wife's secret

Chapter 373 Courtship

Chapter 373 Courtship
With Mu Yi's help, I don't have to be afraid of Gu Rushui and his bodyguards.

Thinking of this, I took out the business card Mu Yi gave me from my pocket, and when I was about to call the other party's number, I hesitated.To be honest, I only met this big coal mine boss named Mu Yi once, and we were not familiar with each other. We just had a meal with him.I'm afraid it's inappropriate to call him so hastily.

Besides, I was looking for the other party to ask him for help, and I wanted to borrow his explosion-proof car.Will the other party borrow it?

Most importantly, my driver's license is a C card, and I am not qualified to drive an explosion-proof car.Besides, I haven't driven one, nor will I.If I borrow the other party's explosion-proof car, I can only ask the other party to be my driver.Are you kidding me, the big boss of the coal mine is going to be my driver?Fantastic.

I felt the heat flow in my body again, but still nothing.I couldn't help shaking my head, hot flow, hot flow, supernatural power, supernatural power, why did I lose the chain at a critical moment? At this moment, how much I long for that hot current to appear in my body.

At this moment, I suddenly felt something hard, round and bulging, in the pocket of my underwear.I stretched out my hand to take a look, and I was a little pleasantly surprised. It turned out to be the No. [-] Cantaloupe grenade that Hu Shurenei gave me.

Hu Grenade once told me that this is a grenade he developed meticulously. The power of the explosion is equivalent to 30 tons of explosives, and he specially named it the No. [-] Cantaloupe Grenade.

As soon as I gritted my teeth, my mother is next door!With this thing, I won't be afraid of Gu Rushui, I won't be afraid of bodyguards anymore, at worst we will all go to heaven together.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a sense of no worries.Before my wife married me, she had a secret relationship with Gu Rushui and had a child. The Hejude Auction House has long since become history. I have nothing in this world. Damn it, barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. I am afraid of shit.

I put the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade back into my pocket, stepped up the accelerator, and with a bang, the broken Xiali car went straight to the Ninghua real estate sales office like an angry bull.

After turning eight traffic lights, I saw Ninghua Real Estate Sales Office in the distance.I saw seven or eight luxury black cars parked in the square in front of the sales office. In front of each car stood four big men in black, holding iron rods and short knives in their hands.

With a rough look, there were more than 30 big men in black.Stand in a row, face outward, and watch all around warily.

There was also a red car, very familiar, I took a closer look and remembered it.It was Gu Rushui who gave it to Xiaofang as a birthday present on her birthday last time. I remember the scene very clearly. At that time, Gu Rushui sincerely confessed to Xiaofang, but of course Xiaofang politely rejected it. The red car also refused.

Huh?Didn't Zhang Xiaowu say that there is a big truck full of flowers?

I glanced around suspiciously, but didn't see the truck.It was strange, and suddenly there was a rumbling sound coming from above his head.

I poked my head out of the car, and when I saw it, I was taken aback.I saw a helicopter hovering slowly in the air.Then, I saw Gu Rushui appearing in the cockpit of the plane, and then saw countless flowers falling from the sky like snow...

In the blink of an eye, the square of the sales office was covered with flowers.

I was startled, I went!Could it be that Gu Rushui wooed Xiaofang in this way?

If so, it's troublesome.Girls like romance, Xiaofang is very likely to be taken down by the other party.

At this time, the helicopter was getting lower and lower, almost less than 100 meters from the ground.I saw clearly that it was not Gu Rushui who flew the plane, but another person.What is Gu Rushui doing? It's very simple, he is throwing flowers.

Due to the close distance, I could clearly see the expression on Gu Rushui's face.He has a smug smile on his face, very confident, very powerful, condescending and omnipotent.

When I was watching, suddenly, Gu Rushui took out a roll of red things from the cabin of the plane, shook his hand, and saw a very long and large banner falling from the sky, which read A string of words: Bai Jie, marry me.

At this moment, I suddenly felt a little dizzy.Although I had expected that Gu Rushui would continue to pursue Bai Jie, I didn't expect him to take this approach.

Too ruthless, this guy is too ruthless.

At this time, the helicopter was getting lower and lower, and when it was about 30 meters above the ground, the plane stopped in the air, and the propeller kept circling.At this time, the cabin of the plane was opened, and Gu Rushui walked down the hanging ladder calmly.This guy was wearing a neat suit and tie, and his hair was combed very brightly. He was as chic as he could be.

I secretly thought it was bad, it seems that Gu Rushui has done enough homework in advance, and Xiaofang must be taken down today.

My eyes hurried to the door of the lobby of the sales office.The scene that worried me happened, I saw Xiaofang standing blankly in the square, facing the flowers flying all over the sky, looking at Gu Rushui who came down from the helicopter, a little at a loss.

It can be said that any girl will be confused and moved when faced with such a situation.

I immediately became anxious.I want to remind Xiaofang that Gu Rushui is a bastard, you must not be fooled by him, and you must not be confused by him.

But because the distance was too far, and I was afraid of being discovered by Gu Rushui's bodyguards, I could only sit in the car and dare not get off, so I couldn't remind Xiaofang at all.

At this time, I suddenly thought of Xiaoqian and the other three beautiful bodyguards. Their duty was to protect Xiaofang.Why was Xiaofang standing alone in the square? Where did the four bodyguards go?

It's simply dereliction of duty.

At this time, Gu Rushui had already walked from the hanging ladder of the plane to the ground. He was holding flowers in his hands, and with a smile on his face, he confidently walked towards Xiaofang.

I can imagine that when the other party walked up to and behind Xiao Fang, he would kneel down on one knee, present flowers to the other party, and then say shamelessly, "Xiao Fang, I love you, marry me."

I involuntarily took out the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade from my pocket, and at this moment I lost my composure.I know that Gu Rushui's visit to the sales office this time must be to take Xiaofang away and take her to a very secret place to carry out a human-making plan with her.I can't let the other party succeed, I want to blow Gu Rushui alive.

Some people may say, you are too crazy, as for this.I can say responsibly, very much.Anybody would do the same.Because at this moment, I thought about Gu Rushui's plan to blow me up with a remote-controlled bomb, and it was time for revenge.

The distance is not too far, I can throw the grenade on Gu Rushui very accurately, he can't escape.However, the moment I threw it out, I stopped.I thought of a very real problem. Gu Ruoshui and Xiaofang were very close. After the grenade exploded, Gu Rushui would be killed, and Xiaofang would also be killed.

For a while, I ran out of ideas.Just then, my cell phone rang suddenly.At this moment, I was in a very bad mood. I glanced at the caller ID, and the mobile phone number was very strange.I just ignore it.

But the phone kept ringing, I pressed the answer button, and said harshly, "You fucking want to die, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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