wife's secret

Chapter 437 Arrangements Before Leaving

Chapter 437 Arrangements Before Leaving
Of course, before going back, there are a few things I need to do.

First, I called Li Caier and asked her to meet.After the meeting, I got straight to the point and told her all the things Jiang Man had told me.

After hearing this, Li Caier was very surprised, "It turns out that Jiang Man is from the country of Yinghua, and she is actually a brother and sister with you. This is beyond people's expectations."

"Jiang Man asked me to go to Dolly Country, I must go. For my grandfather, I don't care even if there is danger."

"I understand your feelings. I think you can go to Duoliguo, but I want people from the Chrysanthemum Society to follow you and protect you."

"It's inconvenient and unnecessary."

"why would you say so?"

"Because the people in Duoli Kingdom are too barbaric, and the Chrysanthemum Club is full of beauties, it's really inconvenient for them to go there."

I am telling the truth.The Duoli Kingdom is very primitive and backward, and the members of the Chrysanthemum Club are all beautiful women. If Li Caier sends someone to follow me to Duoli Kingdom, it is not they who protect me, but I who protect them.

After listening to my explanation, Li Caier didn't insist anymore, she said: "The duty of me and the Chrysanthemum Society is to protect your safety. If you go to Dolly alone, what should you do if you are in danger? I can't answer what I told you. .”

"It doesn't matter, Jiang Man has arranged for two capable assistants to go with me. In addition, I have a good relationship with the chief of Dolly. After I get there, she will do her best to help me. You don't have to for my safety. Worried. I told you this because there is something that needs your help. "

"whats the matter?"

"I want you and the Chrysanthemum Society to protect Xiaofang."

I told Li Caier the address where Xiaofang lived, and I emphasized that Xiaofang is a very important woman, and her safety must be well protected, and nothing will happen to her.

"Do not worry."

After saying goodbye to Li Caier, I called Ma Dapao again.On the phone, I told him about my trip to Dollyland, and I gave Ma Dapao a mission.I told him, my wife should be back from the island soon, after she comes back, you have to send someone to follow her, keep track of her every move, and report the situation to me at any time.

Ma Dapao was worried about my going to Duoliguo. He said that the place is very primitive and backward. It is not a good thing where you go. I will send someone to follow you and help you.

I said, "Let Shunfenger follow me."

"Okay, I'll let him find you now."

After 10 minutes, Shunfeng Er appeared in front of me.This is a young lad, and I've seen him do his best.When Mu Yi drove the explosion-proof car 5 kilometers away, he could hear the movement with his ear on the ground.Going to Dolly, I need someone like this.

I drove my broken Xiali back to my hometown in the countryside with Shunfeng Er.

An hour later, I returned to my hometown in the countryside. When I met my adoptive parents, I asked straight to the point how my grandfather was doing.

My adoptive parents had told me about it before, and I thought they might be hiding something from me.Do adoptive parents have any concerns?Whether or not my grandfather had given them any special explanation back then, I have to find out now.

When I heard that I was going to Dolly to look for my grandfather, my adoptive parents were surprised. They said that place was so far away, very backward and primitive, how could your grandfather go there?
I told my adoptive parents that I got an important message now that my grandpa has gone to Dollyland.I told the story of the explosion of the comet and the fragments falling into the primeval forest of Dolly.I said my grandfather went to Dolly to find meteorites.

After hearing this, the adoptive parents were very surprised.After hesitating for a while, the two of them opened an old cupboard and took out a small wooden box. After opening it, they took out a photo and handed it to me.

This is a photo that has turned yellow. It can be seen that it has been preserved for many years.The photo shows a young woman in a kimono, who looks like a native of Sakura.

I looked at this young woman and found that she was somewhat similar to Jiang Man.Turn over the back of the photo, and there is a line written on it: Cherry Maruko.

I immediately understood that the woman in the photo should be my grandma.

My adoptive parents told me that when your grandfather entrusted you to us, before leaving, he gave us this photo to keep and we will use it one day.At the time we didn't know what your grandfather meant by that.In fact, we almost forgot about it.Now that we hear that you are going to find your grandfather, we think of it.We are returning the photo to you now, take it with you, it should be useful.

After saying goodbye to my adoptive parents, I drove back with Shunfeng Er.It's almost ten o'clock in the evening, and I want to go home quickly and pack my luggage.

An hour later, I drove to the community where I live.I asked Shunfeng Er to wait in the car downstairs for a while, and I went upstairs and went home alone.

I packed my luggage briefly, and when I went out, my eyes accidentally fell on the TV. I turned on the TV, and a familiar picture appeared on the screen. It was still the virgin forest in Dolly, and a group of workers were logging recently. , is cutting down datura plants, very busy.I know they cut the wood for decoration.

It can be seen that the faces of these workers are very excited.

I can imagine that after Duoliguo's decoration base was completed and put into operation, two batches of decoration wood have been sent by train, which has greatly helped the local economic development.I was very relieved. I went to Duoliguo and knew that the place was very primitive and backward. After my investigation, the other party established a decoration base.It can be said that I have greatly helped the economic development of Dolly.

At this moment, I made up my mind that I must do my best to make the economy of Duoli country better and better, and let the local people live a happy life.This is a matter of benefit, a matter of meritorious deeds.

According to the original plan, at 12:30 in the evening, Jiang Man sent a car to take Shunfeng Er and me to the airport.Before boarding the plane, Jiang Man said to me: "Brother, I will leave it to you to find Grandpa in Duoliguo this time, and you must pay attention to safety. The three-person expedition team sent just now couldn't be contacted for some reason. It's really strange, maybe they have encountered a lot of trouble. So you must be careful, after arriving in Dolly, you must get the help of the chief."

"Don't worry, I'll be careful."

After boarding the plane, two bodyguards in black sat in the back, and Shunfeng Er and I sat in the front seat.Shunfeng Er said: "I heard you right just now, I heard Miss Jiang Man calling you brother, what's going on?"

"It's just being polite, don't take it seriously."

I said that out of my mouth, but I felt very awkward in my heart.To be honest, Jiang Man and I have a common grandfather and grandmother, which is simply unbelievable.Judging from the evidence currently available, the possibility of this matter is very high. However, after I decided to find my grandfather, I must verify this matter immediately.

The plane took off, it was already two o'clock in the middle of the night, I felt drowsy, I closed my eyes in a daze, and fell asleep unconsciously.Soon, I had a dream, which was very strange. I dreamed that a woman hugged me so tightly that I could hardly breathe.

I was taken aback and pushed the other person away with all my strength, only to be surprised to find that this woman was none other than the chief's daughter, An Cai'er.The other party spoke to me a series of chirping birdsong, all in the local language of Dolly, and I couldn't understand a single word.If the other party's expression was very excited and flushed when she said these words, I can understand her mood at this time.After all, I already had a wedding night with her in the bridal chamber, and we haven't seen each other for several months after we parted, and she doesn't know about my return to Duoliguo this time.It is conceivable that she must be very excited and very happy when I come back suddenly, which is nothing more than normal.

I am also very happy and excited. The process of the wedding night in the bridal chamber is very wonderful. Now that I see her, I can no longer control myself, so I go up and hug her tightly...

At this moment, I felt that something was wrong, and I was suddenly pushed away by a person.At this time, I woke up from the dream, only to realize that I had hugged Shunfeng ear.

"Boss Chen, why are you chewing on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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