wife's secret

Chapter 467 Jiang Man Shot

Chapter 467 Jiang Man Shot
At this moment, suddenly, a rumbling sound was heard in the air.It was clear that a helicopter appeared in the sky.

Everyone looked up into the sky, all very surprised.

Why did a helicopter suddenly appear?And still in this black night sky?The plane came too suddenly.

When I felt that everyone was at a loss, I saw the helicopter appearing in the sky and slowly began to land.Lower and lower, lower and lower...

When the distance was less than 50 meters from the ground, the cabin door of the helicopter opened, and a familiar woman's face appeared from inside.This woman is none other than Jiang Man.

With a smug smile on her face, she shouted loudly: "Little Heizi, Lao Qiang, are you two there?"

I hurriedly signaled to Xiao Heizi and Lao Qiang, telling them to hide first and not to show up.Then I signaled to the others, meaning to hide quickly and hide in the grass so that Jiang Man could not see it.

After I arranged all of this, the place below became very calm and I couldn't see anything.And I lay down in the grass with Xiao Heizi.I whispered something into her ear, telling him what to do.

"Hey! Did you two hear what I said, how is the mission done? Is everything done?"

As soon as the other party finished speaking, Xiao Heizi stood out from the grass. He raised his head, made trumpet shapes with his hands, put them by his mouth, and shouted into the air: "Miss Jiang, I am here, and the old gun is also here." Here. We're all here."

After seeing Xiao Heizi, Jiang Man was obviously taken aback, and she asked loudly: "How is it? Have you completed the task I gave you? Why are you here alone? Where is the old gun? Where is the old gun going?" gone?"

"Everything is going well, our mission is completed. Old Gun will be here soon. Now I am the only one here. Miss, come down quickly, I want to report to you face to face about our completion of the mission."

"Your task is really completed? How did you complete it? Tell me now. After I finish, I will go down."

I, who was lurking in the grass, could see clearly that Jiang Man was very cunning.Also very well prepared.Obviously, she didn't believe what Xiao Heizi said, and she suspected that there was an ambush below.

Xiao Heizi said: "It didn't go well at the beginning, and he was very suspicious of me. The boss Chen Yang was very cunning. He suspected that you sent me and Lao Qiang to monitor him. Along the way, he repeatedly tested me and Lao Qiang. , but we dealt with it properly. In the end, he finally believed that the two of us had no bad intentions, so we entered the primeval forest together and found the meteorite..."

I frowned when I heard that.

How could Xiao Heizi talk like that? It's full of flaws.too easy.How could Jiang Man believe what he said.

Moreover, I could see very clearly that during the descent of the helicopter, Jiang Man suddenly waved his hand into the cockpit, and the plane stopped landing.Obviously, Jiang Man had doubts about Xiao Heizi's words.

I hastily threw out the meteorite in my hand, and the meteorite shone brightly in the dark grass.After seeing it, Xiao Heizi quickly picked it up, held it up high, and said to Jiang Man, "Did you see it? This is a meteorite."

This trick is very effective.

I believe that the sudden crystal light in the darkness will definitely interest Jiang Man.

Maybe someone asked, what is your purpose? You don't want to capture Jiang Man alive, do you?

Congratulations on getting it right.Yes, my purpose is very simple, just to capture the opponent alive.

I'm so curious about this woman, she pretends to be Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter and is the person in charge of the Yingmu Dao organization, I have to capture her alive.

I have so many things to ask her.For example, you were originally from the country of Sakura, why did you pretend to be Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter? What is your purpose?You have to tell me the truth.Also, why are you looking for meteorites, why did you send a three-person expedition team?Where did you hear that there is an ancient tomb treasure underground in Sakura Country?

In short, if Jiang Man told me the truth, all my mysteries would be solved.In fact, what I care most about is my life experience.

So far, I only know the story of my grandpa and Maruko Momoko.I know that my biological father is an important figure in Sakura Country Kikuki Michi.What is going on here is a mystery to me.

Sure enough, Jiang Man's eyes widened when he saw the crystal light in the grass.When Xiao Heizi raised the meteorite high, Jiang Man could see it more clearly, and she suddenly exclaimed excitedly: "You are right, your task is completed. Very good, this is the meteorite. This is me The meteorite that I have been dreaming of looking for."

Xiao Heizi hurriedly said: "In this case, Miss Jiang Man, please get off the plane quickly. I want to report the situation to you face to face. I want to hand this meteorite into your hands. Then let's discuss the next step What to do. Whatever you say, I will listen to you. You are the boss, and I will work for you. I am sincere to you."

Jiang Man said: "Don't worry, the enemy is very cunning. Especially that Chen Yang, who has many friends in Dolly and has a lot of strength. As far as I know, the chief has a good relationship with him. To be on the safe side, when our team arrives After that, we will move on."

I was taken aback when I heard that, didn't Jiang Man come by plane alone?Where is her team?

Just when I was wondering, suddenly, I heard a rumbling sound coming from a distance.I looked up and saw six or seven helicopters suddenly appearing in the darkness, flying towards this side.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Man took out a pistol and fired into the dark sky.There was a bang, and a signal flare appeared in the sky.

As if receiving some kind of order, six or seven helicopters accelerated and flew towards this side.Soon, Jiang Man's helicopter approached.Then, the heads of the pilots poked out from the cockpits of these planes, and they all looked at Jiang Man.


Hearing the order, six or seven helicopters landed on the ground soon, and of course Jiang Man's helicopter also landed.Suddenly, the clearing in the primeval forest was brightly lit.

Jiang Man walked out of the plane, got off the plane, and stood on the grass.Now I can see clearly that the other party is wearing a black suit, holding a pistol in his hand, and has a smug expression on his face, which is the expression of a winner.

After all the planes landed on the ground, many young people in black clothes got off the plane, all holding weapons in their hands, and quickly ran towards Jiang Man.Their attire is very neat, and it looks like a well-trained team.

At this time, Jiang Man walked up to Xiao Heizi and stretched out his hand, "Give me the meteorite."

Little Heizi was a little dazed by the sudden situation. Obviously, he didn't expect six or seven planes to appear suddenly.There will suddenly be so many well-trained people.

I, who was hiding in the grass, was also dumbfounded.My original plan was to give Xiao Heizi the meteorite, and let him use it as a bait to lure Jiang Man out of the helicopter, and then I would capture her alive.

It never occurred to me that Jiang Man brought so many people, and six or seven planes rushed over to support him immediately.This is beyond my expectation.All of a sudden my plan was disrupted.

I immediately realized a very serious problem, not good, very bad, I am afraid that the meteorite will not be kept, and it will definitely be snatched by Jiang Man.

I was afraid of what would happen, when this idea just popped into my mind, I saw Xiao Heizi grab the meteorite, turn around and run away.

I know exactly what Xiao Heizi thinks. When he saw Jiang Man bringing so many people in front of him, he also realized the danger.He knew right away that the meteorite was going to be lost.run quickly.

This is normal.

Jiang Man sneered, "You're playing tricks on me, right? You're looking for death, you can't blame me."

After speaking, she fired.

Hearing a slap, Xiao Heizi staggered and fell to the ground, and the meteorite in his hand also fell into the grass.

What a coincidence, I happened to be lurking in the grass.The meteorite just fell in front of me, and as soon as I reached out, I caught the meteorite in my hand.

At the same time, Xiao Heizi also fell in front of me.I could see very clearly that the bullet fired by Jiang Man's gun just hit his chest, and the blood flowed out from his chest, which immediately dyed the grass red.

Suddenly, a feeling of grief and indignation welled up.

Little Heizi is doing a good job. He wants to protect the meteorite and prevent the meteorite from falling into the hands of the enemy.That's why I ran away.If he doesn't run away, he can give the meteorite to Jiang Man.

(End of this chapter)

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