wife's secret

Chapter 304

Chapter 304

I was a little dumbfounded.Indeed, what has happened to me is too bizarre. Who is my real father? This question is very important and must be clarified.When I was about to explain something to Dunzi, he went on to say: "Things in this world are really interesting. I never thought that brother, you are actually connected with Sakura Country. You are actually a member of Chrysanthemum Road, and you are actually the third prince. I think I should also be connected with Sakura Country, if you are the third prince, will I be the fourth or fifth prince..."

Seeing that Dunzi was getting more and more outrageous, I interrupted him, "Brother, hurry up and get down to business. Continue to investigate. When you have new results from your investigation, you must report the situation to me at any time. Also, don't reveal your identity easily." , you'd better not show your face in public, after all, in a strange country, talk less and keep a low profile. Especially don't expose your relationship with me. "

"Of course I understand this. Besides, they don't understand what I say, and I don't understand what they say. However, I opened a wrestling gym here when I have nothing to do, and I have already accepted seven or eight apprentices."

I was a little surprised, "Why do you think of opening a wrestling gym?"

"Idle is idle. In addition, I found that there are too many people learning karate here. I want to promote wrestling. I think this is what I should do."

"Since you want to do it, then do it. You help me investigate a person."


"Sasaki. It's a woman from Sakura Country. I heard that she has a very high level of karate. She seems to have a seventh-dan black belt. She came here from Sakura Country the day after tomorrow. I heard that she came here to protect me. Help me investigate Find out who she is and what her identity is."

As soon as Dunzi heard what I said, he immediately said, "There is no need to investigate at all. Sasaki should be sent by the Kikukido organization to protect you. I have a bold guess that your father should be the person in charge of Kikukido. , Sasaki should be a very high-level bodyguard. Besides, when you see her, don't you know if you ask her?"

"People's hearts are unpredictable. I will ask. But the other party may not tell me the truth, and the investigation must still be investigated."

Finally, Dunzi told me another detail, "Do you still remember how many dogs there are in the manor I mentioned last time? I heard from the private detective that these are the most expensive breeds in the world. There is a dog It seems to be some kind of Persian dog, worth 100 million U.S. dollars, very ferocious, stronger than a tiger. From this, I judge that this manor is definitely a cooperation project between Yingmu Road and Ninghua Real Estate in Sakura Country, and the development value of this manor It’s very big, otherwise such a valuable dog wouldn’t be given care.”

After putting down the phone, I lit a cigarette, and my mind was making quick judgments.Now I have every reason to believe that Xiao Zihang should be someone sent by Yingmu Dao. In Dunzi's words, the other party will definitely try to harm me. The reason is very simple, Yingmu Dao and Jumu Dao are incompatible.

At this time, I suddenly remembered the information Ma Dapao gave me.He said that when Qin'er was cleaning the building, she accidentally discovered that Xiao Zihang hadn't come home after get off work, and was secretly talking with a man in suits in the office.At the time, I thought it was difficult to understand, but now I understand that the person in the kimono must have come from Sakura Country, and the things they discussed must be confidential.

I haven't seen Xiao Zihang for many days, what is he doing?Why don't I just call him and find out what's true.

"Why is Xiao Zihang the butler, where are you?"

The other party was very excited when he heard my voice, "I'm looking for you, come here quickly. There is one most important thing that needs to be done by you."

"Where to go?"

"I'll send you a location, and you must arrive within 15 minutes."

After the other party finished speaking, he sent me a location via WeChat. I saw that it was actually a small restaurant opposite the Ninghua sales office.I was so familiar with that place, I didn't understand what Xiao Zihang asked me to do there, so I immediately took a taxi to that small restaurant.Got there in no time.As soon as I walked in, Xiao Zihang came out to greet me. After seeing me, he dragged me to a transparent glass window without saying a word.Through the window, you can clearly see the sales office across the road.

"Brother, you can see clearly. In two minutes, a red car will drive past. At that time, Gu Rushui will get out of the car. Take this..." He took out a black smear from his pocket. handed me his pistol, "When Gu Rushui gets off the car, you shoot him in the head. After killing him, I will drive you to the airport. You don't have to wait for the evening flight. After an hour, There is a special plane going to Sakura Country, so you can take this plane.”

I was taken aback and didn't pick up his pistol. I said: "It's crazy for you to say that. I shot Gu Rushui to death, and I will bear the legal responsibility. He is dead, and I can't live."

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago, if you kill Gu Rushui, all the assets of Ninghua Real Estate's branch in Sakura Country are yours, worth [-] million, [-] million, don't you want to be tempted?" I know, Gu Rushui is your enemy. The green hat he put on your head is big enough. He first sent you to the construction site to poison you with the poison gas in the sarcophagus, and then sent you to investigate the primordial forest of Duoliguo , wanted the python to bite you to death, and finally set up a decoration company to let you work as an assistant, let you deal with the people of the poisonous dragon society, and wanted to use the people of the poisonous dragon society to kill you. He has killed you three times, have you not You need to be polite to him."

After Xiao Zihang finished speaking, he handed the pistol to me again.

This time I didn't refuse, I took the pistol over.Because I found that Xiao Zihang had a strange expression when he said these words.I was suddenly a little scared that if I didn't say yes, he would probably shoot me, which is no joke.

Xiao Zihang laughed, "Non-toxic and not a husband. I gave you a small paper bag to let you poison Gu Rushui's tea. You have been soft-hearted and didn't follow my request. Now let's be rough and shoot directly .Remember, aim at Gu Rushui's head and try to get a shot in the head. Don't be procrastinating. As soon as the gunfires, [-] million will be yours."

Just as Xiao Zihang finished speaking, a red car drove over on the opposite road.

Xiao Zihang's eyes widened all of a sudden, "I'm sure, it's this car, this is the red Audi, a gift from Gu Rushui to Xiaofang. Today is Xiaofang's birthday, this red Audi was given by Gu Rushui A birthday present for Xiaofang..."

"What did you say? This red Audi was given to Xiaofang by Gu Rushui?" I was surprised, "What happened?"

"Don't you know that Xiaofang has been arranged by Gu Ruoshui to be the manager of the sales office. In addition, a young woman named Tong Mengna came to the sales office the day before yesterday. I heard that she is Bai Jie's cousin. She came to the sales office as the deputy manager. ..."

(End of this chapter)

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