wife's secret

Chapter 375 Special Bodyguard

Chapter 375 Special Bodyguard
At this moment, Gu Rushui's true nature was fully exposed.It can be seen that he is desperate for me.If it was acting in the past, now he has taken off his mask, and he has no reservations about me.The reason why he did this is that there is only one possibility, that is, he must die to me today, and he will never let me leave alive.

A rush of hot blood rushed to my forehead, and I shouted, "My surname is Gu, it's time for me to take off my cuckold today, let's all go to heaven together."

After speaking, I took out the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade from my pocket.I didn't throw it out in a hurry, I wanted to attract Gu Rushui and die together with him.I yelled to Xiaofang: "Xiaofang, it's dangerous here, run quickly."

Gu Rushui was taken aback by my aura, he didn't expect me to be so confident alone, just when his bodyguards rushed towards me, Gu Rushui suddenly yelled: "Stop!"

Dozens of bodyguards were stunned with the murder weapon in their hands, and they all turned to look at Gu Rushui.These people all had puzzled expressions on their faces. They didn't understand why they were about to capture me alive and cripple me right away. Why did they stop?

At this time, I saw Gu Rushui walking towards this side, and said to his bodyguards: "Look around, if there is an ambush."

One of the bodyguards in black didn't understand, "Boss, there will be no ambush. No one dares to come and die."

But Gu Rushui said: "You know what a fool, this kid has a paparazzi on his hands, they are a bunch of crazy guys, and there is also a group of [-] from the Chrysanthemum Club, which is not easy to mess with. So we have to be on guard. "

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart, Gu Rushui is serious in her work, no matter what she does, she has a spirit of investigating things to learn, which is really good.Take just now, he had ordered the bodyguards to treat me as a cripple, and seeing that I was not afraid and very confident, he suddenly calmed down and made an analysis.This guy is just too perverted.

I quietly held the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade in the palm of my hand.I had a very good idea to attract Gu Rushui, and when the other party came to me, I threw a grenade at him, and then I quickly retreated.In this way, the opponent can be killed.It is also possible that I and the other party will die together.

Some people may say why you and the other party died together, don't you want to live?

Yes, I have figured it out.I have nothing to worry about and nothing to worry about, but Gu Rushui is the son-in-law of the chairman, who is powerful, famous and profitable.He is the one who suffers the same death with him, so why don't I accompany him to the west.

Maybe someone will say again, isn't it such a pity that you died like this.You are still the third prince of the Sakura Country, Kikuki Michi.You will have a bright future.

Yes.I have also thought about this question.I have always been very confused about my own life experience.I know my grandpa is not dead yet.There must be a secret thing to do.This matter must have something to do with me.I do deserve to live.Should go to my grandpa.

But it's too late, it's too late, and it's a helpless move to die together.Forget it, don't think about it so much, once the phone rings, you don't have to think about everything.

At this moment, a rumbling sound suddenly came from a distance, like thunder, the vibrating ground trembled.

Everyone, including me, turned to look.

I saw an explosion-proof vehicle driving not far from the left, with a very fierce momentum.I was overjoyed immediately, Mu Yi came, it turned out that Mu Yi came.

Just when Gu Rushui and his bodyguards were very confused, the explosion-proof vehicle had already arrived. At this time, the cockpit of the explosion-proof vehicle suddenly opened, and a head poked out from it. It was not someone else, but it was not easy.When he saw me, he yelled, "Brother, hurry up and get in the car."

I immediately cheered up, put the Cantaloupe No. [-] grenade back into my pocket, and then quickly ran towards the explosion-proof car.Soon, I jumped into the cockpit.Mu Yi closed the car door, and then asked: "What's the situation? Did these guys try to harm you just now?"

I gritted my teeth and said harshly, "Destroy, all of them. Not a single one left."

Mu Yi was taken aback, "Brother, do you mean to kill all these people?"

"Yes. Must."

"Aren't you crazy? It's not hard to kill these guys, I just press the yellow button and the bullets rain on them, and immediately they will die like a hornet's nest. But bro Have you ever thought that as soon as the machine gun is fired, people from the Patrol Bureau will rush over and arrest me and you. Have you thought about the consequences?"

I immediately calmed down.What the other party said was good.I'm safe now.I am now in the explosion-proof car, Gu Rushui and his bodyguards have nothing to do with me, I should teach them a little lesson instead of killing them.Thinking of this, I said to Mu Yi: "Then don't use machine guns to shoot, use high-pressure water guns to drive them away. Remember, adjust the water pressure to the maximum to achieve the effect of making them shit."

Mu Yi smiled, "It's simple, look at mine..." As he spoke, he adjusted the angle of the launching tube, pointed at one of the bodyguards, and pressed the button, and there was a sound of brushing, and a torrent of water jets shot out. to each other.I saw that bodyguard couldn't stand steadily, his body was staggering, and he almost fell to the ground.

Mu Yi frowned suddenly, "Ordinary people don't know where they were shot, but this guy can still stand on the ground, it can be seen that this is a trained master."

After finishing speaking, he took out a magnifying glass, took a closer look, and said in surprise, "This guy has a serial number engraved on his forehead. Let me go. It turns out that he is specialized in special personnel. No wonder he can withstand the water canister launch." impact."

Upon hearing this, I was curious.I took the magnifying glass from Mu Yi, and took a closer look through the glass space of the cockpit. Yes, this bodyguard has a string of small letters on his forehead, which seems to be a number written in numbers.And I could see the other party's expression very clearly. I saw that the bodyguard was not flustered under the stabbing of the water. Although his body was shaking, his feet seemed to have taken root, and he stood firmly.

It really is special, and it is still an elite.

I was taken aback.

I heard people say a long time ago that the special bodyguards are very powerful and elite. Once they are successfully trained, they will never be allowed to betray.Otherwise, it is an immeasurable loss.In order to avoid being sentenced, there are special personnel to manage these people and tattoo numbers on their foreheads so that they will not betray.Because having a number is equivalent to having a mark.

At this time, Mu Yi took a strangely shaped object from the side, stuffed it into the ejection chamber, and laughed, "If it's hard, let's get a soft one."

(End of this chapter)

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