wife's secret

Chapter 273 Send someone to monitor you

Chapter 273 Send someone to monitor you

After I came out of Jiang Man's office, just as I returned to my office, Xiao Zihang came over, "How is Assistant Chen? Did you take down my cousin?"

The other party's tone was ambiguous, which made people very uncomfortable. I said, "Housekeeper Xiao, what are you talking about? Mr. Jiang came to me just now to discuss business."

"What business are you talking about, can you tell me?"

"The decoration company has just been established. Mr. Jiang asked me to cooperate with Gu Rushui and Li Cai'er. There is also the matter of timber transportation from many countries. In short, it is all work."

"Is there nothing else to gain?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Zihang laughed, "You probably don't know, all the men Jiang Man called into her office didn't cover their crotch when they came out. You came out completely now, which means she must have told you something private. Things, as I expected, must have made you blush with what she had said to you, hadn't they?"

"What do you want to say. I still have something to do. I'm sorry, I'm leaving first."

After leaving the office, I took the elevator downstairs and got into my old Xiali.I immediately called Ma Dapao, "Captain Ma, please help me investigate Xiao Zihang. I want to know all about him."

"Okay, I'll try my best."

The reason why I arranged for Ma Dapao to do this is because I think Xiao Zihang is too mysterious. I feel that he is a dangerous person. He seems to follow me all the time. I really don't know what this guy is thinking.After all, he is the chairman's assistant, or some kind of nephew, maybe the chairman secretly sent him to follow me.

After talking on the phone with Ma Dapao, I called Xu Yanyan, and I said to her, "You should know that Chrysanthemum will cooperate with Ninghua Real Estate Company. The managers of the company are Gu Rushui and Li Caier. Jiang Man announced the list at the meeting today. Yes, you are among the members. I am the assistant of the company, and we will be colleagues from now on."

"I already know about this. Chen Yang, come to my house now, I have something important to tell you."

"Can't you do it tomorrow? Can you tell me in the office tomorrow?"

"No. You have to come home. And it's now, not even a second later."

I had no choice but to drive to find Xu Yanyan. After entering the Cuihu Community, I parked the car somewhere and arrived at the door of Xu Yanyanjiao's house in one breath. After knocking on the door, Xu Yanyan pulled me in, and then couldn't help saying He put his arms around my neck.

"Chen Yang, that's great. We will start working in a company tomorrow. We should celebrate tonight. You don't want to go back, just stay here with me."

Only then did I realize that the other party was only wearing a pajamas.But the other party’s words startled me. Let’s celebrate at night?What's the meaning?
Then the other party explained to me.It turned out that after Lamei rescued Jiang Haiyang at the ribbon-cutting ceremony at the sales office, Jiang Haiyang was very grateful to Chrysanthemum.He gave Chrysanthemum members a great gift, that is, the real estate and Chrysanthemum Club jointly established a decoration company.There is no need for Chrysanthemum to pay, all of which are invested by Hua Real Estate.

"The manager is Gu Rushui, and the deputy manager is Li Caier, but Li Caier still has her own business, she can't go to work in the Ninghua real estate branch, and Lamei will replace her. Sister Lamei called me to work in the branch. Chen Yang, you know why Let me go, because Sister Lamei knows that you are an assistant, and she is providing convenience for the two of us."

I didn't understand, "What do you mean by providing convenience?"

"Fool, I still don't understand." Xu Yanyan blushed suddenly, "After tonight, you will understand. Besides, I have already left the advertising company in order to be with you."

Of course I understand what the other party means.But I'm not at ease, why Xu Yanyan is so active, it's not right.

Could it be that Chrysanthemum deliberately arranged for her to test me?
After all, Chrysanthemum Society is an organization that punishes lewd men, so I can't be easily fooled by it.

In addition, Hu Shoulei once told me that Li Caier sent decent people to investigate me. I don't know if this is true or not.I have to ask Xu Yanyan.

When I asked, she smiled, "It's not to investigate you, but to send someone to monitor you occasionally."


Xu Yanyan then explained.I broke out in a cold sweat after hearing this.

It turned out that Lamei knew that I had confessed my love to Xu Yanyan, and she asked me to be devoted to Xu Yanyan.If I had sex with other women besides her, the Chrysanthemum Club would be rude to me.

I secretly complained in my heart, but I still had to show a very moved look, "You sacrificed too much for me..."

Before I finished speaking, Xu Yanyan pursed her lips angrily, "Chen Yang, what do you mean by saying that? You don't want to, do you? Back then you told me that you were good to me wholeheartedly, right?"

I just said, "Yes, yes. I said so. Of course I mean what I say."

Xu Yanyan snorted, "That's right. In addition to being nice to me, if you dare to mess with flowers and grass, you don't need Lamei and other sisters to do it. My scissors will not spare you."

I complained secretly again in my heart, and I said, "You should know that I have a wife and I haven't divorced yet. So we can't..."

"The relationship between you and your wife has broken down a long time ago. You two are now in the same bed. You used to blame me and asked you to divorce. Now I want to understand that you are a man who treats me sincerely and is also very capable. I have already thought about it, and I want to give it to you. I will give it to you tonight."

"Tonight... isn't it a bit hasty."

"Happiness came too suddenly, didn't it? Don't be stupid, you sit down first, and I'll go to the kitchen to make two dishes. Let's have some wine first, and we'll call it a bar."

After Xu Yanyan finished speaking, she couldn't help but pull me onto the sofa and make me a cup of tea.Then she happily went to work in the kitchen.

I hastened to think about countermeasures.I know that chrysanthemums are not easy to mess with, and I know their rules are very strict.It is impossible for me to be nice to Xu Yanyan alone.So far, my relationship with Tong Mengna has been very deep.In addition, when I visited Dolly this time, I also married the chief's daughter as my wife.Also, both Meng Xue and I have been poisoned by hallucinogens, and we need to neutralize them for detoxification.Of course, after I ate the python gall, my poison should be cured, but Meng Xue hasn't cured it yet, and I still need to help her when necessary.Also, I have already promised Xiaofang, and in order to consolidate my position in Ninghua Real Estate Company, Jiangman will also become my target...

(End of this chapter)

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