wife's secret

Chapter 446 Little Heizi

Chapter 446 Little Heizi

This sentence was inexplicable, and everyone felt strange, and all looked at the black-clothed bodyguard.I guess there must be a story in it.

Sure enough, there really is a story.The bodyguard in black explained.

It turned out that two years ago, a very interesting thing happened inside the office building of Ninghua Real Estate Company, and of course it was also a very strange thing.Chairman Jiang Haiyang once met an elite in the business world in his office, and the two had a secret conversation and reached a cooperation agreement.

Originally, no one participated in this matter during the conversation. Jiang Haiyang and the other party had it quietly in the office.However, unexpectedly, this incident was published in the local newspaper the next day.So Jiang Haiyang was greatly shocked. He suspected that there was an internal traitor in Ninghua Real Estate, and ordered the security department to conduct a secret investigation on the internal employees.

Of course, the investigation was useless and yielded no results.

The black-clothed bodyguard said: "If my prediction is correct, this brother should have overheard Chairman Jiang's conversation with that elite in the office. It must have been leaked by this brother, right?"

The other party's explanation was somewhat inexplicable.How could he think of what the black-clothed bodyguard did? There are all kinds of possibilities for such a leak, but he suddenly thought of this black-clothed bodyguard.This guy is a little nervous.

Unexpectedly, Li Shun grabbed the opponent's arm at once, and said in surprise: "Awesome, you are so awesome. What you said is true at all, and I did that thing. Now we are a team Now, I have nothing to hide, so I will tell you my story."

Next, the other party explained the matter.

It turned out that as an important member of Ma Dapao’s paparazzi, he accepted a very simple task. He disguised himself as a security guard and patrolled the interior of the Ninghua real estate office building every day. In fact, he mainly collected information, relying on his ears.

Whenever he passed an important leading cadre to the office, his ears perked up.It is no exaggeration to say that as long as someone is talking in each office, no matter how small the voice is, they will all enter Li Shun's ears without reservation.

Take Jiang Haiyang's conversation with that elite as an example.After getting off work two years ago, when Li Shun patrolled the office floor where Jiang Haiyang was, he saw Jiang Haiyang leading a stranger into the office, and Li Shun immediately realized that there was a business opportunity.

He immediately walked to the door of Jiang Haiyang's office and stood there motionless, his brain tensed up.Therefore, Li Shun heard the conversation between Jiang Haiyang and that person in the office without reservation.

Then, he immediately found Hu Handlei and told him about it.After deliberation and processing, Hu Handlei wrote a report, so the conversation between Jiang Haiyang and the other party appeared in the next day's newspaper.

Li Shun said: "I won't hide it anymore. Afterwards, Hu Shunlei gave me 100 million yuan. After I got the money, I donated it all to charity organizations."

I asked curiously, "Why donate to charity?"

"Because Jiang Haiyang's conversation with that person harmed the interests of the vast majority of people."

The other party gave another explanation.It turned out that the reason why Li Shun leaked the content of Jiang Haiyang's conversation to Hu Handlei was because the content of Jiang Haiyang's conversation with that elite person involved cooperation in a project that would harm the interests of the vast majority of people.

Li Shun has a strong sense of responsibility. He didn't want to see such a thing happen. In order to prevent it, he disclosed what he heard to Reporter Hu.He also knows very well that eavesdropping on other people's conversations is immoral, so Reporter Hu gave him 100 million, but he didn't take it and donated it all.

I immediately looked at Li Shun with admiration. Unexpectedly, this guy has a strong sense of responsibility and a strong sense of justice.Can't help but praise him.

At this moment, the black-clothed bodyguard who spoke just now stared at me closely and said, "Why do you look so familiar to me? I want to ask you something. Is your hometown a mountain village?" ? There is a small river behind the village, right?"

The other party's words were inexplicable, so I nodded, "You're right."

"Did you ever play a game when you were young?"

This sentence was even more inexplicable, and it made me stupefied. The other party immediately said: "It's Zhu Bajie's game of carrying his wife. Come on, do you remember that game?"

"Yes. Who are you?"

"Oh, so you are really Xiao Yangzi." The other party showed a very happy look on his face, grabbed my arm at once, and almost jumped up in excitement.

I find it very strange, why the other party suddenly said such a thing, it is so inexplicable.

However, I looked at the other party myself, and felt that the other party looked familiar.However, I can't remember who the other party is.

Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that the other party was actually in the same village as Xiaofang, and we had played together when we were young.Especially when playing Zhu Bajie's wife-in-law game, everyone wanted to win Xiaofang. The guys competed fiercely. In the end, only Gu Rushui and I were left to fight. Of course, the final winner was me.

The other party's nickname was Xiao Heizi, and he didn't continue to go to school after graduating from junior high school. He went to the south to learn martial arts while working.After I came back, I worked in the security company for a while, and then I went to the security department of Ninghua Real Estate and became a security guard of the company.

Xiao Heizi said to me: "I have admired you since I was a child. I thought you would be extraordinary in the future and would make great achievements. Among our group of friends, you would definitely stand out."

Next, Xiao Heizi introduced another bodyguard to me.He said to me: "His name is Lao Qiang. He used to be Gu Rushui's bodyguard. Later, he worked with Jiang Mang. Now he is Miss Jiang's right-hand man."

I suddenly felt something was wrong, I had a premonition.Xiao Heizi and this bodyguard named Lao Qiang should have been specially selected by Jiang Man.Jiang Man will not send me bodyguards for no reason, there should be her purpose and special intention.

I didn't rush to ask each other.

If the other party is unwilling to tell me about this kind of thing, even if I ask, the other party can handle it easily and won't tell me the truth.I have to do something.

I said to Xiao Heizi: "Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land is the happiest thing in the world. I never thought that you would be my playmate when I was young. This is really great. This is called fate. What? Needless to say, you have a share in the search for meteorites this time."

The other party didn't understand, "Is there a share for me?"

"Yes, there are all participants, including you of course. Do you know that it is no exaggeration to say that meteorites are more valuable than gold. Let me tell you this, as long as we find meteorites, all of us will get rich, including of course You, you got rich too."

Xiao Heizi was so happy that he didn't know what to say, "Boss Chen, you are really kind. I did not misunderstand you. I saw it when I was very young. You are a loyal person. Do you still remember playing Zhu Bajie? When the daughter-in-law played, you had already won, but you wanted to give Xiaofang to me. Do you remember that incident?"

I was a little confused, "Will I give Xiaofang to you? I don't have any impression."

The other party explained.It turned out that when we were very young, we played the game of Zhu Bajie carrying his daughter-in-law together, and I was the winner in the end, and Xiaofang became my daughter-in-law as a matter of course.Gu Rushui was not convinced, he got upset with me on the spot, Xiao Heizi couldn't get used to it, so he beat Gu Rushui unceremoniously.

After listening to the other party's explanation, I was very surprised.I recalled it carefully, and it seems that there is indeed such a thing.

I don't understand, "Since you beat up Gu Rushui when you were young, why did he let you work as a security guard in Ninghua Real Estate Company later?"

"I don't know about this, maybe Gu Rushui doesn't hold grudges. After all, I was young at that time and didn't understand anything."

I thought of another possibility.Gu Rushui is a psychopath, he won't forget that Xiao Heizi beat him up.He must have taken it to heart.The reason why he let the other party into the company as a security guard must have another purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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