wife's secret

Chapter 502 Do You Know Brother Pao

Chapter 502 Do You Know Brother Pao
The first thought came to my mind that the other party had set me up.

But I immediately dismissed the idea, how could it be possible.How could the other party sacrifice himself?

There is only one possibility, one of me and the other party has been followed.

This possibility is very high, other than that, the matter of the video cannot be explained.

Then the question arises, who is this person, why is she following me or Niu Lili?
I voiced my doubts.

After hearing this, the other party said disapprovingly, "What's so strange about this, I did this."

"What did you say?" I was taken aback.

I just can't believe that this sentence came out of the other party's mouth.Is the other party crazy? How could she do such a thing?
Next, the other party explained.

After listening to the other party's explanation, I admire her a little bit.

It turned out that the other party likes to do things aboveboard, and doesn't like to be sneaky.She felt that since both parties needed each other, there was no need to hide it.She felt that she should tell my wife what happened in the past few years, so that she seemed open-minded.

So the other party videotaped the process.Then, show the video to my wife.

After my wife watched the video, of course she couldn't stand it.That's how the whole thing goes.

The explanation given by the other party was unbelievable and unbelievable.How can anyone do such a thing? How can they be open-minded? This is simply crazy.

I suddenly thought of a possibility.The other party hopes to use this method to make my wife propose to divorce me, and then she will marry me, and we will live together.

Other than that, there is no other explanation.

I immediately raised this question.

After hearing this, the other party smiled coldly, "Don't be so sentimental, you think too much, this is not the case."

The other party's words reminded me.I suddenly remembered that when I called her, she said that she hadn't received my call for a long time, and her tone was very flat at that time.

No, something must have happened afterwards.

When I asked, she changed the subject, "You asked me out for dinner today? There must be something important to talk about? Right?"

I suddenly felt that I didn't know what to say.

I asked him out for dinner today just to find out about Brother Pao.In another world, I know that the other party has a good relationship with Brother Pao, that is a parallel space, which is equivalent to fantasy.In reality, how could the other party have contact with Brother Pao?
If I suddenly mentioned the word "Brother Pao", the other party would definitely feel baffled.So I figured I should take a detour.

"Niu Lili, I have a curious question, I want to ask, please tell me."

"Go ahead."

"It's about your WeChat name. Your name is Duoliguo Primitive Forest. This name is a bit strange. How did you come up with this name?"

"It's very simple. Because I went to Duoliguo Primitive Forest, the scenery there is particularly beautiful, which left a deep impression on me. After I came back, I changed my WeChat name to Duoliguo Primitive Forest."

I was a little surprised, "Did you really go to Dolly?"

"Is it necessary to lie to you?"

"Can you tell me, what are you doing there? Is there anything special?"

"The TV station filmed the animal world, and went there to the scene. It happened that I had a friend who was in the TV crew and invited me to go with him. So, I went together."

"So that's the case. Can you tell me what animals you saw in the primeval forest?"

"There are many cute little animals. Of course, there are also very ferocious animals. They are very ferocious. For example, there are boa constrictors, which are long, thick and scary."

I was suddenly a little surprised.

In that other world, I remember it very clearly.I met a boa constrictor, and I also ate the gall of a male boa constrictor king.

"As far as I know, the primeval forest is very dangerous. How could the TV crew dare to go to that kind of place?"

"The TV station and Duoliguo TV station have cooperated with each other. The people here have been well taken care of after they arrived there. The chief over there has specially selected dozens of strong young men to protect us. So after arriving in the virgin forest, the shooting process was still very difficult. All right. We were not harmed by the beast."

At this time, my mind flashed, and I suddenly thought of one thing.

In another parallel world, I once saw a TV in the living room of my home, which was used to receive Dolly signals.I once went to the roof of the building with a coal mine owner named Mu Yi to see where the signal came from and checked the antenna.

I once conducted an analysis, and the TV at home must have been brought by my wife. If I analyze it in connection with what Niu Lili said just now, my wife should know that her best friend went to the virgin forest independently, so she made a TV at home. A TV dedicated to the Dolly signal.

If I'm right, then here comes the problem.

Why does my wife have a TV like this?
I don't think I can think about it so much any more. It's something that happened in another world, which is too different from reality.

I cut straight to the point, "Have you heard that there is a man named Brother Pao?"

I originally thought that the other party would say, who is Brother Pao?

But the other party said, "I knew you came to me today because of Brother Pao."

"Why do you say that? You don't really know Brother Pao, do you?"

"Of course I don't know who Brother Pao you are talking about, but I have heard of this person. I know that your auction house was destroyed in his hands."

I was taken aback, "How did you know this person, and how did you know that the accident in my auction house was related to this person?"

"It's nothing surprising. You bought someone else's antiques for 1000 million and sold them for 3000 million. You made 2000 million at once. At that time, I felt that this was not right. I even persuaded you, I Tell you to find out the origin of this thing. But you can't listen to it"

"It turns out that I was really surprised that you knew about this. I thought you didn't know. In that case, can you help me find Brother Pao. I thought I was cheated, I was fooled , The other party must have prepared for me in advance, this is a trap. I need help now."

"and then?"

"What do you mean?"

"I can help you. But then, what will you do to me if I can help you with this matter?"

"Do you still remember what happened last time? Let me tell you. In fact, I have long expected that kind of thing to happen."

The other party's face turned red all of a sudden, "You are really... a bit bad."

Next, the other party told me one thing.

It turned out that Brother Pao and the other party were high school classmates.The two had an intersection when they were in high school, and the relationship was good, but they lost contact after they went to college.Later Pao was admitted to the Ninghuang Academy of Archaeology, and after graduation he went to the Shangjing Museum as an antique appraiser.

I have already mentioned what happened later. Brother Pao knew a tomb robber named Zhang Zuzi, and the two had cooperated. Later, when the matter was known by the people above, Brother Pao was fired.

This news was too unexpected for me. I never thought that the other party and Brother Pao were classmates.

I quickly asked, "Where is Brother Pao now? How can I find him?"

"You ask me, how do I know, Brother Pao has disappeared without a trace. He must be afraid that you will find him now, so he has been hiding for a long time."

What the other party said makes sense, and it is true.After the other party took an antique from a tomb robber and deceived me, he must know that I will not let him go.He will definitely settle the score with him, and he will definitely tell the Patrol Bureau.

However, what happened next was a bit of a surprise.

At this moment, Niu Lili's cell phone rang. She glanced at the number displayed on the cell phone and said in surprise, "What a coincidence, it turned out to be Brother Pao."

I hurriedly said: "Hurry up and pick him up, ask him where he is, and be sure to find out his movements. This is too important to me."

The other party answered Brother Pao's call.

The voices of the two people talking are very small, but I can still hear it from my side.The relationship between the two is really extraordinary.

Think about it, brother Pao should know his situation at this time, and know that people from the patrol bureau and I are looking for him.Logically speaking, he shouldn't call casually.

(End of this chapter)

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