wife's secret

Chapter 356 Solve the single problem

Chapter 356 Solve the single problem

"Cough cough!" I quickly coughed twice, interrupting the other person's words, "Please go back to Boss Mu, you bought the twenty buildings in Wanghai Community in one go, was it a cash transaction? Or did you just pay by card?"

As soon as the words came out, even I felt baffled.Where did you trade in cash?

Mu Yi looked at me like a monster.

Lamei and several other members of the Chrysanthemum Club also looked at me strangely.

Although I was a little embarrassed, I was relieved.What I said just now diverted everyone's attention.Mu Yi, you should thank me, do you know how dangerous it was just now, if you continue to swear, you may become a eunuch.

"Oh, it's okay. What I mean is to buy so many houses at once. It is impossible to take out so much money at once. You should get a bank loan. I heard that it is very difficult to get a house loan now. In addition, more than 20 billion yuan, It’s impossible for the bank to take it out all at once. I don’t know what Boss Mu’s plan is?”

I thought Mu Yi would say in a very relaxed tone, isn't it 20 billion? Do I still need to find a bank loan for this amount of money? Just transfer it from my account.

Who knew I was wrong, Mu Yi nodded seriously after listening to my words, "You are right, although I am rich, I don't have that much liquidity, I can only get a bank loan. But don't worry Yes, I have a good relationship with Xie Lao Liu, he is the president of Yanxia Bank, with his help, I can get two billion."

"What did you say?" I was taken aback, "You have a good relationship with Xie Lao Liu?"

I am not surprised that Xie Lao Liu is the president of the bank, because I have heard it from Du Da before.What surprised me was that this fat man had something to do with Xie Lao Liu.

"What? Do you know Xie Lao Liu?" The other party didn't answer my question, but asked me in a surprised tone.

"Oh, I don't know him, but I've heard of his name." I glanced at Lamei, and then answered Muyi in a tentative tone, "I heard that Xie Lao Liu is the boss of the Poisonous Dragon Society. Hundreds of brothers, there is a very powerful underground force in Ningzhou City, a very powerful existence."

"Of course. To be honest, I came to Wanghai Community to buy real estate this time, and it was introduced by Xie Lao Liu."

I was startled, "Isn't Xie Lao Liu retreating? How could he tell you this?"

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I knew I was wrong, and I shouldn't have said it.The other party must have doubts.

Sure enough, Mu Yi looked at me strangely, "Boss Chen, Xie Lao Liu's retreat is a very secret thing, how do you know?" He seemed to understand something just after he finished speaking, his eyes narrowed, "You just now I lied, you must know Mr. Xie Lao Liu, right? You should have a very close relationship with him, right? It must be like this. Otherwise, you wouldn’t know he’s in retreat.”

I had no choice but to respond vaguely, "I am quite familiar with Du Da. I heard from Du Da about the Xie Lao Liu's retreat."

"It turns out that you know Du Da, which is great. I also have a very good relationship with him. To tell you the truth, in fact, Du Da is the reason why he introduced me to buy real estate here."

Then he explained.It turns out that Mu Yi and Du Da are close friends. When Du Da heard that Mu Yi was looking for a place to live for his coal miners, he immediately recommended Wanghai Community to him.Du Da told him that Wanghai Community is a real estate developed by Ninghua Real Estate. The quality is very good, and chrysanthemums will participate in the decoration of the real estate. It must be grasped.

I didn't understand what the other party meant in the last sentence, and what the other party meant by welfare, so I couldn't help but ask him.

Mu Yi said: "Du Da told me that the Chrysanthemum Club is an association composed of a group of single young women. They are all beauties, each prettier than the other. I was very interested when I heard it. I think it is just like what Du Da said. It's a great opportunity to…”

Then he explained again.It turns out that there are almost no women in the coal mining company run by Mu Yi, and all men are men.The coal mine is very closed, and men go down to work every day, so they have no time or opportunity to contact women.Seeing that these workers are getting older and have no targets, Mu Yi is very anxious as the boss, so when he heard about the Chrysanthemum Club through Du Da, he immediately became excited. He felt that for the coal miners, the opportunity came ,The opportunity came.

Mu Yi's idea is very practical. He plans to use the period of inspecting real estate and house renovation to hold a social gathering with Chrysanthemum Club, let coal miners and Chrysanthemum Club beauties hold a party, get to know each other, add a WeChat chat and so on.According to Mu Yi's thinking, all the beauties in the Chrysanthemum Society must be taken down, and all of them must be settled.

Mu Yi once again said with emotion: "Imagine that all the buildings in Wanghai community live in my coal miners, and all of them marry beautiful women from the Chrysanthemum Society as their wives. Enjoy life in this fragrant house decorated with Datura plants Wouldn't it be wonderful to have fun."

After sighing with emotion, he shook his head regretfully, "Unfortunately, I heard that the Chrysanthemum Society only has a total of more than 100 beauties. But my coal miners have 600 people, and there are too many monks and too little porridge, which is not enough. There is no way, and we can only deal with how many beauties there are." How much, let’s deal with these more than 100 beauties first, and distribute them to the advanced workers in the coal mine, let them use it first, enjoy it first..."

Before Mu Yi finished speaking, he heard a "hoo", and kicked him quickly with a flying kick.To be precise, he kicked at his crotch.

I can see very clearly that this kick was exactly kicked by Lamei, it was ruthless, steady and accurate, and it directly meant to kill off children and grandchildren.

Before Lamei's foot touched Muyi, I stopped her.The way to stop it is not to pinch it with your legs like last time, but to pinch it with your hands.

Some people may say, just talk nonsense, the opponent's skill is good, and the kick is so fast, how can you hold it with your hands.

Of course, it is impossible to pinch it with your hands in normal times.But it was such a coincidence that the moment Lamei kicked her feet, I suddenly felt the heat flow in my body, and the supernatural power suddenly appeared.After having a special function, it is not surprising to pinch the opponent's foot with your hand.

Mu Yi didn't understand it, he was taken aback and looked at me with disbelief, "This, this is...?"

The meaning in the eyes of the other party is obvious, Boss Chen, why did you suddenly molested the beautiful woman without any warning?
How could Lamei think that the kicked foot would be cut off halfway by me, "Let go!" She shouted, and hurriedly retracted her foot.

I didn't let go in a hurry. If I let go immediately, the other party must think that I just happened to catch her foot, so it is very necessary for me to show my strength and let Lamei know how powerful I am. Don't do it in front of me. Recklessly.How to show it is very simple, just pinch the other person's foot and not let go.It sounds simple, but it is not easy.Lamei's kung fu is second only to Li Cai'er. She once kicked Mao Hu three times with one kick, which shows the profound skill of her feet.

Lamei twitched her feet back hard, but she didn't. Her face changed slightly, and she stared at me like she was looking at a monster.Obviously, she was taken aback.But I didn't dare to continue to hold her feet, because in that case, it would appear that I was too wretched, I just showed my strength.After three seconds of stalemate, I let go.Of course, the moment I let go, I bent my index finger slightly, and scratched the opponent's sole at a very fast speed.

It's not that I'm shameless, let alone obscene, but a reminder.

Yes, it is a reminder.

I want to remind the other party not to get angry. After all, Mu Yi is a rare rich man. It’s okay to say some foul language. Don’t lose big because of small things.
(End of this chapter)

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