wife's secret

Chapter 474

Chapter 474
What is the request?

My grandfather told Jiang Haiyang that I have a grandson named Chen Yang who is only four years old in Sakura Country.After he is sensible, I will bring him here. In the future, after your company develops and has shares, I want my grandson to work in your company. If possible, I hope you can bring your Give him half of the company's shares.

After Jiang Haiyang heard my grandfather's words, he was a little dazed and didn't understand.

He didn't expect that what my grandfather said was very cruel. In the future, after his company has shares, he would give half of it to my grandfather's grandson, which is me. It seemed unexpected to him.

He was very reluctant at first, but in order to be able to worship my grandfather as a teacher and learn Kung Fu, he agreed.

Jiang Haiyang signed an apprenticeship agreement with my grandfather for two years.Some people may think that two years is nothing, and the time is too short.In such a short time, I can learn a lot of kung fu.

In fact, this is easy to understand. At that time, Jiang Haiyang told my grandfather that his time was too short, and he wanted to learn some essence in the shortest time.After all, he is still young, he still has his company, and he has to start a business.

My grandfather nodded in agreement. My grandfather spent a lot of effort on Jiang Haiyang's body, starting with internal strength first, and then teaching Jiang Haiyang the most basic boxing and kicking skills.In the past two years, Jiang Haiyang has made great progress. He is very smart and has a high level of comprehension, and he quickly mastered the skills of inner strength.When the two years were approaching, Jiang Haiyang met Xiaofang's mother, Xingfang.

One is a well-known village flower, and the other is a young man from the city, with temperament and chic.So, naturally, the two hit it off right away.

The quiet grove behind the mountain village is the place where they often date, and they often go there for romance.This incident was later discovered by my grandfather.

As I said at the beginning, when Jiang Haiyang and Xiaofang's mother lost themselves, a hungry wolf suddenly appeared in the woods.This is a male wolf who just fell out of love.So after seeing the hot scene in the woods, it immediately envied and hated, and threw itself at Jiang Haiyang viciously.

It can be said that if my grandfather hadn't appeared at a critical moment, Jiang Haiyang would have been bitten to death by wolves.My grandfather shot the wolf away and saved Jiang Haiyang.

Jiang Haiyang was so grateful to my grandfather that he didn't know what to say, but my grandfather was very angry and scolded Jiang Haiyang.

When Jiang Haiyang asked my grandfather to sign the agreement as his teacher, my grandfather once emphasized that during the period of learning martial arts, one must never get close to women, otherwise, the internal strength learned will be wasted.

After Jiang Haiyang was scolded by my grandfather, he was ashamed. After a few days, he returned to the city from the village and continued to return to Ninghua Real Estate to be his chairman.

Later, after a few years, my grandfather took me from Sakura Country to Ningzhou City and found me adoptive parents.Then, my grandfather left without saying goodbye.

Jiang Haiyang said, "Do you know where your grandpa went?"

"I don't know, this is what makes me curious."

"Your grandpa first went to Ninghua Real Estate to find me, and he emphasized to me again that my grandson has now returned from the country of cherry blossoms. In the future, he must give half of the company's shares to his grandson. At that time, I listened to your grandpa's words Afterwards, I felt very puzzled. Although I learned kung fu from your grandfather for two years, even though your grandfather is my master, I gave half of the company's shares as a reward. This is too much..."

"So, I asked your grandpa, hoping that your grandpa could give me an explanation. However, your grandpa didn't give me an explanation, but said in a very stern tone, I saved your life, I saved you. If it wasn't for me, you would have been eaten by that wolf long ago. So, don't let you take half of the shares, even if you give me your entire company, it should be..."

"After hearing your grandfather's words at that time, I felt very uncomfortable. What's the matter? How could it be like this? I did sign a two-year agreement with your grandfather to learn martial arts with him, but during these two years, The benefits I have given to your grandfather are really many, it is simply too much for your grandfather to do so."

Speaking of this, Jiang Haiyang shook his head, "Of course, this is what happened before. I'm going too far. I shouldn't have said this. The reason I said this is to tell you that, in fact, I I don’t owe your grandfather any favors, so when you approached me to propose 50% of the shares, I was very dissatisfied with you. But I, seeing your grandfather’s face, still arranged you into a real estate company. As an assistant under the sailor."

"That's all your explanation?"

"Of course, if you want to hear a story, I can talk for a long time. However, the situation is very critical now. If what I said is right, someone should come here immediately. Let's leave this virgin forest now and go to a safe place .Immediately go to Sakura Country to find the treasures left by aliens, this is the most important thing.”

"Chairman, to be honest, I feel confused by what you said. Next, I have two questions to ask. Please be honest with me."

"Please just ask."

"You already knew that Jiang Man was pretending to be your illegitimate daughter, right?"


"You knew for a long time that your son-in-law Gu Rushui is actually from Sakura University. You clearly knew that Jiang Man was a fake and he was not your illegitimate daughter, yet you let Gu Rushui be your son-in-law. So you used them."

"You are very right. In fact, they are using it. How could they deceive me? When Jiang Man found me, I conducted some investigations on her and found that she was from the Sakura Kingdom. So I felt that something was wrong, because My company is in the state-owned branch of Sakura, what's going on here. She must have no good intentions when she came here, and pretended to be my illegitimate daughter. Let's not talk about it, and it's going too far."

I took out the fake face in my hand and handed it to Jiang Haiyang, "Take a look and you'll understand what's going on."

Jiang Haiyang jumped up in fright, "What's going on? What's going on?"

I told him about Jiang Man's fake face. After listening, Jiang Haiyang turned pale all of a sudden, "It's terrible, I still underestimate this woman."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly gave me a vicious look, "You know too much, it won't do you any good."

After speaking, seven or eight bodyguards in black rushed towards me frantically.

I was not prepared at all, and when I realized that the meteorite was no longer in my hands, it had been snatched by Jiang Haiyang's bodyguards, and it was already in Jiang Haiyang's hands.

I yelled anxiously, "The meteorite is mine, it's mine! You can't snatch it from me."

Maybe because I was too excited, because I was too anxious, I suddenly felt a little dizzy in my head. At this time, I vaguely saw a luminous object descending from the sky.

I thought I was dazzled, so I quickly took a closer look. It was not bad at all, it was still that oval-shaped glowing object.

I suddenly became excited, it must be grandpa who came to save me, that's great.

But at this moment, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the primeval forest mysteriously disappeared.I was surprised to find that I appeared in a bedroom and was lying on the bed, wearing very few clothes, with a familiar woman lying around.

This woman is none other than Xu Yanyan.

I was so scared that I almost jumped out of bed.

What the hell is going on? I was still in the primeval forest just now, and Jiang Haiyang’s bodyguard just snatched the meteorite from my hand. Now everything has disappeared, and I appeared on Xu Yanyan’s bed. It's just unbelievable.

However, I reacted immediately.

Travel through time and space!

It must still be time travel! !

There must have been some time travel.

That is to say, just now, I unintentionally walked into the space-time tunnel again. I came back from the distant Dolly, and returned to the city I am familiar with.

However, even if I travel back to this city through time and space, I shouldn't appear on Xu Yanyan's bed. What is going on here?

(End of this chapter)

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