wife's secret

Chapter 321

Chapter 321
Again, if there is no abnormality in my body, and if I don't feel the imminent danger in advance, I will definitely die together with Huang Yong.

I asked Zhang Xiaowu, "How is Huang Yong?"

"It's blown to pieces."

As soon as Xiao Wu finished talking, Yan Hao said to me excitedly: "You are so lucky, you will have a good fortune if you survive a catastrophe. How about it, have you thought about it?"

"What did you say?"

"Follow me to learn urology. I will accept you as an apprentice, and I will give you the research results of these years without reservation. I believe that with your understanding, your grades will surpass mine in five years, and you will become an endocrinologist. A rising star in academia."

When the other party said this, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, and his eyes were a little red.

I don't understand. When I detoxified Meng Xue a few days ago, I once stuck a needle on the other person's forehead, which seemed to have detoxified him. But now, listening to his tone and expression, why is it still the same? signs of poisoning.

I thought of a possibility that the poison of the other party's hallucinogen was too deep, and it was hopeless.

At this time, I thought of the treasure underground in the manor in the Sakura Kingdom, and I said to Yan Hao: "Are you and your father looking for the treasure? I already know where it is, it is in the Sakura Kingdom..."

Before I finished speaking, Yan Hao's eyes were bigger than bull's eyes, and he couldn't speak fluently, "You, you, is what you said true?"

"of course it's true."

"So, you have already found the map of Taoyuan Wonderland?"


"Then how do you know about buried treasure?"

"This is a temporary secret."

As soon as I finished speaking, Yan Hao suddenly plopped and knelt down to me, kowtowed to me, and yelled: "Grandpa!"

I don't know what happened.Is this kid crazy, calling me grandpa, when did I have this grandson?
Next, Yan Hao stood up and explained.It turned out that they had this very important secret.There is a watch mark on the map of Taoyuan Wonderland, which is related to a treasure.According to the information they have, the treasure is in Sakura Country.Yan Hao once swore that as long as someone mentions that treasure, even if there is a little bit of information, he will immediately call the other person Grandpa.

I shook my head with a wry smile, "The manor is too big, covering more than 100 acres, and I don't even know the exact location of the treasure."

Why did I tell the other party such important information? In fact, I just wanted to scare the snake.Dunzi is now in Sakura Country, and he is fully prepared.As long as I clarify the information about the treasure, he can start there right away.The only reason I told Yan Hao was that I wanted to get information about the treasure through him.

At this time, the other party said to me very sincerely: "Don't say anything, we are friends from now on. You are so honest with me, if I am not sincere to you, I will be too shameless."

After finishing speaking, he put his mouth close to my ear and whispered to me, "Do you know where Brother Pao and Niu Lili went? Let me tell you, they went to the south to find a tomb robber named Lu. The Taoyuan Fairyland map is here In the hands of the tomb robber."

I was taken aback, and when I wanted to ask something, Yan Hao winked at me, which meant that it was inconvenient to say this now.At this moment, Gu Rushui actually walked into the ward. After seeing me, he rushed up excitedly and held my hand, like an old friend he hadn't seen in 30 years, "Great, you didn't Something. I thought Huang Yong blew you up. He did it on his own."

I wanted to slap the other person hard, but I felt powerless lying on the hospital bed.At this time, a voice said to me in my heart, I must learn to act and hold my breath.

I forced a smile and said, "I just got a piece of news that has something to do with you. I think it's necessary to tell you."

"what news?"

"The old man has been completely disappointed in you. He decided to implement the man-creation plan himself, and he wants to train his successor himself."

Gu Rushui's expression suddenly froze.He never expected that I would say such a thing.

Some people may think that it is inappropriate for me to say this, but at this time I am very resentful towards him in my heart, and I say this purely to disgust him.I have a judgment that the reason why Gu Rushui did such insane things should have something to do with his mental distortion.That being the case, I'll just tell the story of his father-in-law's creation of man.I guess after he knows about this, he will definitely go to Jiang Haiyang and discuss it.If this is the case, it will be lively, and Xiaofang and I will be safe for the time being.

At this time, Yan Hao spoke, and he said to me: "This is the chairman's secret, how can you say it casually. But since it has been said, it is not a secret. Let me tell you, the chairman's balls After losing one, he asked me to successfully transplant it no matter how much it cost. Do you know what animal I transplanted from, it is a kind of gorilla from the primeval forest of Dolly Country, the kind with a very developed IQ..."

Having said this, Yan Hao suddenly stopped talking.Gu Rushui's face was very ugly.I felt secretly amused, especially relieved.If Gu Rushui still has doubts about my words, then after listening to Yan Hao's words, it is impossible to doubt them.What the other party said is so specific, and the matter has been done.

I deliberately said: "It's not as simple as missing one. I heard that the chairman not only performed an operation, but also performed a suturing operation. Yan Hao, you are too good. You are worthy of being an expert in the department of endocrinology. There is only You can only succeed if you do it yourself.”

Yan Hao looked at me suspiciously, "I said, brother, how do you know so clearly? You couldn't have been there at the scene, could you?"

I quickly said, "Of course I wasn't there. I just heard about it."

At this moment, Gu Rushui finally spoke. He stared blankly and asked blankly, "What did you hear? What happened to my father-in-law?"

When I was considering whether to tell the truth, Yan Hao took the initiative to speak: "Someone wants to harm the chairman. The specific situation is like this. One night after the chairman finished drinking, he went to the hot spring for a massage. Unexpectedly, the fat lady who was massaged was A killer, a man disguised as a woman. He took advantage of the chairman's inattention and killed the chairman. That's the thing."

I can't help but want to laugh.Of course I know that the fat lady Yan Hao is talking about is Dunzi.

Gu Rushui suddenly said viciously, "Have you found the killer?"

(End of this chapter)

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