wife's secret

Chapter 263 I Can't Take Her There

Chapter 263
At this time, I saw An Cai'er looking at me with a red face.The other party is too beautiful and charming, and there is a kind of wildness in the other party, which is not possessed by women in big cities.In short, I have an urge to think about that very much in my heart, and a normal man would have the same idea as me.

I nodded and agreed, "Of course I am very happy to marry the chief's daughter. However, I have a wife, so it is immoral for me to do so. I hope the chief can reconsider."

Angor translated my words to the chief, and the chief laughed when he heard it, and he murmured, meaning that I have long heard that you have polygamy, so what are you afraid of if you have a wife? So you are only one wife, you are too Poor, I will marry An Cai'er to you right now. After finishing speaking, he immediately called a few men and women in animal skins and muttered to them. Angel said to me, "Tonight, the chief Just let you and her daughter bridal chamber flowers and candles."

The other party actually said polygamy, and I couldn't explain it. I said, "This is too anxious, I'm not prepared at all."

"Why are you not prepared at all? Isn't Niu Lili ready for you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Didn't she already give you the condom before leaving?"

I was taken aback, yes, before departure, Niu Lili gave me a small bag, which contained emergency medicine and a box of covers.At that time, I asked her why, and Niu Lili said that Angel let her go.

I asked inexplicably, "What rules do you have here? Why do you use a cover for the wedding night in the bridal chamber? Isn't the original one okay?"

"You'll know then."

I only now understand that before I set off, Angel had expected that I was going to marry the chief's daughter, and had already prepared for me in advance.When I told Angel my thoughts, he shook his head again and again. He said that I didn't expect this, I was just thinking about your safety.

Then he explained to me that the women in Dolly Country are very savage, and they have never seen a fair-skinned man like me.So when I get here, they will attack me crazily.Angel is very thoughtful. If I plant seeds in these women's stomachs, it will be a trouble for me after they give birth to children in the future.

After I heard this, I shook my head again and again, "You have too much imagination, you want to attack me? You shouldn't be so crazy. I think they are very civilized."

"What you see is an appearance, they haven't had the chance yet. Besides, you are the chief's most honored guest, so they don't dare."

I was taken aback when I heard this, and reminded myself to be careful and not to act alone.

I am full of curiosity about the wedding night in the bridal chamber.

The moment has finally arrived.But it is a strict procedure.The first procedure made me unbearable. Just like when I first met the chief, two women took off the animal skin on me, and each carried a bucket of cold water and poured it on my head.In Angel's words, this is called washing off the dirt.I can understand, after all, the chief's youngest daughter is as beautiful as a flower, so it is necessary to wash her body before entering the bridal chamber.

But the second procedure made me feel very difficult to accept. It turned out to be an examination on me, similar to a pre-marital medical examination.A woman touched and pinched me, examining my private parts very carefully and carefully.After the inspection, the woman murmured a series of words to Angel.I was embarrassed and surprised by the translated meaning.It turned out that the other party meant that my size was too small, and I am afraid that I could not satisfy the chief's youngest daughter.

I felt that my personality was insulted, and the other party meant that I couldn't do it. I said, "Small size does not mean that the fighting power is not strong, and the big size does not necessarily mean that the fighting power is strong."

Angel murmured to the woman, meaning that the size of this thing would vary depending on the skin color, so don't worry too much about it.As long as the chief's daughter is satisfied.

The happiest moment finally came, and it was almost as I expected. An Caier brought me a brand new experience, which cannot be described in words.

After the wedding night in the bridal chamber, An Caier officially became my wife.With her help, I successfully found the male boa constrictor. After killing the boa constrictor, I ate snake gall, and Angel said to me, "Boa constrictor gall can detoxify all poisons, and the hallucinogen in your body should disappear soon." can disappear."

After I stayed in Dolly for a few days, I bid farewell to the chief, and I said: "The wood decoration and processing base has been completed now, and there is still a lot of follow-up work that needs to be carried out immediately. I will go back and report to Chairman Jiang Haiyang."

The chief babbled a series of words, and Angel translated it, and I was shocked.It turned out that the chief wanted his youngest daughter to go back with me. The other party understood very well that my daughter is already your wife, so you have to be responsible for her to the end.

I hurriedly said: "Of course I will be responsible for An Caier, but I can't take her back now. After all, the environment is different, and she must not be used to it now. In addition, I have a wife over there. I want to go with her first." Divorce is the only way to take An Caier over."

I said that the chief can understand the adaptation to the environment, but he didn't understand when I said that we should get divorced first to pick up An Cai'er.I can only say, you have your rules, and we have our own set of rules, and I have to abide by our rules.The chief finally agreed not to let An Caier pass by for the time being.

Angel sent me to the airport. Before boarding the plane, the other party asked me one thing, "Did you take protective measures during the bridal chamber?"


"That's troublesome. If An Cai'er has one, she will bring the child to your place to find you in the future. You have to think of countermeasures in advance."

Upon hearing this, I immediately panicked, and I said, "It can't be such a coincidence."

"In case, you have to be mentally prepared." After sending me on the plane, Angel handed me a bag, "This is Datura fruit, Niu Lili asked me to bring some to her."

The plane took off.Sitting on an airplane felt like a dream.This time I came to Dolly Country to harvest a woman, which is really unexpected.In fact, I wanted to use a condom on the wedding night in the bridal chamber, but was rejected by the other party.The other party made gestures, meaning do you like to wear a raincoat to take a bath?

At eleven o'clock the next morning, the plane arrived at Ningzhou Airport.As soon as I got off the plane, I received a call from Ma Dapao, "Boss Chen, I have already done what you asked me to do."

"what's up?"

"Didn't you ask me to find the letter of guarantee written by Jiang Haiyang? I found it, and I finally found it."

"Great, bring it to me quickly."

In a teahouse next to Ninghua Real Estate Company, I met Ma Dapao.He handed me a piece of paper, "This is a copy of the guarantee letter, please take a look."

I took it over and saw that there was such a passage written on it: I, Jiang Haiyang, promise to marry Xingfang as my wife in the future. If she is pregnant with my child, she will marry Chen Yang if she is a girl. If she is a boy, Just be brothers with Chen Yang.In addition, I also promise that if I have my own company in the future, no matter how big the company grows, I will give 50% of the company's shares to Chen Yang.

Below this passage, the words Jiang Haiyang are written.In addition, there are traces of handprints on it.

I remembered what Jiang Haiyang said about the agreement, and I can be sure that the agreement he mentioned is this guarantee.There should be two copies, one is in his hands, and the other is given to my grandfather or Xingfang.

Da Pao said: "Qin'er found it in Jiang Haiyang's office. Taking advantage of cleaning, she found it in the drawer of Jiang Haiyang's desk. This is a copy. I checked with someone, and it is indeed Jiang Haiyang's handwriting." .It’s just that I don’t understand why Jiang Haiyang wrote this letter of guarantee. It’s simply unbelievable.”

(End of this chapter)

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