wife's secret

Chapter 450 Man-Eating Demon

Chapter 450 Man-Eating Demon
After listening to the other party's words, my mood at this time cannot be simply expressed as surprise, it should be shock.

The other party seemed to know my affairs very well, as if my every move was under his supervision.What the hell is going on here?
At this time, the other party returned the topic to the original one, "Now I will tell you about the relationship between me and Mu Yi, and the relationship between me and Jiang Man... "

"The origin of the matter is that a special kind of water was dug out of the Muyi Coal Mine. The workers felt very strong and energetic after drinking it. This incident was published in the newspaper by Hu Grenade. After I saw the newspaper, I immediately put on makeup Became a staff member of a scientific research institution, got a fake letter of introduction and went to Muyi Coal Mine to find Muyi and get to know him..."

"Mu Yi received me very enthusiastically, and sent someone to take me to the place where water was found in the underground coal mine to investigate. After I got some water back, I went to a real scientific research institution for testing. Through special instruments, I found that this There is also a radioactive element in the water, which is not found on the earth. I was very surprised, so I joined several scientific researchers to go to the coal mine again. After some hard work, I finally found it from the underground coal mine. A small meteorite..."

"This meteorite can be said to be a priceless treasure. After preliminary judgment, it is very similar to a comet that exploded in space 60 years ago, so I judged that it should be the debris that fell to the earth after the comet exploded..."

"The most incredible thing is that there is a very clear pattern on this small meteorite. I searched the map and found that this pattern is the virgin forest of Dolly, which is thousands of kilometers away. So, I thought of a possibility, The fragments produced after the comet exploded should have fallen into the primeval forest of Dolly Country..."

"Wait a minute," I interrupted the other party, "don't you think it's a little weird, since the fragments of the comet's explosion fell into the primeval forest of Dolly, why did only a small fragment appear in the Muyi Coal Mine?"

"You are very right. I also suspected it at the time. There must be some human factor. If my judgment is correct, someone should have come to this primeval forest in Dolly before this and found the comet after the explosion. The falling fragments. Then this person took a small piece of the meteorite, which is the meteorite, to the Muyi Coal Mine. Of course, this person manipulated the meteorite in advance, drawing the pattern of the primeval forest of Dolly. There are so many people The purpose is very simple, he is suggesting to us that the fragments of the comet after the explosion are in the remote primeval forest of Dolly."

Speaking of which, Asiyang took out a cigar, lit it, and took a deep breath. In the smog, he glanced at everyone including me, and his brows frowned, "Speaking of which, everyone may feel It’s unbelievable, why did this person do this? Since he found the meteorite, he should have made a fortune long ago. Why did his nephew mess with one of the meteorites and put it in the Muyi underground coal mine? His purpose of doing this should be In order to let people discover this meteorite, and then organize an expedition to Dolly to look for the meteorite."

I was taken aback, "Asyang, hearing what you said, I think there seems to be some kind of conspiracy involved."

"It's not bad at all. There must be a conspiracy. In order to find out the truth of the matter, I used special means to get Mu Yi to recognize me as his uncle and understand what happened. Mu Yi told me that Jiang Haiyang, the director of Ninghua Real Estate, two years ago The boss took the initiative to contact him and wanted to cooperate with him. The cooperation project seems to be to process the space developed by Muyi's underground coal mine, and to create some tourist attractions. This matter was proposed by Jiang Haiyang, and Muyi was very interested in it , but for some reason, Jiang Haiyang offered not to cooperate. I suspect that the discovery of meteorites in the underground coal mine has something to do with Jiang Haiyang..."

Having said that, Asiyang took a puff of his cigar and slowly exhaled the smoke, "I thought of a possibility that Jiang Haiyang approached Mu Yi to propose cooperation, which was actually a cover. His real intention was actually to send people underground On the occasion of a coal mine inspection, I secretly put a small piece of meteorite, of course a meteorite that had been tampered with in advance, and put it in an underground coal mine."

I heard a chill down my back.

If this is the case, it means that our expedition team came to the primeval forest of Duoli to look for meteorites, and we were actually fooled by Jiang Haiyang.

I hurriedly said: "The expedition should be temporarily suspended. Another team has already set off. Let's launch the signal flare right now, so that they don't go into the depths of the forest."

Asyang said: "There is no need to be nervous. What I said just now is just my personal judgment, and it may not be correct. Now that we have come to this place, we cannot give up halfway. In addition, I thought of another possibility. If Haiyang made a move in advance and deliberately asked us to come here to look for meteorites, it is because even if he or his members have come to this place to look for meteorites, they only found a small part, and there should be a large number of meteorites that have not been found. .He just wanted to use our power to find those meteorites that he didn't find."

I understood a bit, "After we find the meteorite, we will be ambushed by Jiang Haiyang's team on the way back. They will snatch the meteorite we found from us."

"To be precise, we will be ambushed or attacked by two teams. We should be ambushed by Jiangman's team first, and then found by Jiang Haiyang's team."

I nodded, and the other party's analysis was good.

The mantis catches the cicada and the sparrow is behind. Our expedition team is the cicada, Jiang Man is the mantis, and Jiang Haiyang is the sparrow.

The chief also understood, and he said: "I have arranged for my daughter to go back and gather all the people in the primitive tribe, and cooperate with Dunzi to strengthen the outer security. No enemy will harm us."

After the chief finished speaking, he reiterated the advanced nature of the weapons he brought, "The long guns, short cannons and bombs I brought are powerful enough. Even if they encounter enemies blocking the road, they can easily defeat them."

Xiao Heizi said: "My God, my God, I haven't encountered such an exciting thing for many years. What I play is my heartbeat. I'm so excited."

Lao Qiang said blankly: "Life is a battle, and I have long been ready to fight."

Only my homeroom teacher, Teacher Liu Jiakui, changed his face, "What you are talking about is too mysterious, it can't be so dangerous. Isn't it just to find the fragments after the comet exploded? Why did the enemies pop up one by one, and still move?" Guns fired? Don’t make it so scary, okay, it’s a happy and romantic trip after all.”

I said: "Teacher, don't be so naive. If these meteorites are worthless, of course they will not attract the attention of the enemy, and they will not deal with us. It is because these meteorites are more valuable than gold that they miss us." .”

After I finished speaking, I added another sentence, "In the face of huge interests, there are no friends, only enemies."

I don't know why, after the chief heard my words, his eyes flashed a very special look.

At this time, Li Shun suddenly lay down on the ground again, with his ears pressed tightly to the ground, with an incredulous expression on his face, "I heard that person snoring again, it was very loud, it should be about 10 kilometers away Besides, and the other party is snoring and talking in sleep... Let me hear..."

Everyone didn't dare to disturb him, they all looked at him.

After dozens of seconds, Li Shuncong stood up on the ground, with a terrified expression on his face and trembling lips, "I seem to have heard this person talking in his sleep. The voice is very low, but I can still hear it. This person is talking in his sleep." Said 'Come on, it's all on my plate, I'll eat one if I come, two I'll eat two...' I can also hear this man gnashing his teeth, my God, this seems to be a man-eating demon .”

Everyone changed their faces.

I said to Li Shun: "Is there a mistake? It's 10 kilometers away, can you hear what this person is saying? Is it so exaggerated?"

"I can swear that what I say is true."

The chief smiled: "We have weapons, long guns, bombs, even if there are demons, so what? We are not afraid of anything. Don't hesitate any longer, let's go right away."

(End of this chapter)

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