wife's secret

Chapter 353 "You Are Cruel"

Chapter 353 "You Are Cruel"

I quickly stopped Hu Grenade, "You have to be careful about this matter, have you thought about the consequences, I advise you not to do this."

"Of course I have thought about the consequences. As long as this report hits the newspapers, Jiang Haiyang's reputation will be ruined, and the stock of Ninghua Real Estate will plummet overnight..."

"That's not what I meant. I meant your safety."

"I've thought about this a long time ago. I've already bought a plane ticket to Sakura Country. As soon as this report hits the newspaper, I'll leave Ningzhou City to go to Sakura Country. I've already contacted Dunzi. He's in Sakura Country. Help me rent the house."

I suddenly couldn't laugh or cry.This reporter Hu is too crazy to do things. In fact, there is not that much hatred between him and Jiang Haiyang. There is no need to fight with Jiang Haiyang. I quickly said to him: "I have already taken care of your cousin Bai Jie's matter. .You just take it easy."

"Fixed? What do you mean?"

I told the other party about the fact that Bai Jie had a boyfriend to frighten Jiang Haiyang, and I said, "Don't worry, after Jiang Haiyang heard that your cousin has a boyfriend and developed a powerful grenade, he would definitely not dare to fight with you." Your cousin has implemented a plan to create humans."

On the phone, Hu Handlei was silent for a while, and then said two words with emotion, "It's ruthless."

Then, Hu Handlei said: "Brother Chen, you are too ruthless. If I was worried about you before, then I am full of confidence in you now."

This sentence is a bit nonsensical, I asked what it meant.

"According to the original plan, Ma Dapao and I wanted to push you to be the chairman of the board, but then you joined some chrysanthemum club and got together with a group of ruthless men. I was disappointed in you immediately. I feel like you Such a lecherous guy will not become a big deal. However, I never thought that you could come up with such a ruthless move to deal with Jiang Haiyang, you are awesome, you are a ruthless dick, so I have confidence in you again."

I couldn't laugh or cry again.I have long heard that journalists are emotional animals, and this is indeed true.

"But, brother, have you ever thought about it? Jiang Haiyang is an old fox, not so easy to fool. He will not easily believe what you say. He will definitely verify this matter."

"Don't worry, I've already made careful arrangements. I'm not afraid of verification, but I'm afraid he won't verify it. I believe that if Jiang Haiyang verifies this matter, he will definitely hide from Bai Jie, just like a mouse." It's like seeing a cat."

"You still have a way. As long as my cousin is safe, I can rest assured. Tell me, do you have any orders if you call me. "

"Find a house, the more private the better."

"Why use it?"

"Of course there are people."

"Who lives there?"

"There is a sister who wants to live."

"Sister? As far as I know, you don't have a sister. Tell me honestly, is she your lover?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It's a younger sister from the countryside of my hometown."

"This is even more wrong. You don't have a younger sister at all in your hometown in the countryside."

"How did you know?"

"I'm a reporter, don't hide anything from me."

"Okay, let me tell you the truth. Her name is Xiaofang, she is a girl from the neighboring village of my hometown, and she is now the manager of the sales office of Ninghua Real Estate."

"That's right, it's exactly what I expected." After speaking, the other party laughed.

I was baffled by the other party, "What do you mean, it's not what I expected?"

Next, Hu Handlei explained.It turned out that Hu Handlei had analyzed my current situation. He thought that my relationship with Huang Yijia was not good and that it was about to divorce, so I would definitely not be able to get demand in that regard for a long time.At the same time, Hu Shoulei also believed that I was a person with very strong hormones.So in a situation like mine, I will definitely find a woman to vent my anger on. Who should I turn to? When Hu Shunlei heard that I had joined the Chrysanthemum Club, he was shocked. In his words, Chen Yang, is this kid dying? No one can find someone from the Chrysanthemum Society.He immediately came to a conclusion that Chen Yang would definitely suffer, he would quit the Chrysanthemum Club immediately, and he would definitely find other women to solve his needs.

After explaining this, Hu Shuneri laughed again, "How is it? Did I hit the spot? The Xiaofang you mentioned is not someone from the neighboring village of your hometown, but a white-collar worker from Ninghua Real Estate. Just hooked up, right..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" I couldn't help it anymore, and interrupted the other person directly, "Hurry up and find a house! The more secretive the better, don't let anyone know about it, especially Gu Rushui."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." After Hu Handlei agreed, before hanging up the phone, he said to himself, "It's not easy for you, brother. You have been holding back for so long, so you should find someone The woman let go."

After putting down the phone, I realized that Xiaofang was standing next to me, "Brother Chen, who did you talk to on the phone just now?"

"Oh...it's a real estate agency." I quickly explained, with a slightly flustered tone, "It's not safe for you to live here now, and you don't want to live here from today on. I'll find another place for you."

Xiaofang nodded, "I really should leave your house. My sister-in-law should be back from the island soon. It's inconvenient for her to see."

I immediately emphasized, "Don't call me sister-in-law, I have no relationship with her anymore, we just acted with each other, and soon I divorced her. I will always remember the marriage contract between my grandpa and your mother, you are the one I really... like people."

Xiaofang's face turned red all of a sudden, "Okay, I'm going to work. I'm going to the sales office."

"I'll take you there."

Xiaofang said: "If you have nothing to do, go sell buildings with me. You can get more than 1 yuan in kickbacks when you sell a house."

"Li Cai'er arranged for me to go to Wanghai Community to see how the house is being renovated, and I won't help you sell the house. But you can't go to the sales office alone. The road is not safe, so I'll send you there."

In this way, I sent Xiaofang to the sales office.When I went out, I wore a pair of sunglasses and a windbreaker to pack myself a little.This is also for safety.After all, Gu Rushui is a lunatic now, and he can do any crazy thing.I can't help but guard against it.

However, when I sent Xiaofang to the sales office, trouble came.I saw four beauties in black clothes suddenly appearing from the side, surrounded me at once, and one of them punched me in the head involuntarily.

I was startled, and hurriedly turned my head to avoid the opponent's fist.The force on the head was too strong, and the sunglasses fell to the ground all of a sudden.Immediately, the beauty who attacked me yelled in surprise, "So, it's you."

Only then did I see clearly that the other party turned out to be Xiaoqian.

(End of this chapter)

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