wife's secret

Chapter 348 Wild Chrysanthemum

Chapter 348 Wild Chrysanthemum

I was taken aback.I overlooked one thing just now. I thought too simply. I thought that as long as I had a grenade on me, I would not be afraid of anything.But I didn't expect that the enemy would attack me directly, even if I wanted to take out the grenade and die with the enemy, it would be too late.

At this critical moment, when the stick was about to fall on my head, suddenly, I saw a woman with an excellent figure jumping down from the air, and quickly kicked the wrists of two big men in black with both feet. , two sticks were kicked away.Before the big man in black understood what was going on, the woman kicked up quickly again, one kick at a time, kicking the two big black men far away.

The two big men in black got up from the ground and fled away like hell.The scene that just happened was just a matter of seconds.This kind of scene can only be seen on TV, but I actually encountered it in reality.

Before I came back to my senses, I saw a woman with a very good figure walked to me calmly and said to me: "Okay, Mr. Chen. It's all right, you can go home."

I quickly asked what was going on and who the other party was.

I understand after explaining.It turned out that this woman's surname was Gao, and she was a member of a professional fighting team. She was of a high level and was hired by Ma Dapao.Invite him to protect Xiaofang and me.The other party told me that Ma Dapao told her that Gu Rushui probably sent his bodyguards to deal with me and Xiaofang. Of course, Gu Rushui is not so bold during the day, and it is more likely to attack me at night.

I was surprised and asked the other party: "I saw you flying down from the sky just now, what's going on?"

The other party smiled, and pointed to the big tree behind him, "I was lurking on the tree just now, and I can see the situation below very clearly."

"Then it's hard work for you."

After saying hello to the other party, I took the elevator upstairs, and after I took out the key to open the door, Xiaofang was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she saw me coming back, she greeted me, and suddenly pointed at my face in surprise, " Brother Chen, did you go to the nightclub?"

I hurriedly looked in the mirror, only to realize that there were still many marks of red lips on my face, all of which were the masterpieces of Li Caier.

I was instantly embarrassed.It's over, I can't explain it clearly now, and Xiaofang will definitely despise it.But Xiaofang didn't show contempt at all. She quickly took a wet towel and helped me wipe the lip marks on my face. While wiping, she said, "You guys are really not easy. You work hard every day. You have to act on every occasion, it's really hard to live."

I was a little surprised. When I was about to speak, the other party continued: "You don't need to explain anything. In fact, I understand it very well."

I was even more surprised, did she know about me and Li Caier?
When I was about to speak again, the other party said again, "I know that you have just become the assistant of Chairman Jiang Haiyang. The company has a lot of business, which is enough for you as an assistant to be busy. You must have to go to nightclubs to accompany customers. You have to play the game every now and then, right?"

I was suddenly surprised.I didn't expect the other party to be such a considerate person. As an ordinary woman, I would have told me to be honest, but the other party was thinking of me.

I was suddenly moved and didn't know what to say for a while.

Although the other party is not my wife, and although she has no right to interfere with my privacy, the other party wipes it for me naturally with a towel. For a man, this feeling is really a very happy thing.

At this time, the other party and I were close together, and there was a faint fragrance from the other party's body, which made me unable to restrain myself. Looking at the other party's handsome face, I had an urge to hug him into my arms.I also know that if I do this, the other party should not refuse.However, for some reason, I suddenly felt that I couldn't make a move.

I suddenly remembered the scene that happened when I was a child, the scene of playing Zhu Bajie carrying his wife back.At that time, we were only four or five years old, and a few friends were playing together by the small river in front of the village.Those were the years of innocence and romance, childhood sweethearts, how wonderful.

At that time, there was no intrigue, no intrigue, and looking at it now, how tiring life is.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Xiaofang looked at me strangely as if I was distracted.

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay." Looking at the innocent face of the other party, I suddenly felt shameless.I asked the other party to live in my house for one purpose, to create a human being with the other party, and then take the other party to find Jiang Haiyang.I am using the other party.In order to sit on the throne of the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate as soon as possible, I can say that I will do whatever it takes.

After wiping off the lip marks on my face, I sat down on the sofa.Xiaofang brewed a cup of tea and handed it to me, "I know you drank a lot of wine with clients for entertainment and business, please drink some tea. I put wild chrysanthemums in it to sober up."

"Wild chrysanthemum?" I froze for a moment.

"Yes. I picked them from the mountains behind my hometown in the countryside. I brought a lot of them."

I was a little surprised, "Why did you bring wild chrysanthemums?"

Wild chrysanthemum is a unique wild flower in the mountains behind our hometown village in the countryside. It is different from ordinary wild chrysanthemums. The petals of this wild chrysanthemum are very small and inconspicuous, but the fragrance it emits is very fragrant.

Xiaofang smiled, "Why not, I just like it."

Looking at the other party's flushed face, I thought of a possibility. When Xiaofang left the countryside and came to Ningzhou City, she must have gone to the woods behind the village to say goodbye to her mother.There was such a scene in front of my eyes, Xiaofang picked many wild chrysanthemums in the mountain behind the village, came to her mother’s grave to bid farewell to her mother, and she arranged the wild chrysanthemums neatly In front of my mother's grave, I kowtowed three times earnestly, and went down the mountain with the remaining wild chrysanthemums...

"Why are you standing there holding the tea, why don't you drink it quickly?"

Seeing Xiaofang looking at me, my thoughts returned to reality. I looked at the wild chrysanthemum in the teacup, as if I saw a smiling face.For some reason, I suddenly thought of my grandpa, and thought of the marriage agreement between my grandpa and Xiaofang’s mother, Xingfang, and a thought popped into my mind. You must marry me. It is very likely that this sentence is not nonsense. Grandpa must have his own considerations. There may be a secret behind this matter.

I was full of doubts and curiosity about grandpa again.At first, I thought that my grandfather had died a long time ago, but after I heard Du Da talk about my grandfather's past, I realized that my grandfather was not dead, but just disappeared mysteriously. Where did my grandfather go?
I was thinking while drinking tea.

At this time, Xiaofang turned on the TV, and when the picture appeared on the TV screen, she suddenly turned pale with fright and screamed.

I quickly looked, and it turned out that the TV that Xiaofang turned on was a special channel of Duoliguo. I saw the familiar virgin forest appeared on the TV again, and a thick python poked its head out from the bushes, grinning and staring come over.

(End of this chapter)

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