wife's secret

Chapter 275 Must Go to the Hospital for Examination

Chapter 275 Must Go to the Hospital for Examination

"I remember, I told you already."


"I ate the gall of a boa constrictor."

Huang Yijia's complexion suddenly changed, "Really? I thought you were joking."

"I kid you not. It's true. And I ate the gall of a male boa constrictor."

"Why are you eating this?"

"Want to hear the truth?"

"of course."

"Can't you feel it? For a long time, the relationship between the two of us has become more and more indifferent, and more and more unfamiliar. I think it has something to do with the disharmony in that area. So I borrowed Dolly Country In this opportunity of investigating wood for decoration, after eating python gall, I want to improve its function.”

When I say this, it is both a joke and a temptation.Still the same sentence, the other party is no longer my wife in my heart, but a strange woman, or a beautiful woman.I figured it out, the chances with her will be less and less in the future, so let's just let it go.

This kind of psychology is certainly not normal, maybe my psychology has begun to twist.

Huang Yijia didn't say anything, but she immediately took out her mobile phone to look for something.Immediately, her face became more and more ugly, and she became more and more nervous.Soon, she cried out in panic, "It's broken, it's broken now, something serious happened."

"what happened?"

"Look for yourself." She said, and handed me the phone. When I saw the content displayed on the phone, I was shocked.

It turned out to be an introduction to the boa constrictor in the primeval forest of Dolly.The boa constrictor in Dolly is a very special kind in the intercontinental primeval forest. It is not too big or long, but it is very poisonous.The snake venom is in the gallbladder.The gallbladder of the boa constrictor is absolutely inedible. After eating it, people will experience hyperactivity in a short period of time. After a period of time, the functions of the person will be completely lost. will also drop.In short, after a period of time, this person is basically useless.

After seeing this, I was shocked.I remembered that my body temperature was very low last night, something was really wrong, my body temperature was too low, it was like a cold-blooded animal.

In addition, there are two heat currents appearing at the same time.One of the hot currents flowed to the back of my head, and my nerves became so sensitive that I even heard the sound of kitchen ants crawling.This is incredible!
Also, there was another stream of heat flowing down, and I couldn't help getting into Huang Yijia's bed at that time, the crazy scene, the extreme feeling, it was simply unimaginable.

Huang Yijia said to me: "Go to the hospital to see a specialist tomorrow. Just go to the Third People's Hospital, where the endocrinology department is of a high standard. You must see it. I will accompany you, so that's the deal."

After finishing speaking, she went straight into the bedroom and locked the door behind her, "Don't come in tonight, you'll just spend the night on the sofa in the living room."

Huang Yijia's voice trembled, and it was obvious that she was very nervous and scared.It seemed like I was about to turn into a boa constrictor.

Involuntarily, I was also scared and nervous.I sat down on the sofa, opened WeChat and sent a message to Niu Lili: Lily, something seems wrong!After I ate python gall, my body behaved a little abnormally.Can you give me Angel's cell phone number, I want to ask what's going on.

"What's abnormal about your body? Come and tell me."

I honestly told the other party what happened last night.After Niu Lili listened to it, she replied: It is normal for the function to become stronger.But to hear ants crawling in the middle of the night was startling.In addition, your body temperature is suddenly so low, it must be wrong.I don't know the specific situation.I will send you Angel's cell phone number now, you can ask him.

After the other party finished speaking, they sent me Angel's mobile phone number.I called the other party right away, but I couldn't get through.I thought that the other party might be doing something in the virgin forest and there was no signal, so I had to contact the other party tomorrow.

In this way, I lay on the sofa and slept.In the middle of the night, that feeling came again. First, I felt cold all over. I took my temperature to measure my temperature, and it was only [-] degrees.In addition, the hot current was still divided into two streams like last night, and one stream rushed to the back of my head, and my brain was very clear immediately.There may be no ants in the kitchen this time, and I didn't hear any movement in the kitchen.But I heard Huang Yijia's voice coming from the bedroom, as if the other party was talking in sleep.

It's incredible.The voice of the other party talking in sleep was very low in the bedroom, and the bedroom door was locked, so I could hear it in the living room.What is the situation.

I listened carefully, only to hear Huang Yijia muttering to herself: "With his signature, we can imitate the agreement, everything is under our control, there is nothing to worry about..."

When I heard the word signature, my heart skipped a beat, and I immediately remembered that when the other party cooked four dishes and drank with me last night, he took out a piece of paper and asked me to practice signing.At that time, I felt that something was wrong. Could the other party be referring to this matter in his sleep talk?
When I listened again, the other party had no voice.

I can't care about what the other party's sleep talk means now, and I am very shocked to hear what the other party said.This situation is exactly the same as hearing ants crawling in the kitchen last night.My hearing is too sensitive, it must have something to do with eating python gall.

Then another stream of heat rushed down.As was the case last night, the intensity was simply overwhelming.I tried to control it but couldn't, I struggled to get up off the couch and walked towards the bedroom door, now feeling like I'm walking on three legs.When I walked to the bedroom door, I slammed it hard, and then I heard a bang, and the door was knocked open by me.I jumped on the bed like a hungry wolf, and the scene from last night was repeated...

After tossing and tossing until dawn, Huang Yijia struggled to get up from the bed.At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and she said to me very angrily: "Crazy, crazy! You are simply crazy!"

As soon as she finished speaking, her expression changed, and she screamed, "Look! Look, what's wrong with your skin?"

I looked down and was startled.I saw my skin gleaming with crystal light, which is terrible, is it really like what the other party checked online last night?
After waking up and having a hasty breakfast, Huang Yijia drove me to the Third People's Hospital involuntarily.On the way, she explained to me that you must see the male urology department in this case. The Third People's Hospital has a high level of expertise in this area, and there are many experts. Let them give you a consultation.

Soon to the hospital.Huang Yijia took me to the urology department.I saw a few doctors in white coats busy in the office, discussing something.One of the figures I am familiar with is actually Yan Hao.I saw him holding the film in his hand, comparing it and saying to several other doctors: "As for transplantation, there is no successful precedent at home and abroad so far. We must be cautious. It would be great if we can succeed. If If it doesn’t succeed, I’m afraid the other chairman won’t be able to keep it either…”

(End of this chapter)

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