wife's secret

Chapter 358

Chapter 358

I hurriedly avoided the eyes of the other beauties and I said to Xiaofang: "Today I brought you a big client, a rich man who bought all twenty buildings in Wanghai Community. I took He came to sign the agreement..."

As I said that, I looked back, only to see Mu Yi standing beside him coldly, with a look of envy and hatred on his face.

"Boss Mu, don't be in a daze, hurry up and sign the agreement."

I walked over to pull his arm, but he quietly asked me, "Hey, brother, are you familiar with these beauties?"

I froze for a moment, "I'm not familiar with it, I've only dealt with it once."

In fact, I'm telling the truth. Except for Xiaofang, I really only dealt with the other four beautiful bodyguards once, and that was when I saw them yesterday afternoon.

Originally, I said it casually, but who knows, after Mu Yi listened to my words, a look of incomparable admiration suddenly appeared on his face, and he gave me a thumbs up, "High, high."

The other party's words were a bit inexplicable, and I didn't have time to ponder them. I took his arm to the counter and introduced him to Xiaofang, "This is the big boss of the coal mine, Boss Mu. He bought all the buildings in Wanghai Community. Hurry up and take out the purchase agreement, Boss Mu will sign the agreement now."

Xiaofang generously extended her hand towards the other party, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Boss Mu, I am the manager of the sales office, please call me Xiaofang."

But Mu Yi's face turned red all of a sudden, and his expression became twitchy. He stretched out his hand hesitantly, shook hands with Xiao Fang, then quickly retracted, and said, "Thank you for your strong support for my work. .”

What the other party said was a bit nonsensical, Xiaofang was taken aback for a moment, smiled and nodded, didn't say anything else, and turned her eyes to me, meaning that the person you brought is quite interesting.

I was immediately surprised.What's wrong with Mu Yi?Why do you suddenly become unnatural when you see a beautiful woman?When he was looking at the house in Wanghai Community, he even said some obscenities in front of Lamei.Why did you suddenly become a different person after seeing Xiaofang?

Moreover, Mu Yi actually said thank you for your great support for my work, this is incredible, there is no logic in this sentence.

A possibility suddenly occurred to me.Could it be that Muyi knew Xiaofang a long time ago?What thoughts did you have about Xiaofang?Did you just buy all the houses in Wanghai Community?
Seeing Xiaofang looking at me, I shook my head slightly.I mean I don't know this guy well, I just met him, I don't know him well.

Xiaofang turned around to get the agreement.At this moment, Xiaoqian and three other beautiful bodyguards surrounded her.After all, it was the first time for them to see such a rich and powerful coal mine owner, and they were very curious.

Unexpectedly, after the four beauties surrounded Mu Yi, his face suddenly turned red, he was a little at a loss, and sweat oozes from his forehead.

Again I was amazed.What's wrong with Mu Yi?He was very heroic when driving the explosion-proof car along the way, how mighty and mighty, how did he become like this after being in close contact with beauties? ?

At this time, Xiaofang came over with the agreement.Mu Yi seemed to be liberated, and hurriedly took the agreement from Xiaofang's hand, without even looking at it, grabbed the pen and quickly signed his name on the signature place.Then handed the agreement to Xiaofang, "With my signature, the agreement will take effect. You can fill in the amount as you like. I'm sorry, I have something else to do, so I'm leaving first."

After Mu Yi finished speaking, he turned around and left the lobby of the sales office.He walked very fast, to be exact, not walking, but fleeing.It was as if these beauties were a group of devils who were about to be eaten if they left late.

I am very curious.I followed quickly, and the other party got on the explosion-proof car, and I followed.The car started, and after driving for a certain distance, Mu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's so dangerous, so dangerous."

I couldn't help it anymore, "Boss Mu, what's wrong with you?"

The other party was a little embarrassed, touched his head, and said, "I made my brother laugh."

Then he explained.It turns out that Mu Yi has an unspeakable problem, that is, after seeing a beautiful woman, especially if he is in close contact with a beautiful woman, he is easily allergic, his whole body is itchy, and his body trembles, and even faints in severe cases.

This is the reason why when Xiaofang took the initiative to shake hands with him just now, he hesitated for a long time, then quickly shook hands with the other party and then quickly retracted.When Xiaoqian and three other beautiful bodyguards approached him, he had already started to feel itchy. If he hadn't signed the agreement quickly, he might have fainted on the ground on the spot, and he might not be able to leave the sales office. .

I was puzzled, "But, since you are afraid of getting in close contact with beautiful women, and since you are allergic, then why did you act so free and easy when you were looking at the house in Wanghai Community? You didn't appear to be allergic at all. How can this be explained?" ?”

The other party was a little embarrassed, "Fortunately, I didn't have allergies after I said those words and swear words."

Then he explained.It turned out that whenever Mu Yi said obscenities that sounded horrible, he would have a particularly enjoyable feeling in his heart.With this feeling, the symptoms of allergies will be greatly reduced.

Mu Yi said: "When I was looking at the house in the Wanghai community, that beauty seemed to be called Lamei, and there were several other beauties who seemed to be her attendants. They were so close to me, and I couldn't run away, because I still had to worry about my family. Coal miners choose houses. That's why I said those things."

I couldn't help but laugh.

It was the first time I saw such a person.

Immediately I was a little bit wronged for Mu Yi, I want to say to Lamei, you misunderstood Mu Yi, okay, he is not a womanizer, he didn’t say those words on purpose, he had to say those words to avoid allergies .

At this time, Mu Yi showed a look of fear on his face, "Fortunately, I left quickly after signing the agreement. I already felt a little itchy on my body, and my allergies were about to flare up. I was almost about to say that .”

I also felt scared, if Mu Yi said that in front of Xiaoqian and the three beautiful bodyguards, the consequences would be disastrous.As far as I know, Xiaoqian's self-defense weapon is a soldering iron. If she hears foul language, she is likely to use a soldering iron.The other three beautiful bodyguards are not easy to mess with, Lianhuan Wuyingjiao will greet Muyi's balls mercilessly.Still the same sentence, at this time, Mu Yi must have been taken by ambulance to the Urology Department of the Third People's Hospital for surgery.

I said with emotion: "Boss Mu, I'm afraid there are very few cases like yours, right? It should be rare in the world, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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