wife's secret

Chapter 409 The Old President's Advice

Chapter 409 The Old President's Advice
Hu Handlei said: "I only heard about it yesterday afternoon. The former colleagues of the newspaper office told me that the newspaper office completed a personnel change yesterday morning. After I heard about this, I couldn't believe it. We have a good relationship, and we have worked together for many years. After changing the president, I will not be able to write reports in the future. Last night, I wanted to drink with the old president. The president has a lot of alcohol. I don’t know what happened at night, maybe I’m in a bad mood, I’m drunk after only one drink, he took my hand and said in pain, brother, don’t get close to beauty, it’s killing people.”

After Hu Handlei finished speaking, he gave Mu Yi a very special look, and finally his eyes fell on my face, "I think the old president's words are very reasonable. For a man, the most sad thing is not money. It should be the beauty gate."

I heard something in Hu Handlei's words, and I said, "Reporter Hu, are you implying something to me? If you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

"Brother Chen, do you know that Jiang Haiyang already knows that Xiaofang is his illegitimate daughter?"

"Huh?" I was taken aback, "How could this be?"

"Not only does he know that Xiaofang is his illegitimate daughter, but he also knows that Li Cai'er from the Chrysanthemum Club is also his illegitimate daughter."

I was speechless.

In fact, I have long thought of this possibility.He had long thought that Jiang Haiyang should know that Xiaofang and Li Caier were his illegitimate daughters.It's just that I didn't really think about it.All I can think about is to make a man with Xiaofang and Li Caier as soon as possible. As long as I create a successor, I can get Gu Rushui to take over quickly.

Hu Shoulei said: "Jiang Haiyang is an old fox. When your grandfather saved his life, he verbally promised that after he has a company in the future, he will give you half of the shares no matter how large the scale is. Now his company The scale has reached tens of billions. Will he give you half of it for free? He is not a fool. Have you made any contribution to his company? Although his life was given by your grandfather, but just a dozen He won't be willing to give you a hundred million. So, he wants to use your beauty to take you down..."

"Actually, Jiang Haiyang already knew that you were dating his two illegitimate daughters, and he also saw through your plan to create a man. The reason why he didn't recognize the two illegitimate daughters was that he didn't stop your plan. , is to record the process of your doing bad things when you and her two illegitimate daughters do bad things, and then blackmail you."

"Of course, you don't have to worry. After all, your grandfather saved Jiang Haiyang's life. He won't do anything to you. He just didn't want to give you half of the company's shares. The purpose of blackmailing you is to keep you from going too far. He has I may give you 1000 to 2000 as compensation for your grandfather saving his life."

After listening to Hu Handlei's explanation, I didn't speak for a long time.It should be said that Hu Handlei's analysis is very reasonable.I'm thinking about a question now, how did Jiang Haiyang know that Xiaofang and Li Cai'er were his illegitimate daughters?
Li Caier will not talk about it, I don't know much about her.Let's analyze Xiaofang now. After her mother Xingfang died, Xiaofang came to join Jiang Haiyang, and Jiang Haiyang's wife Tang Xuelan received her.Tang Xuelan did not tell Jiang Haiyang about this, but told Gu Rushui.In other words, only Tang Xuelan and Gu Rushui knew about this matter.It is impossible for Gu Rushui to tell Jiang Haiyang about Xiaofang, because he has already made a plan to make a man-made man with the other party first.So, Tang Xuelan told Jiang Haiyang?
When I was thinking about it, Mu Yi suddenly grabbed my arm and said impatiently: "I can't wait, I can't wait for a minute. Hurry up to Brother Pao, hurry up to Huagu. I need acupuncture, I need acupuncture ah."

I suddenly understood.It turns out that just now Hu Shuneri talked about the issue of beauty, and he also mentioned my plan to create a human being.After Mu Yi heard this, he immediately envied and hated him.It is understandable that the other party suffers from beauty allergies and cannot be touched and can only be imagined. Who can bear this kind of life.So, when Mu Yi heard a series of romantic things about me, he couldn't take it anymore.

Hu Shoulei said: "Boss Mu is so eager for acupuncture, does he have any special needs?"

Mu Yi was also a little embarrassed, after all, he was not familiar with Hu Shunlei, so he felt that it was inconvenient to tell him some things.I said, "They're all from my own family, so I'm not ashamed to say it." I briefly introduced Muyi's situation to Hu Handley.

After listening on the phone, I was very surprised, "It's so strange that I have allergies to beautiful women. It's simply unbelievable."

Xia Mingguang, who had been silent all this time, said, "Boss Mu's situation is not surprising, for example, my neighbor is also in this situation."

Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Xia Mingguang explained, "I have a female neighbor named Meng Xue, who has a very strong magnetic field on her body, a body that cannot be touched by men, otherwise it will be like getting an electric shock."

After hearing this, Mu Yi immediately felt a little relieved, and had a feeling of finding himself, "There is such a person, if there is a chance, I will definitely treat him to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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