wife's secret

Chapter 319

Chapter 319
"You've done a good job. I guess Gu Rushui will come to you again. This is a guy who will never give up until he achieves his goal. But don't worry, some things will be answered soon."

The answer I said is of course how Huang Yong will deal with Gu Rushui, it depends on tonight.If Huang Yong really kills Gu Rushui according to the plan, it will remove a big concern of mine.

"What do you mean by the answer?"

"Don't ask about this. Remember, when Gu Rushui comes to see you again, you must tell me right away." After explaining to Xiaofang, I arranged for her to go back to receive clients.

Then, I called Tong Mengna, "Come here, I'm in the small living room next door."

When they saw me, they didn't recognize me at all.It wasn't until I spoke and heard my voice that I realized that the beautiful woman standing in front of him was actually me.

"Chen Yang, what's going on, how did you become a woman?"

"Don't ask me this first. Listen to me, you must be highly vigilant against Gu Rushui. Recently, my relationship with him has reached the point where the net is broken. If you find that he has done something unfavorable to you, you must tell him immediately. I."

The other party was worried for me, "He is so powerful, but you alone are weak, how can you be his opponent?"

I laughed, "It's okay to say this in the past, but now I'm not afraid of him at all. I already have supernatural powers, and no one is my opponent."

"Special powers? How is this possible?"

"You don't believe me, right? You can try it now." After finishing speaking, I locked the door behind me and started to take off the other person's clothes.

"That's not good. It's broad daylight, and besides, there are people outside."

"I know you need it long ago. Come on, no one will know."

Next, I interacted with the other party. Since the other party is very busy with business, the interaction time should not be too long, about 10 to [-] minutes.However, in this short period of time, my strength has been exerted to the extreme.After the interaction, the other party lay on the sofa and could barely get up.So much so that I almost performed artificial respiration on the other party.

She finally stood up and looked at me in surprise, "My God, what did you eat?"

I smiled and didn't answer, I said: "Now you should feel relieved. You should know that I have special powers, right?"

After the other party went to the front desk, I immediately called Ma Dapao, "Gather all the paparazzi members, I have important things to arrange."

The other party was very surprised, "There are more than 300 paparazzi, and they are very scattered. It is impossible to gather all of them. Did something happen?"

"Gather as many as you can. Let's do this. After 10 minutes, you and your people will gather at the small restaurant opposite the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate."

Ten minutes later, the small restaurant opposite the sales office was full of people, about 10 or [-] people.When Ma Dapao saw me, he said, "Almost everyone who can come has come. These are elites. Tell me, and you can just tell me what you need."

I looked at these people, all of them were naked, and they were not ordinary people. I pointed to the sales office opposite, and gave an order, "See the sales office opposite, there is a manager and a deputy manager inside, and their names are Xiao Fang and Tong Mengna. Your mission is to keep them safe. No accidents can happen."

Ma Dapao asked, "Who will harm the two of them?"

"Gu Rushui."

"Gu Rushui?" Ma Dapao didn't understand, "These two are from Ninghua Real Estate Company, so Gu Rushui might be against them?"

"It's too late to explain now. Remember, there is a road between this small restaurant and the sales office opposite. You follow me..." I took these people to the room with the tunnel, and I pointed at the tunnel entrance to them Said, "Through this tunnel, you can reach the sales office in the shortest time. Do you understand what I mean?"

Ma Dapao said, "You just need to rest assured."

After he finished speaking, he provided me with a piece of information that concerned me the most.Just 10 minutes ago, Huang Yong went to Gu Rushui's office.Up to now, Huang Yong has not left Gu Rushui's office.

"The information you provided is too timely." After finishing speaking, I immediately left the small restaurant and went to Ninghua Real Estate Company as quickly as possible. I went directly to Gu Rushui's office.When I was 5 meters away from the opponent's office, I stopped and held my breath.Listen carefully.

Since my hearing is very sensitive now, the conversation between Huang Yong and Gu Rushui was inserted into my ears very clearly:
"Chen Yang is so vicious, he asked me to kill you, and then arranged for me to take a flight to Sakura Country that night. He also said that there is an underground treasure in that place, and asked me to follow a man named Dunzi to find it. It's just whimsical." The voice obviously belonged to Huang Yong.

"Huang Yong, you are courageous enough. You haven't finished what I told you. According to the plan, I will send you to the police station. You are already dead. Why did you come to me?" The voice was of course Gu Rushui's.

"Can't you see that I am loyal to you. The reason why I came to you at the risk is to tell you his plan and discuss how to get rid of him."

"Hehehe, you did a good job."

"We can't be too happy too early. According to the situation I have so far, I found that Chen Yang seems to have a supernatural power. His power has become so great that he lifted me up all at once, so it is not easy to deal with him. thing."

"What's going on, please explain clearly."

So Huang Yong told me about the ambush downstairs and the attack on me.After hearing this, Gu Rushui couldn't help being surprised, but instead smiled triumphantly, "I've investigated and found out. After this kid went to Dolly, he ate the eggs of a boa constrictor. This is the reason for his supernatural powers. Hao said that the eggs of pythons cannot be eaten, this supernatural power is temporary, and soon he will be useless.”

I shook my head secretly. The pronunciation of egg and gallbladder is the same, but they are different things.I have a speculation that Gu Rushui may have an inside line in Duoli, and there are their people over there, and their people reported my situation to them.However, the message was delivered wrong.

At this time, I heard Gu Rushui say: "Although you have not completed the task, you have tried your best. Just for your performance, not only will I not embarrass you, but I will also fulfill my promise. I will send you to the country of cherry blossoms. Just take the flight tonight. Of course, you can’t get 500 million, so I’ll give you [-] million first. What do you think?”

Huang Yong was very pleasantly surprised, "Is this true?"

"Of course. But I have one condition. After you arrive in Sakura Country, you must not have any contact with the people here. After a while, after you receive my call, I will tell you what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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