wife's secret

Chapter 281 Don't Sleep At Home From Now On

Chapter 281 Don't Sleep At Home From Now On

At this moment, I made up my mind.I simply pretended to be confused and pretended to the end.However, I have to figure out why the other party is so enthusiastic.I can't get on the other side's thief boat in a daze.

I said: "You're right, and I've figured it out. People spend their whole lives trying to enjoy themselves, and they have to think about everything. Since the person Huang Yijia loves is your brother, of course I won't be a hindrance to it. Since I'm willing to raise your brother Son, I'm going to fulfill my promise. Don't worry, I won't tell Jiang Man about it. "

I remember it very well.The other party once emphasized that I must not tell Jiang Man about this matter, no matter what, I must keep it a secret, otherwise his brother's future will be over and he will be kicked out.

After hearing this, Gu Xiaoxiao said: "You are right. Now you and my brother's interests are related and closely linked. If Jiang Man finds out about this, my brother will be kicked out of the company , he will lose everything. If my brother loses everything, you will get nothing. So, we must keep this matter a secret."

I sneered in my heart.Now it can be confirmed that the reason why the other party is very warm to me, treats me to dinner, and behaves so friendly is not because she has a good impression of me, let alone because she likes me, but because she bribes me.There is only one purpose, let me keep the secret of Gu Rushui and Huang Yijia.

At this time, Gu Xiaoxiao asked me to put my left hand on my chest and draw the cross, which was the same as the previous operation.I pretended to put my hands on my chest and started to make the sign of the cross. I said, "Dear Lord, I will keep my word, and I will abide by the agreement. If I don't keep my word, let me go to Sakura Country alright."

I said this with my mouth, but I said something else in my heart: Gu Rushui, Gu Rushui, you tried every means to dig a trap for me, trying to kill me.The time has come for both of us to die.It's time for me to pack you up.

Gu Xiaoxiao asked strangely: "What did you just say? Sakura Country? What do you mean? Where is it?"

"Sakura Country is in a very far away place. There are no beauties and no food there. It is a very desolate and isolated island. When people arrive there, they immediately feel that life is worse than death." What's going on in Sakura Country now?How are you?In addition, I asked him to inspect the branch of Ninghua Real Estate Company in Sakura Country. I don't know how his inspection is going.

Gu Xiaoxiao didn't say anything more.After I finished making the cross, she opened the bag, took out a card, and handed it to me: "There is fifty thousand dollars in it, which is my scholarship during college. The money is not too much, but I have worked so hard to get it." , to you."

I quickly declined: "Why give me money? This is your labor income. I am a big man, and I take money from a little girl like you. Do you think I will take it?"

"You have to take it. This is my whole heart. If you don't take it, you are looking down on me."

I froze for a moment.Unexpectedly, the other party would say such a thing, I asked, "One heart? What do you mean?"

"You are a person who endures humiliation. It is not easy for you. Take it as my reward for you."

When I heard this, I was shocked.I thought of a possibility, the other party was very enthusiastic and friendly to me, maybe he was testing me.Could it be that Gu Rushui asked him to do this?

There are traps everywhere, and I can't help but guard against them.

However, I can't take the money.I couldn't figure out the other party's purpose, so I didn't dare to ask for it.I said: "You take it first, and I will ask you for it when I need it."


After the other party agreed, he changed the subject, "Brother Chen, did you really go to the primeval forest of Duoli to investigate datura plants?"

"Yes. I went there a few days ago and just came back."

"Isn't the scenery in the primeval forest particularly beautiful? I've wanted to see it for a long time, but I haven't had the chance. After a while, your decoration company will send people to Duoliguo to sign a formal supply contract. You must go then, go You must tell me in advance, and I will go with you."

I was taken aback, "Do you want Dolly to sign the contract?"

"That's right. Didn't Manager La arrange for Bai Jie to inspect the railway transportation or sea transportation? After the transportation route is determined, he will go to Duoliguo to formally sign a supply agreement with the person in charge of the other party. I have made up my mind, you must take me with you .You will be my tour guide, I will go to the primeval forest."

On the way back after eating, I analyzed and judged Gu Xiaoxiao.I think the other party should not be underestimated. Many of the other party's words are to test me.

For some reason, I have an intuition that the relationship between Gu Xiaoxiao and Gu Rushui may not be brother and sister, but there may be a deeper relationship between them.

In addition, Gu Xiaoxiao's study abroad may have other deep meanings.

Of course, this is all intuition.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening when I got home. Huang Yijia was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she saw me coming back, she had a panicked look on her face and said to me, "Chen Yang, I beg you for one thing."

"what's up?"

"From today, you don't sleep at home."


"I'm afraid... I went to the Third People's Hospital today to have an appraisal on you. You will lose your function soon, and you will become unsteady when you walk like a stroke. It's nothing. The most important thing is that I'm afraid that you... will become A boa constrictor. So, you'd better get out of the house."

I feel sad.Husband and wife are originally birds in the same forest, when disaster strikes, they fly separately.This is true.In particular, she and I have long been strangers.So it's normal for her to say that.

I wanted to explain to her, I wanted to tell her that what I ate was the gall of the male boa constrictor king.However, when the words came to my lips, I had an idea, so I just acted and pretended that Yan Hao's conclusion was correct.In a word, I want to take the route of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

In order to act realistically, I suddenly fell to the ground, twitched twice, and then struggled to stand up.My face turned yellow, and I reached out to touch the other party, "Don't go..."

"Don't! Don't come near me!" Huang Yijia screamed in fright. She pushed me out of the house with all her strength, and then quickly locked the door behind her. "Chen Yang, don't stay at home, go to the unit's dormitory."

"Dormitory? Do I have a dormitory?"

"Didn't I already give you Xiaofang's key? It was Gu Rushui's dormitory in the company before, and it was luxuriously decorated. From tonight onwards, you will go to the dormitory to sleep."

"But, as far as I know, that's the dormitory specially prepared by Gu Rushui for Xiaofang."

"It's also prepared for you. Don't be stupid. I know you and Xiaofang are baby relatives. She likes you, and you like her. What a great opportunity, hurry up."

If outsiders heard this, they would think Huang Yijia was crazy.How can a woman say this to her husband?However, I know very well that it is normal for the other party to say this, because she no longer regards me as her husband.In her heart, I was a stranger.Everything is acting.

Now I am more sure that Huang Yijia must have colluded with Gu Rushui in advance.

In a word, conspiracy.

This conspiracy revolves around Xiaofang and me.

(End of this chapter)

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