wife's secret

Chapter 494 Hurry Up and Enjoy

Chapter 494 Hurry Up and Enjoy
After hearing this, both of them felt amazing. Gu Xiaoxiao said, "Maybe it's fate. When I was studying astronomy at Sakura University, a strange thing happened to me. Let me tell you about it now." .”

Happened a year and a half ago.

One night, when he was sleeping in the dormitory, a space-time shuttle happened to her. She came to this manor through the time-space tunnel and met Meng Xue.

It was such a simple story, and after she finished telling it, she explained, "I have been wondering about this for so long, and now I finally understand that it turns out that God arranged for the two of us to be your wife."

The next thing is very simple.Dunzi and I took out seven or eight antiques excavated from the underground tomb of the manor, and after looking for local experts to identify them, they took them to the auction house for auction.Made a windfall.Then, we used the money to buy a villa locally.We have lived happily ever after.

As for Dunzi, he found a beautiful cherry blossom girl in the local area as his wife, continued to run his wrestling gym, and gave his wrestling gym a very famous name - Niusanbi wrestling gym.

The reason for this name is very simple. His master's wrestling gym is called Niu Erbi, and he can't surpass his master.

Maybe some readers saw this and asked.Aren't you pure nonsense, isn't this the end of the story?

I can say responsibly that the story is far from over.In fact, even I find it very strange and unbelievable. There are still too many questions and too many mysteries that have not been solved, and it will not end like this.

For example, there are still many characters who have not appeared, such as Huang Yijia, Jiang Haiyang, Yan Hao, Xiao Zihang...

I have a hunch that I won't be living this blissful life for too long, and something will happen soon, and my life will be disrupted immediately.

So I want to enjoy life as soon as possible.

Our villa is very big, in the place near the sea in Sakura Country, which belongs to the wealthy area.Every day, I live passionately with my two wives.

Maybe someone will ask, you can really talk nonsense, have you forgotten that Meng Xue has a special magnetic field, no man can get close to it.

Yes, you are absolutely right.I remember it very clearly. I once heard Brother Pao himself say that this guy once lurked under Meng Xue’s bed through a tunnel. He said that once Yan Hao couldn’t stand it anymore. Rolled from the bed to the floor like an electric shock.After that, I honestly didn't dare to move, and I didn't have that kind of thought at all.

But, strange to say, I didn't feel any electric shock when I worked with Meng Xue.There should be two reasons for these things. The first reason is that I ate snake gall, and my body has supernatural powers, that is, supernatural powers.The magnetic field on the other party has no effect on me.

Another reason is fate. Since she is destined to be my wife, the magnetic field will not do any harm to me.

I once said to Meng Xue with emotion: "It's hard to imagine, I always thought I was dreaming. When I was working with you in the moving company, I never thought that you would become my wife one day. Life is so wonderful. "

Meng Xue blushed, "At the beginning, I didn't think about it, and I didn't think about it. When I was having dinner with you, I learned that you and I graduated from the same school, both majoring in archeology. I knew there might be a relationship between us. Now, it really confirmed my feeling at the beginning."

Next, I will have a conversation with Gu Xiaoxiao.

"The situation between us is even more strange. Your brother and I have a life-and-death relationship. I never thought that you are Gu Rushui's younger sister. It's really interesting that you and I are married."

"You are right. I didn't expect that one day I would become your wife. When I came back from Sakura University and became a kindergarten teacher, I found out about you from my brother. It turned out that my brother lied to me. I I always thought that Pengpeng was the child of my brother and your wife, but it turned out not like this. It turns out that Pengpeng is the child of Yuan Shaolin and your wife. This is simply unbelievable."

I nodded.

The other party is now very clear that it was helpless for Gu Rushui to lie to her back then.Because Gu Rushui has an agreement with Yuan Shaolin.Gu Rushui was just taking the blame for Yuan Shaolin.

When I heard the word Yuan Shaolin, I felt very angry.I never thought it would be this guy who cuckolded me.

To be honest, I don't know much about this guy.I am full of doubts, what is the origin of this guy, according to the information I have before, this guy has a very good relationship with Yan Hao's grandfather.Yuan Shaolin is a general who was defeated and retreated to the island. Before that, he had been a bandit in the mountains for a period of time.Other than this information, I don't know anything else.

There is a question here, since this guy and my wife both have children, why didn't my wife marry each other before they met me? This is really a mystery.

Another question is that Yuan Shaolin asked Gu Rushui to take the blame for him because he had a promise that sooner or later he would let Gu Rushui be the chairman of Ninghua Real Estate Company.

This is a bit strange, Gu Rushui is not a child, how could he believe such words.

All in all, there are too many questions and too many doubts.

I have a premonition that my good days will not be too long, I have to hurry up and enjoy life.In this way, after getting up every morning, I rented a fishing boat and took my two wives to the sea to go fishing.In the afternoon, my two wives and I drink coffee at home.The day passed very leisurely.

Dunzi is also very happy, this kid is fast and efficient.After marrying a woman from the Sakura Country as his wife, his wife soon became pregnant.The business of the wrestling hall is getting bigger and better, and more and more apprentices are being accepted.

Just like what I expected at the beginning, after three months, what should come still came.

One day when I was walking on the street, I suddenly heard a very cold voice, "Brother, you are living a very happy life now, have you ever thought about my feelings?"

The voice sounded very familiar. When I looked back, I was surprised that it was Xiao Zihang.

"How could it be you?"

It was so strange, so sudden.

I remember very clearly that when Jiang Haiyang drove me away from the primeval forest of Dolly Country in a helicopter, a plane suddenly appeared behind him, and this guy drove the plane and shot from behind.If I hadn't parachuted in time, I would have been killed by him long ago.

"You are surprised by my appearance, right? In fact, I have been following you all the time. I know your current situation very well. There are two beauties accompanying you. You go fishing in the sea every day. Now you have a beautiful woman with money, you I am enjoying a happy life. Normally, I should not disturb you. But, we are friends after all, and I feel obliged to remind you before the danger comes."

What you said was inexplicable, so I asked, "What do you mean by danger, can you explain it in detail?"

"These days, don't you feel the thrill of your heart? A person always has some feelings when a disaster strikes, don't you feel it?"

"Don't be wordy, go straight to the point."

"Well, since that's the case, I'll tell you about it. I believe you will thank me after listening to it."

Next, the other party explained.

This matter has to start with the story of the way in the virgin forest.After Xiao Zihang knew that the meteorite fell into Jiang Haiyang's hands, he immediately made an assassination plan.

He thought of a possibility that Jiang Haiyang could only leave the primeval forest by plane.He prepared a fighter jet in advance and prepared guns and ammunition.His guess was right, he immediately found a plane over the primeval forest through radar, and he immediately started chasing it.

When he found out that Jiang Haiyang was on the plane, he yelled excitedly, rushed over and fired directly.

Jiang Haiyang was not prepared at all, the bullet hit his body, the plane staggered in the air, emitted a black smoke, and landed in the primeval forest.

(End of this chapter)

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