years ago, and I represented Dolly in the lightweight boxing competition. One night, I was bored and went online, and I met a beautiful woman who was in her freshman year. I have never seen that product before, and I was very interested, so I asked her how to use it, and she explained and demonstrated it to me. I was surprised that this beauty was so open, so I added WeChat with her. She gave I sent some of this product. Then I got familiar with it..."

"Later, I invited her to play in Duoli. When she got there, I took her to the primeval forest to find a datura plant, which is the kind of wood we are going to investigate now. She said datura The fruit is a special kind of medicinal material, and she wanted to take some back for research and development. I was surprised, this woman was very business-minded, so she got some datura fruits, and Niu Lili took them back. Later, she entrusted me to There are a lot of acquisitions here, so I found the chief of the primitive tribe, and the chief was very happy when he heard that, saying that attracting investment is a new thing in Duoli, and it has brought a lot of foreign exchange to Duoli."

The next morning, when I got off the plane at around [-] o'clock in the morning, I saw that it was similar to what I imagined. There were no tall buildings and wilderness on all sides. It was really primitive and backward.I don't want to stay in this place any longer. I said to Angel, "To save time, let's go directly to the primeval forest to inspect the wood. After the inspection, I will take the flight back tomorrow."

Angel was not happy when he heard that, "Boss Chen, it's a good thing that the chief of the primitive tribe didn't hear what you said, otherwise he would have someone beat you to death."

I was taken aback, "Why?"

"We have rules here. For guests who come from afar, we must strictly enforce the rules, and there must be nothing less, otherwise it is not the way to welcome guests. If the guests do not cooperate, it will be the biggest insult to Dolly, and they will immediately become Dolly. Enemies. For enemies, we also have a rule, that is to beat them to death with sticks.”

I broke out in a cold sweat, "I didn't mean anything when I said this just now, I just wanted to improve the efficiency of work. Since there are rules, then follow your rules. I just don't know what the rules are."

"You don't have to be so nervous," Angel laughed. "One is to drink, and the other is to eat food. Both are good things. This is our way of hospitality."

In this way, Angel took me to the primitive tribe to meet the chief.As I imagined, the other party was dressed in fur, with black skin and hair on his face, like a gorilla.After the other party saw me, he murmured a string of birdsong, but I couldn't understand anything.After I finished speaking, the other party knelt down for me all of a sudden.I was taken aback and quickly knelt down to the other party.There was a strange expression on the other party's face.

Angel quickly pulled me up, "Only the chief can kneel down to you, you can't kneel down to him, otherwise it would be an insult to him."

I don't know what the rules are, and I don't dare to ask.I saw the chief kneeling on the ground, and after speaking a series of bird language that I could not understand, he stood up, put his index finger and middle finger in his mouth, and whistled loudly.

I was looking confused when I saw a group of men and women in leather clothes appearing out of nowhere.After reaching me, he lifted me up all of a sudden.I didn't know what they were going to do, so I shouted in fright, "Help."

Angle said, "This is the way of hospitality, don't be nervous."

As soon as the words fell, I was carried into a tent by this group of people.What happened next made me feel unbelievable, and my clothes were stripped off at once.Then two women came up, each with a bucket of water in their hands, and poured it down on my head involuntarily.The water was very cold, literally freezing to the bone.After dousing me with water, then two women took a furry hide and put it on for me.

Immediately, I had a very comfortable feeling.The inside is fluffy, which is not comparable to current clothes.

Next, let's move on to the rules that Angel said.The first is to drink.These people took me to a big tent with a big round table, basically all the meat of wild animals on it, and a lot of wild fruit wine.Seeing me coming in, the chief babbled again, and everyone in the tent knelt down to me and cheered.

Finally started drinking.Angel sat next to me, and he acted as my interpreter.First, the chief picked up the wine in the bowl, looked at me respectfully, and chattered for about two minutes.

Angel translated for me.Roughly speaking, Duoliguo and Ningzhou City already have a basis for cooperation.Duoliguo has provided 3 tons of datura fruit to Ningzhou City, bringing Duoliguo [-] US dollars in foreign exchange income.This income is equivalent to the sum of Dolly's foreign exchange in the past ten years.I hope that the renovation of the timber base can start smoothly, and I hope that the inspection will go well.He wants to arrange for the bravest boys to protect me and go to the primeval forest.

I'm surprised.I know that the foreign exchange of ten thousand dollars was done by Niu Lili.It is actually equivalent to the total foreign exchange of Dolly Country in the past ten years.It can be seen from this that Dolly is indeed very primitive and backward.

The toast procedure is that the chief comes first, then the chief's wife, and then the chief's son and daughter.After this series of wine toasts, my stomach is basically full.But it's not over yet, the chief's assistant, and various small bosses toasted me.

Finally the procedure of drinking is over. Fortunately, the wine is fruit wine, otherwise I would have been drunk long ago.Then came the part of eating food.They are all kinds of wild beast meat, all from the wild beasts in the primeval forest.There was a delicious dish. I asked Angel what it was, and Angel said it was python meat. I almost vomited it out.I am most afraid of pythons. I prayed secretly on the plane that I would never encounter a python. Unexpectedly, I would eat its meat.

After eating, I proposed to the chief through Angel that I want to inspect wood as soon as possible, and I want to see Datura as soon as possible.

The chief was straightforward, and it could be seen that he was also in a hurry, and wanted to reach a cooperation as soon as possible, and wanted to operate the timber production base with an investment of [-] million yuan as soon as possible.Under his arrangement, a small team was set up. This small team was set up specifically to protect me from inspecting wood. Angel was also in this small team, and he was in charge of acting as an interpreter for me.

Surprisingly, the leader of the team was a young woman named An Cai'er.It is only one word away from Li Caier, the leader of the Chrysanthemum Society.Angel introduced that Ancer was the chief's youngest daughter, the prettiest girl in Dolly, and the bravest.The chief made An Cai'er the leader of the team, showing his respect and importance to me.

(End of this chapter)

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