wife's secret

Chapter 420 Dodge 1 First

Chapter 420

I dodged to the side as fast as I could.

The opponent rushed to nothing at once, and the dagger was inserted into the ground. Because the opponent used too much force, he suddenly fell to the ground.I don't know how it happened, maybe the opponent's body fell to the ground and touched the dagger at the same time.He heard Gao Shan scream, and the dagger was thrust into his throat.He stared with big terrified eyes, rolled his body, stared at his feet, and remained motionless.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

I am now [-]% sure that the other party is really dead this time.His death really has nothing to do with me, I don't even count as self-defense.

Tong Mengna's face was so pale that she could no longer be pale, and her body was trembling with fright, "Why, how could this happen."

I totally understand how she feels.With me just now, such an accident happened suddenly.It was too cruel, too sudden, for a woman.

"This guy was stimulated just now."

It should be conceivable that after Gao Shan's temple was kicked by me, there are two possibilities.The first possibility is that he was not kicked to death, but fell into a coma for a short time.When I was with Tong Mengna, he just woke up from a coma. After seeing this scene, he was strongly stimulated, and then he grabbed a chair and threw it at me.

The second possibility is that after I kicked Gao Shan's temple, he didn't pass out and pretended to be dead.The purpose of playing dead is to put myself at a disadvantage, and then give me a fatal blow when I am not prepared.

One thing is certain, regardless of the possibility, Gao Shan was stimulated.Although he and his wife have divorced, when he saw me and Tong Mengna, he still couldn't bear it, so he couldn't help but say that a chair fell over.

I saw Tong Mengna's face pale with fright, and I said to her, "Don't be afraid, Gao Shan's death is your own fault, it has nothing to do with you and me. I will report the case now."


"Yes. It must be reported to the police immediately."

After speaking, I called the Patrol Bureau, and I briefly explained the situation. In less than 10 minutes, a patrol car stopped at the sales office square, and four officers from the patrol bureau came to the warehouse.Seeing Gao Shan who had been stabbed to death with a dagger lying on the ground, the people from the Patrol Bureau asked what was going on.

I said calmly, "I was having a tryst with the deceased's ex-wife here, and the deceased rushed in, and then he took out a dagger to stab me to death, but accidentally stabbed himself to death."

I speak the truth.However, the people from the Patrol Bureau were a little confused, "Ex-wife? What's the situation? Tell me clearly."

This is how I explained it to the police officers.I said that the woman's name was Tong Mengna, and the deceased's name was Gao Shan, who was the husband of this woman. The two had divorced a long time ago, and after the divorce, I fell in love with this woman.After Gao Shan found out, he was very angry. He envied and hated me, and kept preventing me from dating his ex-wife.When I was dating his ex-wife here at noon today, Takayama suddenly appeared.He originally wanted to stab me to death with a dagger, but he accidentally killed himself due to improper operation.

What I explained was simple and direct, even sounding explicit.But, in fact, that's what happened.

After listening to my explanation, the people from the Patrol Bureau didn't continue to ask any questions.After inspecting the dead Gao Shan lying on the ground, one of the officers of the Patrol Bureau said, "Isn't this the Gao Shan who gambled?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at me, "Okay, there's nothing for you here, let's go."

I took Tong Mengna out of the sales office, and I said to her: "Don't work in the sales office, you leave here and go home and wait for a while. I will contact you later."

My idea is to be considerate of each other.

I have a premonition that something big will happen to Ninghua Real Estate Company recently.Jiang Haiyang's reputation is about to be tarnished. This old guy is an old fox. He is definitely not willing to fall off the chairman's chair like this, and he must make a big move.As for Gu Rushui, he has already reached the point of jumping over the wall, and now I have reached the point where he and I are dead, if he knows that Tong Mengna is my woman, he will definitely not let her go.

Tong Mengna said: "Actually, I have wanted to leave here for a long time. Recently, my mother's health is not very good, and Panpan is also going to the kindergarten class. I have to take care of my mother and daughter. Also, recently, Gu Rushui He often came to see me and asked me to have dinner, but I didn't dare to agree..."

"Gu Rushui came to see you?" I was taken aback, "Why did he ask you out for dinner?"

(End of this chapter)

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