wife's secret

Chapter 393 One big, two not three ruthless

Chapter 393 One Big Two Not Three Ruthless
"If Brother Pao is found by the Three King Kongs sent by Jiang Haiyang, it will not be a good thing. I dare say that Brother Pao may be beaten to death on the spot by the Three King Kongs. If Brother Pao dies, the matter of looking for Hua Gu Basically it’s gone. The matter of acupuncture and moxibustion is also gone…”

"This kind of thing must not happen," I was interrupted by the other party before I finished speaking, "It seems that I need to talk to Jiang Haiyang alone. It is indeed my responsibility to unilaterally tear up the agreement and cooperate without success In me, however, my uncle also gave him enough compensation, and got one billion to invest in Ninghua Real Estate. One billion, this is not a small amount, what is the old guy not satisfied with. No, I Have to talk to him."

After finishing speaking, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Haiyang's mobile phone very skillfully, "Hi, is this Chairman Jiang? I'm Mu Yi from the coal mine. Is it convenient tomorrow night? I'll treat you to dinner. After dinner Please massage again... why don't you mention the word massage? Why... well, just drink and eat, not massage, that's okay... okay, it's settled like that. I'll call you tomorrow night, and I'll send someone to pick you up you."

After making the phone call and putting down the phone, Mu Yi showed a puzzled expression on his face, and he said to himself: "When did the old guy stop liking massage, it's so strange."

I suddenly became a little nervous.It's not a good thing for me that Mu Yi actually made an appointment with Jiang Haiyang for dinner tomorrow night.After all, Jiang Haiyang has arranged for me and Zhang Xiaowu to go to the so-called my third aunt's house and wait for Huagu.When Jiang Haiyang and Mu Yi have dinner tomorrow night, if Mu Yi mentions my name, Jiang Haiyang will immediately become suspicious of me.

However, I immediately thought of a very practical detail. Does Mu Yi know my name is Chen Yang? It seems like he doesn't know.The only two times I had a quick contact with him was that he gave me a business card but I didn't give him a business card, and he didn't ask me what my name was.

Should I make up a name to fool the other party? When I was thinking about it, Mu Yi said, "Brother Chen Yang, I will invite Jiang Haiyang to dinner tomorrow night, and you will be my company."

I was taken aback immediately, for what I was afraid of, this guy actually knew my name.I still underestimated the other party, he must have secretly investigated me.It can be imagined that the coal mine is a place with very strict secrecy, and not anyone can come if they want to. It is necessary for me to investigate secretly.

In addition, the other party and Jiang Haiyang asked me to accompany them to eat, isn't this just a joke?

I quickly said: "Not tomorrow night, I have something to do."

"Is there anything more important than eating with Jiang Haiyang and me?" After speaking, Mu Yi might feel that something was wrong, so he quickly explained, "Don't get me wrong, I mean you have to go tomorrow night, You have to be there. Because, this is very important to you."

Taking the other party's tone seriously, I asked curiously, "It's important to me? What do you mean?"

"Because I know Chairman Jiang Haiyang's temper is not very good, and mine is not very good-tempered. The two of us drink too much, and we may quarrel or even fight. Therefore, it is very necessary for you to be on the scene. If you see that the situation is not good, you can immediately reconcile it."

The reason the other party gave was so weird that I couldn't help shaking my head slightly.The coal mine owner named Mu Yi is a bit nervous.

"If it's just to be a peacemaker, you can just find someone. Why not find someone else? Let me go?"

"Because you are very good at fooling around."

Mu Yi's explanation made me stunned, why did the other party say this suddenly?It doesn't make sense.

Seeing me in a daze, Mu Yi laughed, "Do you still remember the skills of poking and scratching you taught me? I pondered for a day and a night, and felt that these two simple words actually contained a wealth of philosophy. Finally, I came to the conclusion One conclusion, you are a big fool."

I was suddenly a little embarrassed.If the other party directly said that I was a big fool, it was actually nothing. The other party actually said that the two words I told him had rich philosophical principles. This is obviously ironic and sarcasm.

When I was about to say something, the other person's expression became very serious, "The poking and scratching can't be more refined, and there are many meanings behind it. I analyzed and summarized it, and I can use a big two not three A ruthless way to say..."

"One is big, of course you have to be brave. This is easy to understand. If you are not courageous, of course you don't dare to get started..."

"The two nos are shameless and shameless. Shameless is easy to understand, so there is no need to explain. Don't be an asshole, you can imagine that if you don't master these two skills well, you may be in danger. If you encounter a ruthless The way of retaliation is likely to be kicking. Once kicked, the ammunition compartment may explode instantly, ha ha."

"Three ruthless, that is, ruthless mouth, ruthless hands, and ruthless heart. The two actions of poking and scratching are not something ordinary people can do. The first is ruthless mouth, that is, being able to say, fooling, fooling, and fooling the other party." The second is ruthlessness, which has two meanings, one is to act decisively, and the other is to be accurate, just like acupressure, without any deviation..."

After listening to Mu Yi's explanation, I was simply dumbfounded.I really didn't expect that the two words I used casually to fool the other party were actually remembered by the other party, and after repeated reflections, I got my own understanding and understanding.

This guy is simply a talent.

I was dumbfounded, and the other party proudly said: "How is it? Am I right? Very philosophical, right? Let me tell you, I am a high-achieving student at Huaqing University, and I was in the Department of Philosophy back then."

I was very surprised, "What did you say? You graduated from Huaqing University?"

"Of course."

"But, why have you become a coal mine boss now?"

As soon as the words came out, I felt so stupid.It's too childish, things in this world are changing too fast, anything can happen, who can imagine it.

"If I develop normally, I should be a professor in the philosophy department of the university. I am not a person who likes to only do one thing in my life. I like to take risks and try new things. One day, I suddenly developed a passion for coal mining. interest, became a coal miner, and later became the owner of the coal mine."

The other party said it too easily, it can be said to be an understatement.However, I know that there must be a strong background behind the other party, and there must be noble people supporting him.Otherwise, he could not become a coal mine boss.

At this time, I suddenly remembered that the reason why the other party was allergic to beautiful women was because something happened to him, what exactly was it.

When I was about to ask, the other party brought the subject back, "The reason why I invited Chairman Jiang Haiyang to dinner is to prevent him from being unfavorable to Brother Pao, because Brother Pao is very important. If you want to find Hua Gu and let Hua Gu give me For acupuncture, the only way is to let Brother Pao come forward, so no one can do anything unfavorable to Brother Pao."

I really didn't understand, "You have dinner with Chairman Jiang Haiyang, there is no need for me to be a peacemaker, there is no need for me to accompany you?"

"Didn't I just say that, through the poking and scratching you said, I have already analyzed that you are a big fool, so there is no more suitable peacemaker than you..."

(End of this chapter)

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