wife's secret

Chapter 27 The Landlord Has a Problem

Chapter 27 The Landlord Has a Problem

"Owe me?"

I stopped and looked at Xu Yanyan puzzled.When I wanted to ask what was going on, the other party had already turned sideways and started snoring.


When I called again, the other party never responded.

In this case, it is impossible to match the other party's words.

Leaving Xu Yanyan's residence and on the way home, I pondered what the other party said just now. "Go!" "I owe you" "I don't blame you"...

What do you mean?
Why did Xu Yanyan owe me?What do you owe me?

I can't help thinking that the bank card with a balance of 10 yuan was really given to me by Xu Yanyan?Or... Xu Yanyan herself?

impossible.Why did Xu Yanyan give me such a large sum of money?

But, she said she owed me just now, what happened?
My mind was in a mess along the way, and I had no clue at all.One thing is certain, when I was in Xu Yanyan's bedroom just now, the other party was willing and very proactive.She took the initiative to say that sentence, not because she was coquettish, but because she felt that she owed me, and if I said that, it would be a kind of psychological comfort for her.

At this time, the words that Zhao Yushan said to me jokingly appeared in my mind~~ "Be careful not to get in and out"...

It's confusing.

Tonight's meal was not fruitless. I can be sure that Zhao Yushan and Xu Yanyan both know a dark secret. This secret is about me, and they both hide it from me.

What kind of secret is it?

It is very likely that it has something to do with the accident at the Hejude Auction House.

When I got home, it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. I walked into the small room quietly and took a look. I saw my son was sleeping soundly, the quilt was kicked to the ground by him, and he was lying on the bed naked.I shook my head helplessly, and quickly picked up the quilt on the ground to cover him.This child does not follow me. My mother said that when I was a child, I slept very honestly and never kicked the quilt.

After washing up, I walked into the bedroom and saw that Huang Yijia had already fallen asleep and was snoring lightly.She is wearing lingerie and lying on her side, showing a very good figure. It can be said that her curves are blurred and fascinating.

In those days when the business of Hejude Auction House was very good, sometimes when I came back late from a social event and saw her like this, I couldn't help jumping on the bed and hugging her tenderly.But now, I'm not in that mood.

Firstly, after the accident at the Hejude Auction House, I felt that the hormones in my body could not rise any longer. Secondly, too many things have happened recently, and I feel that many people are hiding something from me, including my wife.I really want to wake up Huang Yijia and let her explain clearly what happened to the "brother-in-law".

I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself down.No one can be trusted, the most trustworthy person in the world is actually himself, of course, there are brothers who are connected with him by blood.

Early the next morning, as soon as I woke up, I received a call from Dunzi, saying that he had something important to tell me.I said let’s talk on the phone, but he said it’s not possible and we need to have a face-to-face interview. I said okay, I’ll find a place to have breakfast and send you the location.

I told Huang Yijia that if I was in a hurry, I would go back first, so you can leave me alone for breakfast, and you can send your son to school after dinner.

After making the arrangement, I drove my broken Xiali to the breakfast place, which was not far from the Sunflower Auction House, across the road diagonally.As soon as I sat down, Dunzi came. I asked for fried dough sticks and soy milk, and told Dunzi to eat while it was hot.Dunzi said: "Breakfast is not important, I have to tell you the important things first. Brother, there is a problem with the landlord of Hejude Auction House."

"What's the problem?" I hesitated.The accident at the Hejude Auction House was because the counterfeit was auctioned off as the real one, and the general buyer was fine, but the other party's identity was unusual. He was actually the president of the International Yanxia Culture Research Association, which caused trouble.As for the landlord, it seems that it has nothing to do with this matter.

"I beat around the bush and inquired about it, and finally found the landlord. When I saw the landlord, I lied to him directly, and I said to the landlord in a very stern tone, do you know who I am? Let me tell you, I am the secretary-general of the Ningzhou Consumers Association , according to reliable information, you are suspected of fraud in renting out your house, and you will be sued soon..."

"When the landlord heard what I said, his expression changed immediately."

Dunzi narrowed his eyes, "If he looks calm, it means there is no problem. Once his face changes, I will immediately conclude that there is something wrong with him."

I was taken aback, "Oh? What did he say?"

"This person is very vigilant. Is there any evidence that you are a member of the Consumer Association? I showed him the certificate and he believed it. He asked, you said that my house was suspected of fraud. Why can't I understand? What you said is Which house?"

"I said, it is the current Ninghua Real Estate Sales Office, which used to be called Hejude Auction House. According to the information we have, you committed fraud in the process of renting out the house to Hejude Auction House, so I want to sue you. "

"After hearing this, the man immediately said that I sold that house a long time ago, and now it belongs to Ninghua Real Estate. It has nothing to do with me. It is useless for you to find me."

"I asked the landlord, did you sell the house? When did you sell it? The landlord said that Hejude Auction House sold it three days after it closed..."

Speaking of which, Dunzi lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and after puffing out a puff of smoke, he looked at me seriously, "Brother, it's only been three days since the Hejude Auction House closed, and the landlord has put the house away. Sold it. This thing is fucking evil."

Dunzi's words brought me into memory.

When I rented a house to set up the Hejude Auction House, I inspected the buildings along the street in the center of the urban area. I took a fancy to a location and thought it was very suitable to set up an auction house in the center of the street, so I signed a rental contract with the landlord. One sign is ten years.

The landlord's name is Cai Mingyuan. He is in his fifties and looks quite honest.After the incident at the Hejude Auction, the rental contract was still six years away from its expiration date. According to the contract, during the rental period, you can’t say that you don’t want to rent the house, otherwise you will be in breach of the contract, and you will have to pay a large amount of compensation to the other party for breach of contract.

When I was worrying, Cai Mingyuan came to me and offered to stop renting if he didn’t want to rent. He would not charge me compensation. He said that I know you are having a hard time now. If you don’t rent, I will take the house back. , I will find a way to rent it out.I was very moved, and I didn't expect that the other party was very considerate of me.So I gratefully quit the lease.

Just now Dunzi said that the house was sold by the landlord on the third day after the closure of Hejude Auction House, there is obviously a problem.The reason why Cai Mingyuan offered to cancel the lease and promised not to receive compensation should be because someone had already taken a fancy to the house and wanted to pay for it, and the two parties must have reached an agreement long ago.

However, even so, it seems that this matter is not directly related to the accident at the Hejude Auction House.

"Dunzi, come, eat while it's hot." I handed the fragrant fritters to Dunzi.

Dunzi took the fritters and continued, "I found out that the house was indeed bought by Ninghua Real Estate Co., Ltd. I heard that this real estate company is very powerful. It is the only listed company in Ningzhou City in the real estate industry. Chairman Her surname is Gu, her name is Gu Rushui..."

(End of this chapter)

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