wife's secret

Chapter 335 "Your grandfather did save me"

Chapter 335 "Your grandfather did save me"

I was surprised.The other party actually mentioned Hua Gu, and said that I know her very well, what do you mean?
I decided to test the other party, "Yes, I know Hua Gu very well. Does the chairman want to know her?"

"Now, I won't hide it from you. I want Aunt Hua to give me acupuncture."

Next, the other party spoke out his thoughts.It turned out that Yan Hao's operation on Jiang Haiyang was not successful.It can't be said that it was unsuccessful, it can only be said that it was half successful.After Jiang Haiyang was poisoned by Dunzi, didn't he lose one? Yan Hao transplanted one from the gorilla to him, and it was all.This is where the surgery succeeds.

The reason for the unsuccessful operation is that after Jiang Haiyang’s baby was cut off by Dunzi with a knife, he underwent a suture operation in the shortest possible time. This operation was also performed by Yan Hao, but unfortunately, the suture was not good. It should be said The poor connection directly led to Jiang Haiyang's failure at that time.It's a bit reserved to say that, but to put it bluntly, it's Jiang Haiyang who doesn't speak up.

Later, Yan Hao recommended Huagu to Jiang Haiyang. Huagu has a high level of acupuncture and moxibustion. He asked Huagu for a few acupuncture because the interval was too short, and he obviously improved.

After Jiang Haiyang heard Yan Hao's words, he immediately became interested, and immediately asked Yan Hao to introduce him to Hua Gu.But Yan Hao waved his hands again and again, saying that Hua Gu no longer needs acupuncture.Jiang Haiyang felt very strange when he heard it, how could Huagu stop acupuncture.Yan Hao told the other party that there are too many people looking for Hua Gu recently, and most of them are related to Xiasanlu.Huagu herself is a classic beauty, if it is okay to give acupuncture to men for other reasons, it is very difficult for her to do this kind of thing, and she even hates this kind of thing.

So Jiang Haiyang came to me, and told Huagu through me that he could give him acupuncture.

I pretended to be confused, "Chairman, you are not young, why do you have to lift it up. You know, don't force it when you shouldn't lift it, otherwise it will be bad for your health."

Jiang Haiyang almost cried, "You don't know the pain in my heart. Ninghua Real Estate Company has no heirs in the future with billions of dollars in property. I only have two daughters and no son. My eldest daughter abroad can no longer be counted on. The youngest daughter, Jiang Man, and Gu Rushui have never had a child since they got married. I had no choice but to fight myself."

Seeing the pitiful look of the other party, I pretended to be surprised, "So that's the case. The chairman's sword is not old, which is admirable. I just don't know how my wife is. She must be quite old, can she still have children?"

Jiang Haiyang blushed and said nothing.Of course he wouldn't tell me about cooperating with Bai Jie to create humans.

At this moment, I really wanted to tell him that Xiaofang and Li Caier were his illegitimate daughters.And I want to tell him, when you are old, don't take risks with your body when it comes to cultivating successors.It's more appropriate for me to do it for you.

However, I swallowed hard when the words came to my lips. I couldn't tell him this secret.It's still the same as my original plan. After the raw rice is cooked, I will tell him the secret.

So the other party asked me to introduce Huagu to him for acupuncture to restore his glory, and I would definitely not agree.When I was about to object, when the words came to my lips, I had an idea, why not just use the plan, and simply let Hua Gu give him acupuncture, but it can't restore his glory, just abolish him with one needle, let him completely cut off his thoughts, Wouldn't it be better?

"Okay, I can ask Aunt Hua to help, just rest assured."

Seeing that I agreed, Jiang Haiyang was very excited, grabbed my hand, and said repeatedly: "Great. This is really great."

I thought of a possibility that the reason why the other party asked me to be the assistant to the chairman was actually to ask me to do him a favor.Once his goal is achieved, my assistant will be able to achieve it, it must be like this.

In addition, I asked Hua Gu to disable him with one shot, the risk is too great.I can only go out of my way to say that this amounts to medical malpractice.If the other party knew that I did it on purpose, he would definitely kill me.

Next, I asked my question, "Chairman, I heard that you were rescued by my grandfather when you were young. Is this true?"

"Of course, haven't I already told you? In addition, I also promised your grandfather to give you half of my company's shares. Don't worry, I will do this, but it will take time. There are some things I said It doesn’t count, it must be approved by the board of directors.”

I said: "My grandpa was just joking with you. How can I ask for half of your company's shares? This kind of thing makes no sense. Don't take it too seriously. In fact, I just want to know what happened to you back then Dangerous, how did my grandfather save you?"

The reason why I asked her this way was to confirm the other party and Xingfang.To be honest, I have always been a little skeptical about this matter.I always feel that things are too mysterious, how could it be such a coincidence that the other party met a hungry wolf during their tryst with Xingfang?It was such a coincidence that I was rescued by my grandfather.

"I was 24 years old that year. I caught up with the urban youths and sent them to the countryside to exercise. When I went to your neighboring village, I met a girl named Xingfang. She was very kind and I liked her very much. Of course, she was very beautiful. Beautiful, she is the village flower of the village. One day, when I was dating her in the woods behind the village, I was attacked by a wolf. At this time your grandpa appeared and shot the wolf away with a shotgun. Your grandpa He is my savior..."

"Later, I learned that your grandfather was a master of martial arts, so I worshiped your grandfather as my teacher and learned Kung Fu from him. Later, I became a well-known figure in the world. This was of great help to me in starting a company later. Your grandfather is a mysterious figure. He once told me that if Xingfang has your child, if it is a boy, let him sworn brothers with my grandson, and if it is a girl, then marry my grandson. I Of course I happily agreed."

After Jiang Haiyang finished speaking, he looked at me very specially, "I know, your grandfather gave you his kung fu, right?"

I was taken aback, and said casually, "No."

"Why not? I've seen it for a long time. There is true energy wandering in your body. You are different from ordinary people. You should have learned inner strength. Of course, it should be taught to you by your grandfather. It's just a little Strange, the qi in your body is very messy and unsystematic, you can't control it, I don't know why?"

I secretly admire, Jiang Haiyang is really awesome, he actually saw that my body has supernatural powers.Of course, this is caused by eating python gall.However, I cannot tell him the truth of the matter.

I said: "My grandfather did teach me some kung fu. At first, he taught me kung fu on fists and feet. Later, he passed it on to me. It's just that when I was practicing kung fu recently, I might have lost my breath. It just seemed very messy.”

(End of this chapter)

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