wife's secret

Chapter 331 The Mystery of the Disappearance

Chapter 331 The Mystery of the Disappearance
The next day Angel flew back to Duoliguo, I went to the airport to see him off, and I said to him: "The first batch of decorative wood is processed very well. According to the contract, after the real estate in Wanghai Community is sold, the cost of wood will be reduced." You can access your account."

Angel was very excited, "Thank you, you have found a way to make a fortune for us." After speaking, he persuaded me to become a king with them again.He said that you have made an incomparably important contribution, and the people of the whole country are grateful to you, and they will support you when you become a king.

I'm a little curious, what's the difference between a chief and a king.He introduced to me that there are seven primitive tribes in Dolly, and the leader of each tribe is the chief, and the king is the leader of all the tribes in the country, with the highest rank.Being a king is the dream of many people.

I asked: "It turns out that there are seven primitive tribes in Dolly. Is the tribe I went to the largest?"

"Yes. Maximum."

Before boarding the plane, I went to the store at the airport to buy a lot of delicious food and various supplements, filled three big bags, and I said to Angel: "Bring these things to the chief's daughter, just say I miss her very much. I will see her when the opportunity is right. Of course, when everything is arranged here, if she wants to come, I will take her over."

The other party still didn't understand, "Why don't you like to be a king?"

I suddenly came to wonder, "Can you marry many wives when you are a king?"

"Of course, they are all the most beautiful women in the area. There is a tall palace with gorgeous decoration. In short, the king is the envy of everyone."

The other party got on the plane, and the plane flew away.I stood on the ground, looking at the planes in the sky, and my mind went back to Dollyland.Back to the wedding night in the bridal chamber that night.

To be honest, the other party is full of wildness, and the feeling of being with the other party cannot be described in words.I silently prayed to the sky, An Caier, I will go to you, I will.

In my mind, the scene of the other party directing the workers to cut logs with his belly puffed out, I suddenly regretted that I forgot to ask Angel, and I should let him go back to confirm whether An Caier is pregnant or not.Maybe what I said is nonsense, but I have a hunch that it may be a false pregnancy, of course it's just a strange idea that popped up in my mind.

After returning to the office from the airport, I called Hu Handlei. After the call was connected, I asked him, "Reporter Hu, we haven't seen each other for a while. What have you been up to lately?"

The other party was very excited after hearing my voice, "I'm looking for you. A lot of important news happened recently, and I'm busy writing articles. Once these news are published in Ningzhou Evening News, the effect will be explosive."

"Come to my office right now, let's talk when we meet. Also, find Ma Dapao, both of you come."

Half an hour later, Hu Grenade and Ma Dapao appeared in my office.As soon as we met, I said, "There's an emergency."

"what's the situation?"

"Niu Lili and Brother Pao are missing."

The two were taken aback, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

"I'm not very clear about the details. According to the information I have so far, the two of them went to the south to find a Mr. Lu for a picture of Taoyuan Wonderland. This picture involves a secret, the secret of the treasure, in the country of cherry blossoms. To be precise, it is a branch of Ninghua Real Estate. There is a manor covering an area of ​​more than 100 mu. There is a treasure underground, but the exact location is unknown. Only by finding the map of Taoyuan Wonderland can we determine the location..."

"This matter involves a secret of the Yan family. It is said that even if the treasure is found, it is very dangerous, because that treasure is actually an ancient tomb with a very dangerous mechanism. That is to say, after finding the map of Taoyuan Wonderland, we can only cooperate with Yan Hao and his father..."

"Before Niu Lili and Brother Pao went to the south, they had already found out that the picture of Taoyuan Fairyland was with Mr. Lu, but after finding Mr. Lu, they didn't see the ancient painting..."

"At the beginning, when I called Niu Lili, I got through. She said that she and Brother Pao would be back in two days, and they were on their way back now. But when I was receiving the wood for decoration at the train station tonight, I gave Niu Lili called but couldn't get through. I suspect something happened to the two of them."

The reason why I care about Niu Lili and Brother Pao very much, and I brought Ma Dapao and Hu Grenade is because we are a group, and of course there is Xia Mingguang.These people are all mine, and I care deeply about each of them, and I have a responsibility to them.

Ma Dapao said: "It is unlikely that something will happen. I know Brother Pao very well. Don't think that he is a Ma Daha on the surface. He is joking and easy-going. In fact, he is very considerate. Niu Lili is also a very careful person. The two of them No one else knows about going to the South personally, and nothing will happen."

Hu Shoulei said: "There is such a possibility. The two of them went to a secret place, which is very primitive and has no signal. That's why they couldn't get through..."

Speaking of this, he chuckled, "The possibility of the two of them elope is very small, and at most they just want to be romantic and experience the original taste."

Seeing that I didn't understand, he explained.It turns out that people living in big cities are under a lot of pressure and need to relax frequently, otherwise, if they don't relax, their emotions will explode and they will collapse.

There are many ways to relax, and experiencing the original taste is one of them.Specifically, a man and a woman go to a remote mountainous area, find a forest, or find a cave, and completely let themselves go.After staying for three or two days, then return to the big city, so that you will be more motivated to work.

After Hu Handlei finished speaking, Ma Dapao immediately objected, "It's impossible. Rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests. Brother Pao often said that he couldn't be like Niu Lili. Besides, Brother Pao's poison has not yet It's completely fine, but Hua Gu needs to give him frequent injections. During this period, if he lets himself go, it will be suicide."

Hu Handlei said: "What you said is very reasonable. In fact, I also think it is impossible for them to do that. I was just joking. Now there is only one possibility left. It should be that the two of them went to a place with no signal. Go find something."

This sentence reminded me, and I suddenly thought that the fact that Asiyang took Mr. Liu Jiakui and Professor Zhou to Duoli to look for meteorites might be related to this incident.

After I told this story, Ma Dapao was taken aback, "No wonder my subordinates reported to me that Asyang was missing. It turns out that this old guy went to Dolly to explore."

(End of this chapter)

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