wife's secret

Chapter 482

Chapter 482
When I arrived at the small restaurant, the boss saw me very excited and grabbed my hand, "Isn't this Boss Chen Yang Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are finally here."

The other party behaved a little abnormally. I knew that the other party was Lao Cai's nephew, and I only met him once, and it was just a conversation. He couldn't be so enthusiastic after seeing me.

However, I didn't think too much about it. The other party is the owner of the restaurant. He must be very excited to see the guests. It is normal that there will be business when there are guests eating.

As soon as I found a private room to sit down, Ma Dapao rushed over.After seeing me, he was very surprised, "You are too courageous, how dare you go back to Ninghua Real Estate Company, fortunately you called me in time, fortunately I reminded you in time, otherwise, you may die now gone."

"What's the situation? Tell me more clearly."

"Look at this thing." After the other party finished speaking, he took out a black thing from his arms.

I didn't understand, "What the hell is this?"

"It was given to me by Gu Rushui. The most modern weapon, the bomb, is very powerful. After the explosion, it is equivalent to a hundred catties of explosives. It is the most powerful bomb in the world so far. I know what Gu Rushui said to me Yes, knowing that you will come back from the primeval forest sooner or later, after I see you, don’t say anything, just blow you up with a bomb.”

I was taken aback, and at the same time I was confused.

How did Gu Rushui find Ma Dapao? What is the situation?
Next, the other party explained.

It turned out that there was a traitor among the paparazzi. When this guy was lurking inside the Ninghua real estate office building, he was accidentally discovered by the security guards.After the security guards caught him, they immediately told Gu Rushui about the situation.

When Gu Rushui heard this, he immediately realized that it was not good.Thinking that many secrets had been leaked before, Gu Rushui personally summoned this hidden person.After seeing the other party, Gu Rushui unceremoniously ordered the security guards to beat up the team member, very hard.However, this team member is a tough guy and doesn't disclose any information.

So Gu Rushui changed his method and used a beauty trick on this person. There are many beautiful women and white-collar workers in Ninghua Real Estate Company. Gu Rushui randomly found two and took the other party down easily.

In this way, this team member became a traitor, and he confessed to Ma Cannon.

Gu Rushui sent someone to find Ma Dapao, and told the patrol bureau about the incident, hoping that the police would arrest Ma Dapao.Ma Dapao didn't panic at all, he said a word, and the other party immediately became honest.Ma Dapao said, let me tell you the truth, I have sent many people to lurk in your company over the years and heard too many secrets.There are a lot of secrets about you. If I tell all these secrets, you should know what it means to you.

Hearing what Ma Dapao said, Gu Rushui immediately said in a panic, don't get me wrong, I just want to make friends with you.

Ma Dapao knew that the other party didn't follow his good intentions, so he used his tricks and wanted to test the other party.So, he said yes, Gu Rushui, you are the chairman of the company, and if you want to make friends with me, of course I can't ask for more.

Gu Rushui immediately took out a black object and handed it to Ma Dapao, who is the most powerful bomb in the world, what you have to do is very simple, Chen Yang will find you sooner or later.After meeting him, you'll use this bomb to blow him to pieces.As long as you complete this matter, I will make you the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company.

Ma Dapao pretended to be surprised, he said that the position of chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company is so important, how can I do it if I want to, you are not kidding.

Gu Rushui said to him, don't worry about it so much, you just need to kill Chen Yang with a bomb, and I can guarantee that you will be the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company in the future.I keep my word.I have this ability, you have to trust me.

After explaining this, Ma Dapao had a puzzled expression on his face, "It's unbelievable, Gu Rushui would say such a thing to me, why did you let me blow you up with a bomb? Is there any festival between you? It's so weird."

"It's not surprising, because I kidnapped him and locked him in a room secretly. It's just that I don't know how he came out again."

I told about Gu Rushui and Xiao Zihang's joint attempt to sell Ninghua's real estate.I told him that if I hadn't discovered it in time, he would have sold the company, so he hated me so much, it's normal for him to send you a bomb to kill me.

After listening to my explanation, Ma Dapao was very surprised.

I know very well that now, for me, the time has come for me to really die.However, I am not the same as before, I already have meteorites, and I already have special abilities.Moreover, I have learned to travel through time and space, which is a rare opportunity for me.

I said to Ma Dapao: "You are doing well, you are my most trustworthy friend. You did not betray me, I am very grateful to you, you are a good person in this world, there are not many good people like you .”

"Thank you for your compliment, tell me, what should we do next, I will definitely do it according to your request."

"What you need to do now is very simple. You go to Gu Rushui now, and you tell him that you heard that I am back. After Gu Rushui hears about it, he will definitely arrange for you to blow me up with a bomb. You just treat him It's not that simple, I didn't come back alone, I have many bodyguards. Then, you see how Gu Rushui arranges it, I will naturally have a way."

After Ma Dapao left, I took out a cigarette and lit it.

I think I need to re-investigate Gu Rushui now. I have an intuition that Gu Rushui came to Ninghua Real Estate for no reason. He studied at Sakura University. He probably has some kind of connection with Sakura Country. , there should be someone behind him, his background.

In other words, after graduating from Sakura University, Gu Rushui came to Ninghua Real Estate to work for another purpose.Everyone can think about it, Jiang Man who pretended to be Jiang Haiyang's illegitimate daughter turned out to be Xiao Zihang, that is to say, Gu Rushui and Xiao Zihang had a wedding night.Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?In fact, it's not ridiculous at all. Now it can be proved that Gu Rushui and Xiao Zihang joined forces to bring down Ninghua Real Estate Company.

If this is the case, then I will wrong Jiang Haiyang.When Jiang Haiyang was flying the plane, he told me personally that he had only one daughter, her name was Jiang Man, and his daughter was abducted by aliens when she was four years old.

The alien said to Jiang Haiyang, your daughter is very important to us, and we want to take your daughter to our base, which is an ancient tomb just under the Sakura Country Mountain.

If you can open this ancient tomb, you can find our base.The key to open the ancient tomb is the meteorite. Whether you can find the meteorite depends on your luck.

Jiang Haiyang did all he could to find the meteorite, but it was all for his daughter.

Naturally, I thought of Li Caier.I thought of that sentence she said, about the old ancestor, it was so strange.I can be sure.She won't say that for no reason, there must be a big secret about me, Li Caier should know this secret, but she feels it is inconvenient to tell me.

However, I immediately became excited, because when Li Caier left the office, she told me that she would invite me to dinner tonight, and she would tell me many things, and she decided not to hide from me anymore.Perhaps, the secret about me will be unraveled tonight.

At 06:30 in the afternoon, my cell phone rang, and it was Li Caier calling.

"I've found the best western restaurant. I don't know if you like western food or not. Anyway, I love it. I'll send you a location now, and you'll come over right away."

Half an hour later, I went to the center of a bustling area, full of neon lights and colorful lights.After entering a western restaurant, the other party was already sitting in a private room waiting for me. To my surprise, Xu Yanyan came with her.

Seeing me coming, Li Caier smiled slightly, pointed at Xu Yanyan, and said to me, "Do you find it strange that I brought Yanyan here?"

This sentence is a bit inexplicable, I said: "What's so strange? I don't care about this issue. What I care about is what you are going to tell me. Didn't you say that there are some things you don't intend to hide from me? Then please You tell me quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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