wife's secret

Chapter 386

Chapter 386

I interrupted Ma Dapao again, "Are your team members sure that the word they heard was...Hi?"

"Yes, absolutely. I asked him, too."

"I'm going, only men from the Sakura Country can say this word, but Gu Rushui actually said, is he from the Cherry Blossom Country?"

As soon as I asked a question, I immediately shook my head.how could be?I know Gu Rushui too well. His hometown and mine are in the same village, and we played games together when we were young.Of course he is from Yanxia, ​​how could he be from the country of Sakura.

Ma Dapao said: "Every time you talk about the key points, you always interrupt. Don't worry, I will finish the whole story."

Next, Ma Dapao told the rest of the situation again.The Sakura country girl in wooden clogs looked very proud, she drank tea in a leisurely manner and listened to Gu Rushui's report to him.It is impossible to know what Gu Rushui reported, because his voice is very low.The lurker couldn't hear clearly through the crack of the door. He saw that after Gu Rushui finished his report, the woman in clogs hesitated for a moment, then nodded, and then said a few words to Gu Rushui in Sakura Mandarin.After listening to it, Gu Rushui seemed very excited, and raised her voice and said, "Thank you Miss Sasaki."

After listening to Ma Dapao's narration, I asked him: "The team member you arranged really heard that the clog woman is Sasaki?"

"Indeed, it is the name."

Suddenly, I was a little dazed.

I remember very clearly that Niu Lili once mentioned Sasaki to me. She said that Sasaki was a karate master in Sakura Country with a seventh-degree black belt, and was specially invited to Ningzhou City to protect me.He also said he would come in a few days.I almost forgot about Sasaki.Unexpectedly, Sasaki is already here?She actually appeared in Gu Rushui's office after 10:30 in the evening?
Gu Rushui actually bowed to Sasaki again and again?Also respectfully make tea for the other party?

To be honest, I was really confused at this moment.

What is the situation.

Seeing my puzzled expression, Ma Dapao said, "Brother Chen, have you heard of the woman Sasaki?"

"Yes." I felt that there was no need to hide from Ma Dapao, so I told about Sasaki's situation introduced by Niu Lili.

After Ma Dapao heard this, he frowned, and after thinking for a while, he said, "This matter is indeed very strange. It is obvious that Sasaki was invited by Niu Lili to protect you. How could he appear in Gu Rushui's office? The only thing we can do is wait for Niu Lili to come and protect you." Get in touch and find out."

"Is there no news about Niu Lili and Brother Pao?"

"No. I can't get through the phone. Things are not very good..." Ma Dapao shook his head, "Hu Handlei and I have analyzed that there are two possibilities. One possibility is that the two people were kidnapped or held hostage, and the other possibility is The sex was two people who changed their route on the way back from the south and went to a deserted place, so there was no cell phone signal."

"Will you be kidnapped or held hostage?"

"It's possible, but not very likely. Brother Pao doesn't have any enemies. The only enemy is Zhang Zuzi, who is a tomb robber. The two met through Xia Mingguang, and they cooperated well. Later, for some reason, Zhang Zuzi confronted Pao Brother Pao was poisoned and almost killed Brother Pao. Therefore, Brother Pao hated his legs. This time, Brother Pao and Niu Lili went to the south and said they were looking for Mr. Lu to find out the whereabouts of the Taoyuan Fairyland Map. I don’t know if it’s true..."

"As for Niu Lili, she is a relatively open woman with complicated social relationships, but she should not have any enemies. Therefore, it is unlikely that the two of them will be kidnapped or held hostage. Therefore, the second possibility is more likely."

I wondered: "You mean the two of you went to the wilderness where there is no signal?"

Ma Dapao smiled slightly, "I remember one time Pao drank too much and told Niu Lili that he wanted to find romance with her. At that time, Niu Lili's face turned red all of a sudden. So, this possibility cannot be ruled out."

I know what the other party means when they say looking for romance, and I believe Brother Pao would say such a thing, but the other party said that Niu Lili blushed, but I was puzzled.I know Niu Lili quite well.How could such a woman blush?

When asked Ma Dapao, he said: "Two years ago, when Hu Grenade invited guests, he specially invited Brother Pao, and Niu Lili was invited by me to accompany him. It was the first time that Brother Pao and Niu Lili met, so Niu Lili listened to Pao. Of course my face will blush afterwards."

"Why is Hu Handlei treating you?"

"Because Brother Pao was discovered by my paparazzi when he first appeared in Ningzhou City. This guy is a different kind. He wears a pair of flowery pants and a thick gold necklace around his neck. So when he appeared, my subordinates aroused his attention." People's curiosity. After investigation, I found that this guy just ran out of the temple. After I knew this situation, I told Hu Handlei..."

"Hu Shoulei thought that the other party definitely had news to dig out, so he hosted a treat and invited Brother Pao to dinner. Afterwards, after coming and going, everyone became familiar with each other."

"Did Brother Pao tell you his details? For example, where is he from, is Brother Pao his real name, why did he become a monk, why did he become a layman?"

"No. We don't know the specific situation of Brother Pao, and we haven't investigated it. After all, it involves his privacy. However, something happened later, which made us all have a good impression of Brother Pao, and immediately put him in Be your own."

"what's up?"

"Brother Pao said that he came to Ningzhou City to find someone entrusted by someone. We asked him who he was looking for, and he said he was looking for a woman named Hua Gu..." Next, Ma Dapao explained.

It turned out that after Brother Pao got acquainted with Liu Yizhen by chance, Liu Yizhen asked Brother Pao to find his goddaughter Huagu for him. Because Brother Pao likes to mess with flowers and grass, he contracted a bad disease and was cured by acupuncture by Liu Yizhen. So Brother Pao naturally went all out for what Liu Yizhen explained.Later, after many inquiries, Brother Pao finally found out that Aunt Hua was in Ningzhou City, so Brother Pao appeared in Ningzhou City.I found Hua Gu.

I suddenly became curious, Brother Pao actually found Hua Gu in Ningzhou City?
I have always been curious about Hua Gu. I only know that she is the daughter of a prince in the Qing Dynasty. She is definitely a classical beauty. I am looking for an opportunity to get to know her thoroughly.

However, when I asked about Hua Gu's situation, I was disappointed. Ma Dapao didn't know.In Ma Dapao's words, he doesn't like to inquire about other people's privacy.This sounds really funny, the paparazzi itself makes money by poaching other people's privacy, and Ma Dapao is the leader of the paparazzi, so he actually said that he is not used to inquiring about other people's privacy.

I still want to ask something, and Ma Dapao said: "Now is not the time to inquire about these things. The most important thing right now is your safety. Gu Rushui is already in a state of madness. He must send someone to look for you. So, I sent my men The best team members brought…”

(End of this chapter)

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